
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Help from London?

If you're going to the Royal Albert Hall shows and wouldn't mind helping me with the live coverage, please let me know. Mainly looking for someone to provide the live setlist updates and photos of the merchandise, but anything you want to contribute will be welcomed. If possible, Olivier will be providing updates at It's A Perfect Day, but we can always use backup. We can do it via email, Twitter, Spacebook, text, WhatsApp, whatever works best for you. Have safe travels to London, and a fantastic time at the shows!


  1. I can provide some stuff, for sure.Whatsapp or Telegram would be best....Do you want updates for other blog tonight? Seeing you know who!!:)

    1. Oh I don't know Telegram. Is it better than WhatsApp? Which would be better for you?

      Interpol haven't really changed their sets up very much, so I guess I don't need live updates. Obviously if they play something rare or different, I'd love to know. :)

      Thank you for the help!

    2. And have a great time at Interpol tonight! Really been enjoying what I've heard from the recent shows.

  2. It depends, sometimes Telegram is really fast, and sometimes not...i'll do whatsapp.Been keeping away for all Interpol setlists and new songs till tonight, so don't say anymore!!

    1. Not another word from me!

      Okay, I'll get WhatsApp a little later today.

  3. Will try to help you with setlists Craig.

  4. I'll be - follow me on twitter on Saturday - @stenweb
