
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Attend The Cure's BottleRock rehearsal

The contest is now closed. Winners are being notified. As a courtesy to the band, please don't post the location of this event. Thanks!

On May 29th, at an undisclosed location somewhere in California, The Cure will be doing a rehearsal for their BottleRock show. Enter the Live 105 contest and you could be 1 of 7 lucky fans to win a pair of passes to attend the rehearsal, along with a pair of 3 day passes to BottleRock.

Unfortunately, this contest is only open to residents of the Greater SF Bay area. One entry per person. One e-mail address per person. Contest runs from 5/23/14 at 3pm - 5/26/14 at 11:59pm PT. Winners will be randomly drawn on 5/27/14.

Note: It needs to be stressed that this is NOT going to be a "secret show". Meaning not an actual full Cure concert. Think of it as more of soundcheck/rehearsal type of show. There was a bit of a misunderstanding, and Live105 messed up the initial announcement, which lead to the misunderstanding, and hope, of an actual "secret Cure show". Still, this will be very cool to attend. Good luck to everyone who can enter!


  1. Thanks Craig - oh the "secret show" thing had the imagination going wild...

  2. And now I don't to worry about purchasing a last minute ticket from Dallas to San Fran :(

  3. For the 14 people that go, what would be appropriate autograph fodder apart from Galore?

    1. And the Orgasmo soundtrack, of course. ;-) Looking forward to seeing Reeves live. Last time was The Cure's Almost Acoustic Christmas appearance in 1998.

    2. Almost Acoustic was such a great show!

  4. If anyone is selected, I hope we get to know so we can be very envious...or do you think for safety reasons they wouldn't release names?


    1. They must not have drawn yet, I still haven't received my winning notification :|

    2. Oh they've picked the winners. Now I just need to hurry up and find a cheap flight to San Fran. ;)

    3. So winners get a *pair* of passes, right? Where did you want to meet up, Craig? ;D

    4. Christian has a point. Where? :-)

    5. Meet me at the secret spot on Thursday morning. First one to give me the password, gets my spare ticket. :)

    6. Actually, winners would have to go claim their tickets at the radio station on Battery Street between 9 AM and 5 PM and show proof of being a resident of the Bay Area. I'll be happy to provide that. :-)

    7. Oh I've got a fake ID. No problem there. :)

    8. Craig,

      Is the password "the angels have the phonebox"?

    9. Nope. But I'll bet that would work with Simon. :)

  5. Do we know if/when they pick winners - or when they notified you, Craig... :)

    1. They do the drawing some time today. Don't know when the winners get notified. Would think they would post it on their website, but they might want to keep it all private until the rehearsal is over.

    2. Thanks Craig. I guess too much anxiety over the drawing - when you don't know when it is exactly, lol.

  6. Replies
    1. Congratulations to your friend!Taking you?

    2. Glad we know at least one pair is going to a good home!

    3. sucks i have to work, trying to figure how to get out of it...but i have met them before and in intimate settings (Hotel Conrad) not too upset if i cannot go. They are not releasing the names of winner until they send the release forms out.

    4. Was your friend contacted by email/phone/text?

    5. He said some woman called him

    6. Thanks! And I hope it works out and you get to go!

  7. He just said they won't even tell him where the event will be until end of today

    1. Yeah, I think the band wanted the location to remain a secret. I better check and see if they want that posted or not. I don't want to cause them any problems with that.

    2. Okay, just been told not to post the location.

  8. So Craig you're going to Napa? So you don't need me to text in the setlist?

    1. No, all of that above was just joking around. Not going to the rehearsal or BottleRock.

      Emailing you now about the setlist.

  9. hey I just want to point out if anyone is flying in that the San Francisco airport is a good hour and a half from Napa, through the city of SF there's no way to avoid that. A better idea is to use the Oakland airport, which might be slightly less than an hour away. Or even the Sacramento airport, still an hour away but flat and with little traffic...

  10. Can't wait to jump a plane tomorrow to Oakland and get my ass over to Bottlerock. It's been way too long since I've seen The Cure live and tomorrow should be epic! Hope everyone has a great day!
