
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Andy Anderson update

From Jenn Vix on Facebook: "Happy to announce that I've recorded a track with Andy Anderson, who played drums in The Cure, The Glove, and with many other bands and musicians. I'm now mixing this first track, and we have plans to record a second one over the next few weeks. This new music will be on my upcoming EP, scheduled for a late Oct/early November release. Publicity will happen ahead of the release date."

Update (03/15/15): From Jenn Vix - "Here is my new track, 'Eyes Roll Back', featuring Andy Anderson on drums."

Update (06/17/15): 2nd track from Jenn & Andy, 'I Don't Trust You'.


  1. Go, Andy! Go, Andy! Go, Andy! This makes me smile! :)))

  2. Did he actually show up? Can't hear any real drumming

  3. By the way, the reason it took so long to release this, was due to illness. I have another track with Andy on it, and I have plans to release it soon.
