
Monday, May 23, 2016

'Piggy in the Mirror' at Hollywood Bowl (05-22-16)

Piggy in the Mirror - Los Angeles, Hollywood Bowl 22-May-2016 from itsaperfectday on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to give Reeves the benefit of a doubt at first but he never seemed to fit in, all the way from the summer festivals in 2012 to the Christmas 2014 shows. Until now, that is. It seems the band has really worked on getting Reeves fully integrated into the Cure's overall sound, and as far as I'm concerned they've done it. To me, they are at long last The Cure again. Well done to them all, and thank you. Of course, now I'm even MORE disappointed at being unable to see a show on this tour, but maybe next time if there is a next time. For future reference, Seattle is about 150 miles west from where you'll be on the 29th. You know, just in case there IS a next time.
