
Monday, February 24, 2014

Tim Pope says "No news on The Cure"

If you were hoping for an imminent DVD/Blu-ray release of 'In Orange' and/or the LatAm tour film, Tim Pope has some bad news for you in his latest update: "No news on The Cure, I'm afraid."


  1. Given the official news that DVDs will be coming out this year, does that then mean it's stuff that doesn't require Tim Pope's input -- perhaps stuff that's been ready for a while for release?

    1. Yeah, the 2 DVDs Robert has mentioned lately are the Paris 2008 4Tour show, possibly paired with a SummerCure 2012 show. If anything is coming out with 4:14, my money would be on one or both of those.

  2. as long as it's not Show... or another video compilation...

    1. I'll take "Show". I didn't even know it had ever been a video release until a few years ago. Seriously!

    2. Wow, Muldfeld, I still remember the advertisements for it at Media Play and have owned a copy since about 1994. :)

    3. I've owned a copy of the "Show" CD since 1995 but had no idea the pictures in the booklet were stills from the film, Shawn. Kinda funny, huh? What's Media Play? Never getting any Cure news until I found this site around 2000 or so is one of the reasons I'm so grateful to Craig.

    4. I even saw the theatrical release of show! (missing the encores, perhaps some other tracks in the middle)

    5. Media Play was an "all under one roof" media store chain - one section for video games, one section for videos, one section for music, and another for books and magazines. I got most of my early Cure music from there as well as other great music. They were very good about special orders, including my order for the maxi-single 'Sideshow'. Here's a link to a Wikipedia article on it: Media Play

      Speaking of 'Show', I also have the 2cd European version. :)

  3. This 'Cure' year information never surfaced on the official site, right? So don't expect anything and see you in London!

  4. It all adds up to the infamous press-release being a load of bullshit.

    Nothing on, Roger talking about "rumours", are we to believe The Cure would spend a couple of hundred thousand £ filming the LatAm shows and not seize the momentum and release a new live cinema/dvd release in the same year?

    I maintain that press release, or at least the content, was not true.

    1. Hey, the band went to a lot of trouble to have the Sydney 'Reflections' shows filmed, and Robert put the kibosh on that, claiming that he didn't know what happened and that he didn't want to take the band back to the first three albums.

    2. It is really becoming just flat out ugly, how negative and bitter, certain "Cure Fans" present themselves as. I'm looking squarely at Crimson Tonight. Ppl like you, make this site far less enjoyable.

    3. It's not being bitter, it's me using my imagination.

      I'm the worlds biggest Cure fan mate, I assure you. That is why the tosh and dross peeves me off. Hey let's hold on and see if there is such a thing as 4:13 Scream, I'll be the first to say I was wrong.

      Don't think we need a police force commenting on comments by the way, if you disagree with a comment then by all means put an opposing view, but please don't lay blame for how much your enoying the site, unless all you want is to see people arse-kissing.

    4. Unknown: your post made the site far less enjoyable in my opinion. Nobody has to follow your rules to be a Cure fan.

    5. I agree with Crimson Tonight and Fish.

    6. Yeah, it's cool if people are critical of The Cure here; I often am and U2 fan sites who hate my similar criticism of that band make them less fun places to hang out.

    7. I get a bashing on the kraftwerk sites by the kraftwerk. an do no wrong brigade because I just voice my annoyance about the way they have been touring for over a decade with out any new album or DVD on here there seems to be a cure boot licking makes a site more e enjoyable when you read what fans REALLY think it is frustrating when your favourite group keeps letting you down

  5. Most other bands would have set the record straight by now.

    1. Most bands don't have Robert Smith at the helm.

  6. I'd be surprised if we ever see any of these concert DVDs... I'd prefer some new music though.

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  11. Fans should be encouraged to voice their opinions. after all, if it weren't for us they wouldn't be able to still tour successfully. If it was true that he said he didn't want the reflections dvd released due to the age of the records, why the hell play the shows? Money of course. The fact that he doesn't listen to what us objective fans think is also a joke. I also don't understand the excitement or need regarding the intended next trilogy.....why would we want to listen to the most 'poppy'' three records? Surely it would be more logical to play 'wish'along with something else but to have Head on the Door and KMKMKM played in their entirety is not something many fans really want. Most of us like their dark stuff too. that's what made the original Trilogy great....the Pornography set was truly breathtaking!!!!! Craig even you were hoping for Siamese Twins and The figurehead for the Voodoo show but all we got was Burn.......

    1. speak for yourself dude! those albums are brilliant, and KMKMKM is the one album that covers the cure sounds A-Z for me, and i'm looking most forward to it.

  12. @dave askew: You talk about being objective ,but you are all but that in my opinion and that's fine.....I know many fans who are looking forward to the next Trilogy.
    I agree,that a third one in 10 years is not exciting news anymore, but i'd much rather see any Trilogy shows than Festivals (that's my subjective point of view)...especially for the chance of hearing rarely played songs from The Top ( hardly poppy)..and a lot of KMKMKM.
    As for "all we got was Burn"...well, they can't win can they? They play Burn,or Just one Kiss, for the first time ever and as soon as that's done you want something else...How about being grateful and enjoying those songs as the true nuggets they are....

    1. dude, u have just proven that you can't respect another's opinion. we don't all have to be die-hard fans who worship everything they do. the same applies to u2 or depeche mode both of whom continue to ignore the views of many people because they still have a huge fan base who sell out shows / tours straight away. take u2 for instance. many fans who write on forums criticized the setlists. they like Dm akways play too many songs from the new album when they tour out of arrogance that they feel there new music is relevant. after the tour they decided to do a poll for website members to choose 22 songs that were played during the tour and the most popular wud form part of a release exclusively for website members....the outcome? half the tracks were fan favourites that were hardly played on the tour!!!!! Bob doesn't have an interest in forums etc. wouldn't it be great if he did the same and asked for input on which 3 albums should be played? I'm sure many would rather chose Pornography, disintegration, wish etc and STILL the shows wud sell out.

  13. I think the problem is this...we all love the The Cure. We all want more. We finally got a press release that was far from specific and although it's only been a few weeks, zero details have been released. For all we know, it could be out in December of 2014. Add the fact that Tim Pope has "no news", is like giving candy to a baby and then taking it back, right?

    But let's get one thing clear, nothing is "official" until it is on, but I guarantee the press release was real, just not specific enough for anyone. News has never come from Roger's website, it's never come from Tim's website and quite frankly, I don't think they have the authority to do so. It doesn't mean it isn't happening, it just means it's not happening at the speed you want it to.

    I have children and a wife and I am constantly telling someone or being told to have "patience". All of these things will come in due time!

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  16. Hmmm,well all it says is no news,that's not a knock on the head as such,it may possibly mean a longer wait.Robert said last year that he'd like to release the album as a bonus disc with a live dvd,which may possibly happen and yes,we all know that things can change,it's no gospel truth,lol.Fingers crossed we will receive these treasures this year.Some of the comments are getting very heated,we are all passionate about this amazing band and it's so easy to possibly over react,I'm NOT saying anyone is wrong, we don't have to agree with each others opinions,but we shouldn't dictate either, Wild Mood Swings is one such heated debate,I personally love this album,others treat it as blasphemous.I personally would adore this trilogy and those b-sides,how wonderful!Of course the darker songs are equally amazing!We all have our own reasons for loving the Cure's music and we obviously love certain styles more than others,in some cases,but I WANT to see the lads happy and having fun too,People wont ever agree totally,sometimes there is a brash bulling element in peoples responses,which I can't agree with,this is an observation I have made over years of reading comments,so I think,be passionate but not cruel.Obviously take into account that English,may not be the native language of a lot of people writing opinions and also it's hard sometimes to judge the attitude made,we decide for ourselves how to take an opinion,of course some are straight forward and obvious as to how they are meant to be taken!Sorry to rant on,but this is my opinion.Cure love to one and all xx and fingers crossed!

  17. For the last 30 years or so The Cure have been just as much a 'poppy' band as a 'dark' band. Like it or not that is the truth. Hearing them play tracks from The Top, HOTD and KMKMKM that haven't been performed live for god knows how long will be fantastic whether they are 'pop' songs or 'dark' songs.
    And it would be great if all those talked about DVD's/new albums/re-releases etc. saw the light of day soon, but we will just have to wait and see I guess. The fact this wonderful group is still going after all these years is something to very thankful for, and I cannot wait to see them again at the RAH in a months time :)

    always wanting more..................................
