
Monday, July 28, 2014

New Andy Anderson Interview

Expose Online has a new interview with Andy.


  1. Thanks for posting this Craig. Personally, I would love it if The Cure brought Andy back for the Top set in the promised upcoming Trilogy. Those live shows from 1984 were some of the best and Andy's drumming was just amazing. Andy also mentions working with Jenn Vix right after he spoke about The Glove. Jenn made a fantastic cover of The Glove's Mouth to Mouth. I'm starting to dream....If Robert is reading...Andy for the Top, a few Glove encores with Jenn....all for a Trilogy that will be Just like Heaven!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I was just listening to Concert on my turntable and thought how awesome it would be if Andy could make an appearance at the next Trilogy shows. Lol did in 2011. A few Blue Sunshine and Hyæna tracks may be a stretch but would be an unbelievable experience live. We'll see hopefully sooner than later.

  4. Zero chance they play any Glove tracks

  5. It's really lovely that Andy clearly looks back very fondly on what was basically just a two year period in the massive and massively varied career he's enjoyed so far.
