
Saturday, September 13, 2014

Chicago Riot Fest is a complete mess

After all of the rain yesterday, the grounds were a muddy mess. Things have not improved today. Needless to say, unless conditions magically improve before tomorrow, leave your good shoes at home. Bring an old pair you can ditch after the show. But don't let the mud ruin your day. Have fun, just be careful.

Photo from @101WKQX

"Some areas have been blocked off, for obvious reasons." - @TribuneKevin
"The phrase of the day is, "This sucks!" - @TribuneKevin
From @BobGendron25: "No sign of any drying agents for grounds. More mud than any Lolla. Riot Fest seems to be courting a lawsuit given condition of mud and potential for broken ankles. This park looks destroyed."


  1. Good conditions for Woodstock reloaded ;-)

    1. The Cure should pull a NIN and come out caked in mud tomorrow night. And then play a super dark & apocalyptic set. :)

    2. Haha...for some reason, I'm having a hard time envisioning Robert smashing the keys off of Roger's keyboard with his Schecter.

    3. But wouldn't it be fantastic? :)

  2. Actually a lot of the mud dried up today. No more puddles. Still, leave the creepers at home and wear a nice pair of boots.

    Craig, when are you getting here, it's time we finally met ; )

  3. I second the drying. It was a lot better today getting around but it won't matter. Bring boots or shoes you don't care about. The stage where the cure play tomorrow is right next to another big stage so lots of mud. It will be awesome though!

  4. Craig, there were more people on the rides today. Also, if you are interested, I have extra drink tickets for you if you want them. Consider it my appreciation for running this site for so long! Email me if you want them :) other wise enjoy the show!!! -Sean
