
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

How Revived British Rock Bands Come to Terms With Nostalgia

From Billboard:

On their current tour, The Cure are playing a new song called “It Can Never Be the Same.” It’s about intense romantic longing -- familiar territory for these emotionally forthcoming post-punk legends -- but the title also applies to the challenge facing frontman Robert Smith every time he lipsticks up and hits the stage. As a veteran rock band, how do you recreate the experience of what it was like to see you back in the day, before nostalgia became an engine of your appeal?

It’s a question facing two other era-defining British groups now back in action: The Stone Roses and Radiohead. All three acts are in unique positions -- now that they’re years beyond their most beloved work, each act is tasked with somehow approximating the spark that once made them so pivotal.

The Cure have a great strategy for this. Since launching the North American leg of their global trek on May 10, they’ve injected their sets with more than 70 different songs. In addition to “It Can Never Be the Same” and another new one titled “Step Into the Light,” the group has kept fans guessing with songs from throughout its 37-year career. These include spiky early cuts like “Primary,” seldom-heard gloomy sparklers from 1987’s Disintegration (“Closedown,” “Last Dance”), and even a bunch of tunes from their better-than-you-remember recent albums The Cure (2004) and 4:13 Dream (2008). “Screw,” a fuzzy, funky favorite from 1985’s The Head on the Door, is back in the fold for the first time in 30 years.

It can’t possibly be the same as seeing The Cure on their 1982 Pornography tour -- when they were a dark, dagger-sharp goth-rock trio -- or even catching them in 2000. But this latest go-round is a chance to party with every iteration of the iconic band at once -- with a lineup that’s game for doing four encores a night. People who live and die by Smith’s music aren’t looking for a greatest-hits show, and they needn’t worry about getting one.


  1. I'm not so sure about the comment of not being what they were previously; from what it seems, the band is more fiery live than it appears they have been the last few go arounds; I won't see myself (other than vids till Chicago, anyone else have thoughts ; )

    1. I agree. The Cure's live shows never disappoint and I feel so lucky to be able to attend a show in Saint Paul on June 07. I just moved here last October and now they are coming here for the first time in 20 years. Almost seems like Providence, doesn't it? Their music never gets stale for me and The Cure live is sheer bliss. If I could see the Cure play live every day for the rest of my life, I would. That is how much I love their music and their live shows. The only part of this opinion piece I agree with is the last sentence -- it's true that I am not looking for a greatest hits show. Love the hits, but I love the deeper cuts even more.

    2. I agree. The Cure's live shows never disappoint and I feel so lucky to be able to attend a show in Saint Paul on June 07. I just moved here last October and now they are coming here for the first time in 20 years. Almost seems like Providence, doesn't it? Their music never gets stale for me and The Cure live is sheer bliss. If I could see the Cure play live every day for the rest of my life, I would. That is how much I love their music and their live shows. The only part of this opinion piece I agree with is the last sentence -- it's true that I am not looking for a greatest hits show. Love the hits, but I love the deeper cuts even more.

  2. I think they're AMAZING! I enjoy every concert as if it were my first. Robert's voice is as beautiful as ever and being able to watch him in person is just makes me soo happy!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 1987's Disintegration?? for shame, Billboard!

  5. They sound amazing, and the energy has been amazing. In Dallas, a gentleman near me was amazed that they can play and maintain the energy for three hours, and a lady in front of me said it was the best concert ever - even though she didn't get Friday I'm in Love.

  6. Actually... seeing them in 2016 is about the same as seeing them in 2000.

    1. Try 1980 (yes, 1980!) when I first saw them. I've never missed a tour since and have watched and listened as they evolved as musicians and as a band. Love 'em to bits!

  7. The 2.shows I was at, I absolutely loved. They are fantastic!I can't wait for Chicago!
