
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Denver Riot Fest daily lineup

@RiotFest says the daily lineup for Denver's Riot Fest will be revealed tonight, June 18th, at 7pm Mountain time. No mention of them releasing the single day tickets at the same time, but be ready just in case.

Update: While we wait for the official announcement, it looks like the band Clutch posted it early (and then removed it). It says The Cure are playing Saturday, Sept. 20th. Yep, it's official. And single day tickets ARE on sale now! $60 for regular (will go up to $65, then $70), $100 for VIP. They've also added a 2 day pass for $120.


  1. can not wait three months to the cure

  2. Did they ever reveal which band was going to take that final slot to play an album in its entirety?

  3. Yes. But will we get an album before then?
    This is supposed 'down time' season, isn't it?!

  4. Yes, but something tells me that everything will be out in 2015

  5. Is there still any hope of stand-alone shows in other cities between the Riot Fest dates, or have we passed the point of no return? Any idea when it becomes very unlikely that there will be any stand-alone shows? Seems like we might have hear rumors by now....

    1. Still possible. Last year, ACL was announced in May and the solo shows not until August. Can't announce them too early or it will cut into ticket sales for the festival, I guess. Though other bands have announced their solo shows already.

      So don't give up hope yet, they could still happen. But, no, not even hearing any rumors right now.

  6. Craig, any thoughts on when they'll be releasing the info and single day tickets for Chicago and Toronto?

    1. Chicago daily lineup and single day tix should be announced in late July. That was their schedule last year, and they've said to expect the same this year.

      Not sure about Toronto, but would expect that announcement sooner. Maybe early to mid July.
