
Monday, August 3, 2015

Robert working with Eat Static

Update (08/03/15): The band's Facebook has been updated with the news. 

Update (07/27/15): Full track posted on BandCamp. Album now available to download. 

Update (06/28/15): A short sample of 'In All Worlds'.
(Thanks thecure-collector)

On April 1st, the Eat Static Facebook posted the following news update, which I ignored due to it being April Fools Day, and no other confirmation from any other source:

"A SUPER SPECIAL NEWS FLASH FOLKS!! ROBERT SMITH (THE CURE) HAS COLLABORATED WITH EAT STATIC FOR A TRACK ON THE NEW ALBUM!!! Many of you have been asking about the release date/album delay and I told ya something special might happen..well,after many years of attempting to make this a reality,i can reveal that the stars were finally aligned and Robert is singing and playing 6 string bass on a brand new Static tune- ''In All Worlds...'' He has been a long time fan of Static and I have loved the Cure since 1981 so this happening is a BIG deal for me...and he's done an AMAZING job! We're now full steam ahead on getting the album done and dusted so I hope to have it out around the end of May! It'll be worth the wait i hope! BOOOOOOM!!"

But now a new update from June 22nd  seems to indicate that it's true:

"Finally have some updated news for you regarding the new release..i know i said originally it would be a solstice release but technical difficulties made it impossible to hit that date.. All has been resolved now and the big wheels are in motion and i can give you the FINAL official release date - 31st JULY..As promised,I'll be setting up pre-orders as of next week so those who want the first batch can get in quick...  massive apologies for the delays but the chance to have and to make happen,the collab with Robert Smith just had to be,as it was a once in a lifetime magical opportunity!"

Thanks Michele (fmjews), and sorry for not posting it back in April, but had to wait and make sure it wasn't a joke.


  1. Should I bother commenting about how it would be nice for Robert to collaborate on new Cure album?

    1. Thank you! I thought the same...

    2. Get the band in a room and play and howl until it's done. They can do it, they are the best. Simples.

  2. Maybe Robert will just go Steven Tyler...and then release a solo record.

  3. Well these collaborations sure are exciting...

  4. It's very frustrating now how there is no real 'cure' news. I enjoy the live shows but Robert seems creatively bankrupt, which is a shame. He's got a great bunch of musicians in the band, and I'm sure a new album would sound great if only he got around to writing it.

    1. Look at it this way: At least the break is giving everyone else in the band time for other pursuits. Reeves is going on tour, Roger has released new material and will be playing out, and Simon just participated in another charity bike ride.

  5. It's very frustrating now how there is no real 'cure' news. I enjoy the live shows but Robert seems creatively bankrupt, which is a shame. He's got a great bunch of musicians in the band, and I'm sure a new album would sound great if only he got around to writing it.

  6. I believe he's taking a break , but I don't like to rule anything out! I believe The Cure will come back. They're such a talented group. Even if they don't, I still love listening to their music!

    1. Agree! And next year is their 40th anniversary so... you never know!

    2. Agree! And next year is their 40th anniversary so... you never know!

  7. Eat static? I can't think how he can plumb further depths.


    A short sample of the track

    1. Thank you! So far this sounds much better than I had imagined it would.

  9. I prefer it to "... Girl in a corner"

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  12. In case you are wondering, posting an image of a hand flicking you off makes you a cooler band. Just saying.

    1. I laughed a lot when I found my big soundcloud image on the top of this site :-D

      Should I change it?

  13. It's more exciting than some stuff on 4:13 Dream and better than almost anything on the selftitled one, so why complaining?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Just imagine the album has already done with other guitarist PEARL! Better, I think!

  14. Plain and simple...I like it and I'm excited to hear the full version. Sure, I want a new The Cure record, but Robert has put out some really good stuff in the last few years. Just happy that he is still making music. More of The Cure will come.///the floodgates will open at some point.

  15. Weird thing to post, but does anyone know the connection from a person called Bunny Lake to Robert? I was looking on Discogs for the new 7 inch of the Twilght Sad cover and it appears that someone named Bunny Lake was a producer or assistant on the song (probably taken from the cover):

    If you click that persons name, it shows all the other songs that Bunny Lake has been credited to and it appears that a lot of Robert's solo material and/or collaborations are related to this person.

    Just interesting is all...

    1. Bunny Lake was a fictional character in a movie called Bunny Lake is Missing. Robert uses the film's child icon/artwork on his guitar too.


    If you click around the songs, it appears that this person is part of Robert's team for vocal recordings on his collaborations. No big deal....just interesting.

    1. Bunny Lake is an Austrian Electro-Pop group.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I don't think that Bunny Lake is actually a real person but could be taken from the novel 'Bunny Lake is Missing', Robert has the same white silhouettes on one of his guitars as on the cover of the book. Just a theory...

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. It's just a persona Robert uses for self produced stuff such as his vocals in collaborations.

  17. Everyone gets so angry about Robert not working on another Cure album or that he is somehow "creatively bankrupt." Robert is out there. He IS creating! He's doing what he wants to do. Why shouldn't he? He doesn't owe us Cure fans anything imho. He's being artistic in a way he sees fit. Seems simple to me.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I'm not angry about it, I just find it a bit of a shame really. Its been 7 years now since the last Cure album and 4 years since a release of any kind. The Cure are currently effectively dead as a creative force. There is no news at all and I think we should all come to terms with the fact that they may never release another album. The don't have a record label and this will probably be another year with no live tour dates, all of which suggests that an album is at least 18 months away, if it comes out at all.

    Oh and majority of his recent output does not contradict my point about his creativity. He's mostly released cover songs or remix tracks with bands where he's pretty much just lend his voice to the track.
    Then there is the fact that large chunks of 4:13 Dream was made up of old-cuts of forgotten songs and the whole apparent 'writers block' he had at the time. Of course, there is nothing wrong with putting together old songs, producing cover songs and collaborating with other artists by it doesn't suggest that Robert is at his most creative.

    I've never particularly enjoyed his solo/collaboration work whether it is with The Glove or the more recent outputs. At the end of the day, I'm a Cure fan not a Robert Smith fan.

    1. i think phrasing as creatively bankrupt, is such hyperbole. i mean 35+ years of music, videos, album covers, t-shirts, tours, tour projections, programmes, billboards, box sets isn't enough creative output for you?

  19. I think a solo album of Robert Smith will be released soon...
    Maybe in 2024 :)

  20. The positive (?) thing about all these collaborations is that fans of these bands may then check out The Cure. I'm sure that's a major factor in Roberts thinking. I only really have enjoyed 20-30% of the songs to be honest.

  21. I like hearing Robert's voice, but it's not really much of a song.

  22. There's enough emotion/vulnerability in his voice to keep this interesting, thumbs up from me!

  23. I think it's cool that Robert is collaborating with these kinds of bands. It's probably super fun for him. Not to mention how amazing it is for these bands. Some Robert Smith rubbing off on these folks won't be bad at all for the future of music.

  24. I'm new to this blog & I have to say that this is really cool! Thank you to whoever made this. Thought I'd never find one THIS good :)

  25. Well, I wish Robert Smith paid more attention to The Cure than other people's music which, by the way, he entirely fails in. His covers are just terrible.

  26. Sounds intended for a scene cut from an Underworld movie. The music seems influenced more from DM that The Cure. Maybe I haven't had enough coffee yet...

  27. I dislike most of Roberts new collabs, he´s a much better rocker than he is a dj or electronic singer. I think he would be better off doing collaborations with some indie rock bands if he really wants to help out, there are some really great ones. Plus, he is more creative in that rock scene, this sounds exactly like all the other electro-pop collabs he has done before (except not in love). Yeah yeah,i know.. he just covered TTS but he effed up on that one in my opinion, it´s full of synths and completely takes away the essence of the song :(

    I know it´s all about taste and to each his/her own and they are all equally valid, it´s just my own taste just doesn´t like this direction Robert took.

  28. Any idea if there is a way to purchase this on vinyl?

  29. In my top 3 collaborations along with A Perfect Blue Sky (Junkie XL) and Come To Me (65Daysofstatic)...Love it.

  30. Sounds like a bad remix. No music/vocal marriage for me...

  31. Something to keep in mind (perhaps) doing guest spots like this may ignite the creative fires that could end up befitting The Cure; and hasn't anyone else wondered why Reeves made it out to see Rogers show, just before getting busy with his own mini-tour? Airfares from the Midwest to England aren't cheap, especially just for a couple of days. Could be nothing other than support however ; )

  32. This would be an excellent track for the new X-Files show.

  33. Where,s the new mixed up album which was talked about...

    1. A lie made up in the spot by Robert for his own amusement. No one in their right mind would release a remix album in this music climate and they certainly wouldn't make any money out of it!

  34. I like it, but then I'm always glad to hear his music. He does have a way of letting us know he's still around and making music. He hasn't just dropped out of sight!

  35. I find Roberts collaborations a lot more interesting than all the stuff since mood swings. Someone like Robert with such a rich back catalogue and song writing ability should really be pushing the boundaries more. But he does what he wants and he doesn't care what we think so I don't know why I'm typing this.

  36. Can anyone link me to the Lyrics? I, erm, need it for a friend.
    Just kidding, I love this song.
    I do find it odd that its only been broadcasted on The Cure Google + and isn't mentioned on either The Cure Facebook or the official The Cure website. So, is Robert Smith OK with this song?

    Seriously though, someone hit me up with the lyrics. Thanks bunches.

  37. You, Me, This..
    We want it to be as it was..
    We dream it's how it will be..
    But then longing for nothing and never..
    I forget you.... Forget me..

    We want it to be as it was..
    We dream it's how it will be..
    But then longing for nothing and never..
    I loose you....Loose me...

    In all Worlds yesterday is nothing at all..
    Tomorrow never is...
    There's only now..
    You, Me, This..

    In all Worlds yesterday is nothing at all..
    Tomorrow never is..
    There's really only now..
    You, me, this..(x2)

    We want it to be as it was..
    We dream it is how it will be...
    Then longing for nothing and never..
    I forget you.... Forget me..

    We want it to be as it was..
    We dream it is how it will be...
    Then longing for nothing and never..
    I loose you... Loose me..

    I wish..
    You wish..
    We wish..

    I wish you were here...
    You wish i was there...
    We wish it was now..
    We wish it was now..

    I wish you were here..
    You wish i was there..
    We wish it was now..

    I wish you were here...
    You wish i was there...
    We wish it was now...

    I wish you were here...
    You wish i was there...
    We wish it was now...

    I wish you were here..
    You wish i was there..
    We wish it was now..

    In all Worlds yesterday is nothing at all..
    Tomorrow never is..
    There's only now..
    You, Me, This..

    In all Worlds yesterday is nothing at all..
    Tomorrow never is..
    There's really only now..
    You, Me, This..(x4)

  38. My take on the lyrics, feel free to correct!

  39. This track surprised me positively . It is better than the last Cure singles (except for "Sleep when i 'm dead") . Brilliant 6 string bass played by the man!
