
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The 25 Best Rock Acts with Unique Setlists

From CoS:

The Cure can play for a very long time. (Just ask our contributing photographer Debi Del Grande, a diehard fan who’ll tell you the number of hours she’s dedicated to Robert Smith and co.) That’s a good thing, though, because their rich, expansive, and wildly diverse catalog demands such extended play. Each night, you’ll hear juicy bits and pieces from the band’s most celebrated works — so, Disintegration, Boys Don’t Cry, Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me, Wish, et al. — and a medley of B-sides or neck-high deep cuts that will floor you.

On average, Smith will juggle something like 67 tracks each tour, which is understandable considering they’re known to knock out 45-song setlists on special occasions. They also tend to capitalize on particular albums for each jaunt; for example, last year’s tour was heavy on The Top and Disintegration, both 2012 and 2013 focused on Disintegration and Wish, while 2011 was dedicated to Three Imaginary Boys and Seventeen Seconds. All in all, they’re the type of band whose old setlists you hate looking at for fear of seeing something you missed. Hell, I’m still kicking myself for missing their performance of “Burn” at 2013’s Voodoo Experience. Days after Halloween, no less. Blargh. –Michael Roffman