
Friday, January 16, 2015

AATT on The Cure & the Christmas shows

Post Punk recently interviewed Simon Jones from And Also The Trees, and he talked a bit about The Cure and the Christmas shows.

Simon: Yes, it was great playing at a really big event like that again and great to see Robert (Smith) and Simon (Gallup) again after all these years. It was an amusing challenge to try and condense 12 albums into a half hour show too. But we love playing live and we feel lucky that with ‘And also the trees’ we get to play a really wide range of venues. We’ve always liked the intimacy of small clubs but it’s nice to be able to play theaters and places like the Hammersmith Apollo too.

As for the tangents in our career and that of The Cure… well I admit it was difficult not to ponder on that once or twice and I suppose the freaky thing is realizing the gulf between their ‘popularity’ and ours. They have six and a half million ‘likes’ on facebook for example and without advertising anywhere can sell out three nights at the Apollo in less than an hour by just announcing it. Impressive. They have written some fine albums and some excellent singles and that once mighty force that was the music industry swept them up and out of sight, almost…. but I don’t reckon that was ever meant to happen to us… it couldn’t have for the simple reason that we’re not much cop at writing singles and Robert is a bit of a genius at it. I never really think about this kind of thing though – I think of them as musicians, like us, like you. When I first started being in the band of course I secretly would have loved to have got on ‘Top of the pops’ and played to stadiums of adoring fans – but I grew out of that quite quickly.

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