
Thursday, May 26, 2016

Lol writing a new Cure book

Update (May 26th, 2016): Waterstones in the UK have signed copies of Lol's book up for pre-ordering. (Thanks Colm)

Update (April 2nd, 2016): Here's an early draft version (yes, there's a misspelling) of the UK cover for the book. Looks like it's being published by Quercus.
(Thanks Cure Press Cuttings & Ben)

Amazon has a listing for Cured: Memoir of Two Imaginary Boys by Lol Tolhurst, with a release date of Oct. 11th, 2016. Don't know if this is confirmed yet, as there's been no mention of it from Lol. (Thanks Marina at thecurecomunidadargentina)

Update: Just heard from Lol, he confirms that it's true!

Update (01/19/16): And now Amazon UK has it listed, with the title of Cured: The Friendship of Two Imaginary Boys, and a release date of Sep. 22nd, 2016. Also has this description:

Coming of age in Thatcher's Britain in the late 70s and early 80s was really tough, especially if you lived in Crawley. But against the grinding austerity, social unrest and suburban boredom, the spark of rebellion that was punk set alight three young men who would become one of the most revered and successful bands of their generation. The Cure.

Cured is a memoir by Lol Tolhurst, one of the founding imaginary boys, who met Robert Smith when they were six. Lol threads the genesis of The Cure through his schoolboy years with Smith, the iconic leader of the group, and the band's most successful era in the 1980s. He takes us up to the present day, a riveting forty years since the band's inception.

The band's journey to worldwide success is woven into a story not only of great highs and lows but also of love, friendship, pain, forgiveness and, ultimately, redemption on a beach in Hawaii.

Cured highlights those parts of the creative journey that are not normally revealed to fans, incorporating many first-hand recollections around Lol's personal odyssey. From suburban London to the Mojave desert, Cured brings an acute eye for the times to bear on a lifelong friendship, with tales of addiction and despair along the way.

Cured is the story of a timeless band and a life truly lived.

(Thanks @MarszalekMartin)


  1. That is nice news.

    I've always thought Lol looks to be a decent bloke. In 1992 Perry remarked to someone I know that Lol was really okay, just that things had gone a bit wrong. Perry is one of the nicest on the planet, so his word counts.

    So things previously have been a bit one sided, aka RS sided, and I've oft pondered that the planned follow up to 10IY was respect at not wanting to open old wounds after the bridges were rebuilt.

    So it will be nice to read the story from the start from Lol's POV. Looking forward to it for Christmas already.

  2. Meant to say: "and I've oft pondered that the planned follow up to 10IY was ABANDONED OUT OF respect at not wanting to open old wounds after the bridges were rebuilt"...

  3. Maybe he'll reveal why we are still waiting for the Wish remaster.

    1. He wasnt in the band anymore when wish was released so i really dont think he has any info on that.

    2. Yep, I know that. I was just venting my frustration about all kinds of 'superfluous' stuff being released, but not the much-desired remasters or a new album.

      Maybe he could, as stated below, shed some light on the Sydney DVD.

  4. I hope that this book doesn't make Robert throw Lol off of the Christmas card list, again...

    Maybe we can find out why the Sydney Reflection DVD never materialized...

  5. Hopefully Lol will write a long long book and explain why in my opinion he is the best drummer the cure ever had. Again my opinion and before you judge me listen to the albums he drummed on and tell me they apart from disintegration are not the best Cure albums. By the way I met him in Chicago 2008 and he is a really really nice guy. Can't wait to read it hopefully there are lots of cool pix.

  6. Hopefully Lol will write a long long book and explain why in my opinion he is the best drummer the cure ever had. Again my opinion and before you judge me listen to the albums he drummed on and tell me they apart from disintegration are not the best Cure albums. By the way I met him in Chicago 2008 and he is a really really nice guy. Can't wait to read it hopefully there are lots of cool pix.

    1. He was the most singular and original they had surely. A solid drummer, as one hears on all the Cure audience recordings of the early 1980s. Like Moe Tucker, he was inventive, and a great composer.

    2. Yes the live shows especially faith and pornography are the high water mark for the cure in my opinion. Have a lot of those but always looking for more.

    3. Yes the live shows especially faith and pornography are the high water mark for the cure in my opinion. Have a lot of those but always looking for more.

  7. I would like to read this book. Hopefully he is writing one. I think he seems like a good guy also.I hope there are a lot of good pictures too!

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  9. Thanks for keeping us posted Craig! I just preordered the book from Amazon.

  10. Really good news, preorder ed. I read "never enough" and wish there were more biographies on the band, they always seem fascinating.

  11. I look forward to this. Lol has always come across as a class act, who is thankful for us fans, and thankful for his time in the Cure. I don't think he'd write anything salacious about the band. He seems pretty reverent toward the Cure. Don't forget, he posted a defense to the crap Apollo review last year. He didn't have to do that. He didn't play the show, he's not currently in the group, but the Cure are still important enough to him to speak up.

  12. If Lol's reading this: I bet there's plenty of us fans who'd be willing to pay extra for a signed copy (please please please please please)

  13. Looking forward to it. And to him rejoining the band as (second?) keyboardist/second percussionist.

  14. Is it cruel of us to dance around our Lost Wishes cassettes while everyone waits?

    I really appreciate the work Robert has done on the remasters, but I grew up with everything mastered at -12dB, and today's music levels hurt my delicate ears, especially when the engineers go crazy above 16KHz.

  15. It seems we people can't let a single thread go with a tenuous, off topic cry of 'where's my stuff? You owe us this stuff, RS', meaning remasters, live DVDs and other things.
    People think it's as easy as clicking your fingers and for a packaged, distributed cd or DVD just magics its way into human consciousness. Or that Robert in his guise as Cure figurehead/master/generalissimo is gonna finance all these things himself. We are far more likely to see these things materialise in a year when the cure are actively touring or making new music. So people need to be patient.
    Secondly, this is notning to do with Lol and this is a thread about the book he's writing. We should talk about that and be excited - this is the first (semi?) official writings of a founding Cure member, and it'll be a great chance to read about the early days of the band. Can't we be excited for that instead of going over the same ground and being ungrateful for you not to have been able to buy this?

    1. So true a bunch of spoiled 12 year olds complaining about candy...

    2. While I don't disagree with what you said, I think it is completely absurd to use the phrase "people need to be patient" when it comes to The Cure. If there's one thing Cure fans have been plenty, it's patient. On a great many things. So get off your soapbox and let people vent if they want.

    3. We all know as well that Robert Smith talks out of his ass and has for 30 years making up stories about this or that...! We love him but it's true there is no reflection DVD coming out there is no 4-14 scream coming out.. Give me a break it's not happening people

    4. I think it would be a pretty bad idea to bring the second part of that album out seven years later!... Also the lineup is completely different. It would make no sense

    5. Still waiting on that solo album from 1988 to... Get my point

    6. It depends how the album is released. One could say the release of Music For Dreams was a bad idea because that band was far gone, but it was quietly leaked and now we can enjoy it instead of imagining what could have been. After hearing these two new songs that are likely songs from the second half of the 2008 Double Album, then I do hope they release it because just like A Boy I Never Knew, ICNBTS is just too good not to see the light of day.

    7. True... That's a good point because that line up is long gone. And from the sounds of this 2016 I would say this line up in 2016 sounds better than 2008 line up.. That said sure release it explanation point but don't release it under than this lineup. I think this lineup is capable of making something that could possibly be better! They sound whole for the first time in years.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Cool. I'll definitely be buying this. It should make up for the promised 10 Imaginary Years follow up, which surprise, surprise, never materialised.
    I wonder why it is being listed by Amazon now when it is not going to be issued for another 9 months ?

  17. Looks to be an eye-opening read. It will be interesting to see how much personal information Lol will be divulging about the band. I wonder if this will be made available as a Kindle edition. On a side note, was surprised to read in the description that Lol currently resides in my local area. I thought it was odd there was mention of Lol at a bar in DTLA in the previous post but now it makes sense. Back in 2008 I vaguely remember reading somewhere that he'd relocated to the LA area but assumed it was temporary. I wonder if he'll pop up at one of the HB shows in May (in the audience, not on stage...though anything can happen!)

  18. I am looking forward to this book. It's always fun to get other perspectives of known events even given how dodgy memory can be. I have a bio called 'Faith' that is interesting, and I loved reading Roger's recollections of recording Disintegration.

  19. I'm easily going to pass on seeing the Cure this year but I will gladly spend the money and time to read what Lol Tolhurst has to say. Looking forward to it!

  20. Sounds promising. Will be a njce birthday present (23rd of sept!). Bill

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Sounds promising. Will be a nice birthday present (23rd of sept!). Bill

  23. Sounds promising. Will be a nice birthday present (23rd of sept!). Bill

  24. I can't wait till this comes out! I will buy it the first day it comes out! It comes out the week of my birthday! It's good to see Lol and Robert make their peace after all these years.

  25. Since Lol went to all 3 LA shows this week... I would say he is on good terms with RS. I mean, you don't go to your ex-wife's wedding unless you are friends and have buried the hatchets lol...

    Seeing Lol play with RS and Simon at the Reflections show was really amazing, probably the closest thing to seeing The Cure pre-1983 live... really felt like "The Cure" to me...

    It still does, but people from the classic period like Lol, Porl, etc... I don't know it just feels different when I see them on stage versus Reeves, Jason, etc...

    1. So true... It was amazing to see Lol on the reflections tour. As Well as pearl in 2008... Unfortunately I don't think will ever see Boris on stage again. One reason being I don't think he has interest. Second I don't think Smith would allow it because of the years of debacle over drummers. I think he would look at it as disrespectful to Cooper.

    2. Although at the same time Smith has fired very talented members and they have come back so you never know...

    3. In this tour the new acrylic DW kit of Jason is sounding better and has more presence. The snare drums is still in debt but it's better than before.
      Still he looks stiff and in a big pressure hearing the metronome, that he forgets to really play the drums and add those little extra things drummers play when they feel comfortable. The thing is that Jason has many cues that alert him when the song is about to end, or when an important part of the song is coming so he kinda wakes up of the metronomic sequence he hears during the song. So maybe by now the metronome/sequence is VERY important to him.

    4. I tell ya, if there's one thing you could absolutely tell at the Reflections shows, it was that Lol was having a ball. The joy literally beamed out from him on stage.

    5. @RichH : these are not DW but Natal Drums.

    6. Whatever drum kit Jason is using this year it's better than what he's been using for the last 15 that's for sure!He sounds good... we could critique Jason till the cows come home but the bottom line is he sounds a lot better on this tour than he has for many many many years

  26. Boris and Jason were both playing on Greastest Hits

    1. Boris did a wonderful job playing percussion sounds there. If only he'd played drums too...

  27. Waterstones website not working .
    Long live the clock

  28. of waterstone freaking won't allow add process my pre-order order to go through either "kick rocks Waterstone!" shoots dang it all now where is my waterbong !
