
Friday, July 24, 2015

Cinematic Pop covers 'Friday I'm in Love'

Yes, it's yet another Friday cover, but this one's different, and I think it's wonderful! (Thanks Ben)


  1. The song sounded great like that...
    That being said, her voice didn't really work for me.
    I think it would have worked better (for me, anyway) with a voice/vocal style of someone like Lana Del Ray, or someone who didn't sound "tiny/mousey"...

    My humble opinion, of course, and of course to each his/her own...

    I also thought it was going to be instrumental, with Cinematic in their name, and it did have a cinematic flare, musically, would love to hear an instrumental version of it...

    1. Totally agree. I liked the arrangement, but she sounds like a Disney princess to me. I would have preferred an instrumental version.

  2. To me, this is too nicey and sugary and would suit a Walt Disney princess movie... simply too much. The simplicity of the Yo La Tengo in contrast sound so delicate...

  3. Thanks so much for posting this and to others for their feedback. I am one of the producers on the project and really find it important to listen to all thoughts about our project. Thanks!

    1. can you do a cover of "Trust" w full orchestra? but with a different vocalist?

    2. That would be beyond awesome...

    3. Prayer for Rain. A Strange Day.

  4. I think that's really nice that Davis comes by to read about our thoughts on the project, it shows he cares about original fans opinions.
    Although not my personnal cup of tea, there is a need to suit everybody's different taste in music, so good luck with your project.

  5. I couldn't listen to it all the way through. As soon as the vocals kicked in my heart sank a little bit. The fantastic musical arrangement and imaginative interpretation of the material is ruined by the Walt Disney, Hannah Montana-lite vocalist.

    Such a shame it couldn't have remained an instrumental, it would have been one of the best (and certainly the classiest) cover of a Cure song ever.

    Next time, try Lullaby (or better yet, Plainsong!!), but leave the cast of Frozen out of it.

  6. That was all very nice until the ex-stage school brat opened their gob and ruined it.

  7. I thought it was very well scored and arranged. Yes, the pop princess was very different to the usual vocals associated with Cure covers but refreshingly upbeat. She needs to work on the pronunciation of Tuesday though. Not how we Brits say it. Anyone got her phone number?

  8. Ah nice, the Forrest Gump version :-)

  9. loved the music arrangement. didn't mind the pop princess vocals. It was upbeat,and thought they did some nice things in areas with the vocals, different from the usual friday covers i wince at when i am out and about
