
Monday, March 10, 2014

Robert in Dom Joly's kitchen

Posted by Dom Joly on Facebook: "Robert Smith of The Cure drunk, in my kitchen" (Thanks Pete)

The Guardian has the story behind the photo (from 2001): "For a spoof documentary going out on Channel 4 on December 28, Being Dom Joly, he managed to get Robert Smith to pretend to be his best man. "He was totally into Trigger Happy, which was so cool. We went for a drink afterwards and he was such a nice bloke. I was thinking: 'I can't believe I'm having a drink with Robert Smith, my hero.'

"Then we ended up here which was even more incredible. I had to hide the photos of me looking like him. We were chatting and drinking for hours, and I was thinking, 'This is just too cool.' Then it turned at about four in the morning. I started thinking: 'I wish Robert Smith would leave. I've got to get up in the morning!' "

(Thanks to Ronan for remembering this and finding the article)


  1. Cracked up and agreed with a sentiment on Dom's wall that said, "If Robert were drunk in my house, he wouldn't be in the kitchen!" Meeow!

    1. I'm not a smart man. I had to read that 3 times, then asked myself "then where would he be?"

      oh...I get it now.

    2. "We should have each other with tea, huh... " Robert will always be sexy and beautiful regardless of his age.

    3. Completely agree! In my next life, I want to come back as his guitar....

  2. Didn't he write about this some time ago? That when he first met RS he was like "Hells yeah, RS in my house" and then it got to 4am and he was like" RS won't leave my house and it's 4am". Anyway, I know they are friends but this looks like a 1996-ish photo.

  3. For a spoof documentary going out on Channel 4 on December 28, Being Dom Joly, he managed to get Robert Smith to pretend to be his best man. "He was totally into Trigger Happy, which was so cool. We went for a drink afterwards and he was such a nice bloke. I was thinking: 'I can't believe I'm having a drink with Robert Smith, my hero.'

    "Then we ended up here which was even more incredible. I had to hide the photos of me looking like him. We were chatting and drinking for hours, and I was thinking, 'This is just too cool.' Then it turned at about four in the morning. I started thinking: 'I wish Robert Smith would leave. I've got to get up in the morning!' "

  4. Can't believe I remembered that from a 2001 article ...

    1. Thanks for remembering it and finding that article!

  5. Hee hee .. I'm all chuffed to get a mention on CoF. Ta.

  6. At first I admired Robert for looking better, but if what some people are saying is correct then this picture is at least a decade old.

    1. This is not a recent photo. It's from 2001.

  7. Robert's looking good -- very "Wild Mood Swings" tour era.

    1. Again, this is NOT a current photo. It's Bloodflowers/Trilogy era.

    2. Thanks, Craig. Oh, well. He still looked damn good and has been looking better recently, if I recall -- not that that's the most important thing.

  8. Why is he killing the imaginary rabbit?

    1. Upon further inspection, I would also kill the imaginary rabbit. They are such nuisances when they hook on to you like that ..just trying to do a bit of. Shopping..that's all, seriously.

  9. Something fucked up about these comment ..who else has my sabotage of my
