
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Isaac Brock says The Cure have lost something

Isaac Brock from Modest Mouse talking to WSJ Speakeasy:

You guys have been a major label band for longer than you were an indie band at this point.

Look, I’m a huge Cure fan. I love the Cure. The scales being tipped to when they weren’t on a major label compared to when they were seems pretty meaningless. I had the good fortune of having them go before me and seeing their careers, musically at least, lose something. Like a novel written by a dead hand. There’s nothing quite there but it’s sort of still there. Which is why I’m willing to wait eight years before I put out a record. I just won’t do that to people who like my band. I like Modest Mouse. I’m our biggest fan. And enemy. I won’t waste people’s time by putting out a Modest Mouse record just because. That’s fair, right? Did you get to hear the new record?
(Thanks Sofia)


  1. Actually, I think he's correct.

    1. He's correct about The Cure declining, but that can be said about every band after the lead singer goes past the early 30s. Also, I've never cared for Modest Mouse. The Cure can still make great music, but I don't think the band has put out too many albums. It's something else. Much more fair to pick on U2, but maybe he never liked U2.

  2. The band, as a unique artistic and even commercial entity, died when Boris and Porl left, after the Wish era. As musicians, Robert, Simon, and the others have every right to continue doing what they feel like, but there's nothing wrong with pointing out their LPs have all generally been bad, when compared to their previous work, since Wild Mood Swings.

    As far as Modest Mouse goes, it's not everyone's cup of tea, but they've made some fantastic music over the years.

    1. Totally agree with you... I also feel that the 'magic' was gone when Boris Williams and Porl departed :(

  3. The Cure is, and will forever be, magnificent!

  4. F this guy ! The Cure are great !!! Even if they don't produce anymore albums at all, they've done so many great records, that some guys won't even be able to try to emulate that. And the fact that they could attract crowds with songs made in 1984 still to this day, is also a great proof of how worthy RS's music is. I would prefer not to have a new record at all, because it would mean that RS didn't think he came up with something worthy enough. This is actually what's called integrity, not just "money making". His standards are pretty high. So, trust in the man, please. and Happy St Patrick's day ! :)

    1. You actually restate Isaac Brock's sentiment perfectly, even though you say you disagree with him.

  5. Well, i do agree. After Wish, they released a lot of great songs (bare, the promise, jupiter crash, ocean, lost, scream, underneath, last day of summer, and many others) but not a good record anymore. It's a pitty.

  6. Bloodflowers is a masterpiece. How ca anyone ignore that.

  7. Bloodflowers is a masterpiece. How ca anyone ignore that.

  8. Not a good record ????
    What's wrong with Wild Mood Swings ? (probably even at that time RS had to make compromises with what tracks to leave out of the official release, cos I can't understand why stuff like It Used to Be Me, Ocean, and plenty of others were left out).
    Then Bloodflowers ? Not a good album by your estimate ? Such a complete effort , musically and stylistically...Again with weirdly enough leaving out of the official release stuff like Coming Up, Spilt Milk...Well, then how about The Cure album 2004 - with the heavy metal producer ? Not good enough for you, ha ? Again with B sides so crazy good, even better than some of the songs that made it on the official list....And the 4:13 Dream ...Try to listen to it now, I did again back to back the other day, so amazing,...thousands of things happening there.
    As a musician, I can tell you, that one of the most interesting places where bands evolve as composers and arrangers are not the choruses, not the leading verse parts, but the bridges and segways. Well, I think that the last album is the most mature in that sense. It's so surprising and fresh ...Listen to it again, back to back, give it one more try. It was meant to be listen to in its entirety.

    1. I completely agree with everything you write!

  9. All this WMS, Bloodflowers, The Cure and 4:13 talk...

    Does anyone genuinely believe any of those records are better than at least one of KMKMKM, Disintegration or Wish? I'd love to know.

  10. Cure pre-1996 > Cure post-1996. x104857463839

    There are some good songs, but nothing transcendent. Brock has a point. I still love The Cure. But they lost something.

  11. Bloodflowers is better than Disintegration. My humble opinion.

  12. WMS is way more diverse than Wish. But, hey, it's a matter of personal preferences. The whole point is that there is so much variety. One thing I adore about the Cure, is that RS successfully remains himself, conveys his own stuff in so many various musical ways. One could be the saddest person on Earth and still feel so good it could almost hurt. This hysterical ability to be happy and sad at the same time, without being Bipolar, and not losing your own (stylistic) identity is so amazing. We could be anything we want...this is what I get as message from this music and I like it.

  13. I agree that Bloodflowers is a masterpiece that, unfortunately, is overlooked way too often. The last three albums, though not my favorites, have each had some really great songs. I think in recent years the band has really experimented with new sounds and has created some really interesting stuff. Not all of it was great but neither was every song on the albums that we all treasure (e.g., "Wendy Time" or "Fight"). No, I don't think any of the last three albums are masterpieces, but they certainly were not written by a "dead hand". If anything the band's ability and willingness to experiment at this stage show they are are anything but dead. Also, I like Modest Mouse, but their new album is nothing ground breaking.

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  15. I agree. Thank You! I love all their music!!

  16. "brock has a point" ... brock's an idiot.
    OK, well ross rbsn stuff = pure crap

    Porl/Pearl's a train-wreck nobody could'a stopped... a very gifted train wreck, drowning in self-destructive behavior

  17. I still love hearing this one interview, where Robert is asked, what of the fans that think you've sold out with this album? (Head on the Door!) What a joke, you can't make everyone happy with every release. Those fans that pissed off after HotD sure missed a lot of good music... don'tcha think???

  18. Replies
    1. Ditto. I want that revised 4:14 Scream album Robert promised last year. It'll be 6 years since the last album this late summer!

    2. Hard to believe, but it will be 7 years in Oct. 4:13 was released Oct. 2008.

    3. Arrrrrgggghhhh - thanks for that Craig!

  19. Well...Brock has a point, but he really should of chosen another band to compare his to.... because for one thing, The Cure will forever be viewed as "the better band" that made a longer impression long after Modest Mouse are gone.

    As yourself this question, if you were on a deserted island and you could only listen to The Cure or Modest Mouse, which would you chose.

  20. The Cure! And you know why ? Like I said before. It triggers much wider range of emotions response, Good for a rainy day on that desert island :), good for a profound depression and gloom of solitude, but also good for the hopeful, hopping mood of cheerfulness, when you can realize you might be saved, or you might just have good times on the freaking island...All these are valid and somehow believable...through The Cure music. Oh, well, enough said. Thanks guys, I won't be "spamming" anymore, have a great day ...Oh, and don't forget to fall in Love on Friday :)))

  21. Christ some Curefans really can't accept an opinion, can't they? the guy has even been called an idiot in the comments here, and now they're trashing his band. and he said he loves The Cure! he just feels they lost something. it's just an opinion. not everybody has to love everything the Cure have released. i think you cn live with that. i personally agree that after Wish they did albums wich are pleasant, but that never blew my mind like they used to. and seems like the rest of the world (and actually also A LOT of Curefans) agree with this. i've been waiting since the early 90s for the Cure to release a record that i can really, completely adore, and i've lost more and more hope over the years. i will always love them and i will always go to their concerts (wich are always amazing) but as far as new records go, it's not the same. i just don't get it, to me Robert Smith was the best of his generation (and what a generation!) and the Cure were the biggest alternative band in the world, and one of the most respected too. how he had everything slip away like this is beyond me. still, i hope he still has an amazing album inside him. at least go the fuck on with the archival stuff!

    1. I'm sure the long awaited great album since Wish, will be with Boris in the drumchair. Nowadays the bass & drum interaction is suffering a lot... also Boris will play long mechanical drum parts that will give 'air' to the song and will give the other guys space to do their thing. Let's pray.

  22. "He's correct about The Cure declining, but that can be said about every band after the lead singer goes past the early 30s." Well said Muldfeld. I feel your post was the most succinct of all. I would add that, in general terms, has there been any music in any decade that has truly rivaled the diversity and sound innovation of the 1980s? It's not just the Cure. It's every band that sprung out of the 80s or late 70s (who had their greatest success in the 80s). Yes, the Cure have lost something... They lost the decade that launched their careers into something magnificent; the decade we all wanted to last forever (at least I did). I would practically give up an arm to see music return to an overall 1980s-type sound or, hey here is a concept, how about something different than the 80s-sound by equally glorious? I believe it could happen, but so far, we just haven't seen that kind of creative explosion of sound like the 80s. I believe U2, the Pixies, New Order, etc etc etc all had better music in the 80s.

    Hey, love this topic and this thread. Some truly great comments and opinions here. I have enjoyed reading all of them :-) Happy St Patrick's Day one and all.

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  24. seeing that he is commenting on the Cure, being a huge Cure fan, then yes - you know, he would have enough knowledge of the Cure's career to state something like that. However, to even think that as a member of Modest Mouse, their music and catalogue are even remotely on par with what the Cure have released? That's the kind of lunacy experienced in a fever dream.

    1. The only people making that comparison though are on this board... not Isaac Brock.

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    3. when he states, "thats why im willing to wait 8 years btwn albums....etc," is a direct comparison btwn MM and The Cure.

    4. Really? I think you're projecting. I read that line as a direct comparison to the actual fact that it has been 8 years since his last MM album and nothing more. Because it does indeed say nothing else.

  25. brock to reason! It lacks some things with The Cure! It lacks a member in the group! Pearl is expected to return in the group and end the 2008 album 4:14 sceam !!!

  26. I love Isaac... talk about really smart and profound lyrics, Modest Mouse has executed perfectly. I also love The Cure... a lot. But there are things I don't like... for example v-neck t-shirts. Ugh. Veggies... gross. So whatever, to each their own. To attack someone over opinion and one 1/2 of us agree with is pretty silly.

  27. I love Isaac... talk about really smart and profound lyrics, Modest Mouse has executed perfectly. I also love The Cure... a lot. But there are things I don't like... for example v-neck t-shirts. Ugh. Veggies... gross. So whatever, to each their own. To attack someone over opinion and one 1/2 of us agree with is pretty silly.

    1. ;) agreed.
      i knew this would be a bit of a comment shitstorm, but look- isaac brock is obviously a cure fan and this isn't the first time he's referenced being a cure fan. he has every right to have an opinion about our favorite band. we all do! just because you don't like his music doesn't mean he doesn't have a right to an opinion. i was saying the other day- the cure is frustrating sometimes because you know what they are capable of and when they don't live up to that brilliance, it's disappointing but it has been forever since *add your favorite album here*!

    2. DISINTEGRATION is arguably the Cure's masterwork, but I did rather like the eponymous album...I know I am one of the few, but I think "Before Three," "The End of the World," and others rock. Believe it or not, "The Promise" is one of my favorite Cure songs, sort of like a psychedelic goth rock song. I love it. Now if only Robert would opt to include it in one of their concerts! I agree with Jason Cooper that "Faith" and "The Same Deep Water As You" are great songs, as well as "Cold." I think "The Same Deep Water As You," "Cold," and "Faith" are some of The Cure's very best of the non-catchy deep cuts. But I guess based on popular opinion, 'Wish' may have been the last truly great album by the Cure.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Band puts out new album, gets in some digs at other artists to drudge up some publicity. Moving on.

  29. the church keeps getting better, wouldnt have picked them to do this but there ya go...

  30. I agree with The Church comment above.

    The Cure will forever be my favourite band, however in regards to moving forward, The Church are the band I wish The Cure would be.

    Since largely falling off the public radar, The Church's latter day work (the last 15 years, from Hologram Of Baal onwards) far out strips their early more celebrated catalogue

  31. I personally love most of the Cure's work up to WMS. Having said that, i believe that the band paved the way by successfully doing what most pop bands could not do : being original and successful ...over the course of 2 decades.

    The Cure and Robert can do anything they want and I won't complain. All of them have earned the right. Have they declined? Heck no! I believe they have grown enough to know they can do whatever they want and be pioneers ... As they always have been.

    Whenever I see a recorded live performance from the past 5 years, Robert and the boys are just as incredible as they always have been. I do not see that passion in many other acts touring after 30 years of music.

    Declined in sales? Maybe, but when I look at the hands that are popular and selling... Most of them are gone in two years and for good reason.

    The part that breaks my heart is their choice to limit indoor live shows. That's the only decline that troubles me. But I'm selfish lie that.

  32. I would love Robert to work on magical singles instead of releasing an album of contrived mediocrity. Post-Wish he still has written great singles here and there. Put the special ones together and create an amazing disc.

  33. I agree 100% with Isaac and of course is evident that the last great album is Wish. Period!

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  35. Modest Mouse have been a fantastic band for 20 years now and Isaac has a right to his opinion. He isn't wrong. He's pushing 40 now and has reflected on a lot. Just about the best lyricist and the new album was worth the wait. Best thing they've done since Moon and Antarctica. I only anticipate a new Cure album at this point in hopes that they tour. The Cure, Modest Mouse, and Built To Spill will always be my favorite bands. He loves The Cure, wasn't trashing them.
