
Monday, February 3, 2014

Cure announce live DVDs, album, Trilogy 3 tour

Read the official press release here. (Thanks Julian)

Articles: Rolling Stone, Billboard, Slicing Up Eyeballs, Uncut, Les Inrocks, Hitfix, AV Club, Spin, Paste, Exclaim, Under the Radar, The Quietus, DIY, Live4ever, Pitchfork, El Pais, Stereogum, Consequence of Sound, Under the Gun Review, Digital Spy, Sound of Violence, Gigwise, NME, The Guardian, Hot Press, The List, Irish Examiner, Contact Music 1 - 2, Music News


  1. Brilliant news.

    Do I take from the announcement that the RAH shows will not be 'trilogy' as such but given that the trilogy shows will be later in the year lots of songs from The Top, HOTD and KMKMKM may be played at RAH?

  2. I wonder if we are going to get any new material at RAH then?!

  3. Ahhh my poor heart can't stand all these great news!

  4. as per Craig's advice, I will await the official announcement on but I can't stop myself from letting out a tiny, little "squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"

    1. What more do you need to wait for?? This is the band's official press release!!!

    2. Right? Like they are going to send a press release out as a joke. Have the press print it, then say, "only joking guys".

      It's real.

  5. Live dvds... hmm... wonder what dvds they refer to... and I sure as hell hope that if they mean In Orange and Show that they are on BluRay too... stuff shot on film can be transferred to hi-def... and Robert, you won't read this, but I fully expect the guitar solo on A Strange Day to go around the full surround spectrum to match the lights on the stage ;)

    1. Well there's a 4Tour show that Robert mentioned possibly bundling with 4:14, and In Orange has been worked on for release, and the LATAM Tim Pope stuff might be ready this year. Possibly Reflections, too.

      And, yeah, I think there's a very good chance it will be DVD & Blu-ray.

    2. in orange would be welcome. i would love a complete unplugged performance from 1991 or at least playout in dvd format as that really captured them at their peak.

  6. Squeeeee!! That's a lot of great news all at once! The big questions that remain though are: what, when and where?

  7. They can't seriously be thinking of calling the new album 4:14 Scream...can they?

    1. Hahahaha...yes, they can. Though it is listed as a tentative title.

    2. I remember thinking, "They can't seriously be thinking of calling the new album Wild Mood Swings ... can they?"

  8. Yes yes yes I know...we don't have the full 4:14 details (ie have either Roger or Reeves recorded parts, has Porl had his contribution erased), but really...using six year old songs as a new release? Sounds like a new Cure low to me.

    I'm genuinely saddened and upset inside that this is the first Cure release that....I couldn't really give a shit about it.

    Fuck it. Well done Robert, you are officially in the band at the end of the pier now.

    1. Crimson, all of your posts are so negative. It might be time to let them go. They are obviously not the band you knew and loved. Why torture yourself?

      They are damned if they do, damned if they don't. Fans have been asking them to release the "dark album" since 2008. Here you go. Regardless of when it was recorded, it's still new material. I'm glad to finally have it. Now I just hope it's good.

    2. And that's not to say you're not welcome here, as dissenting voices are always welcome. Hel, I've been their biggest critic many times over the 17 years I've run this website and blog. But if you really don't feel that connection any more, it's best to step back for a bit. I felt that way from 05-08. I ran the site, but there wasn't much passion for it. I hated feeling that way, but it wasn't the band I knew and loved.

      Then I heard Underneath the Stars for the first time, and I feel in love all over again. :)

      Just saying that if you don't enjoy something, take a break from it. Or appreciate it for what it is now, not lament what it used to be.

    3. I honestly agree Craig.

      I'll give it a chance when it comes out, just tired of Robert having gone back on his word on everything. This IS the guy who said back in '94 that he wouldn't dream of using old demos for new albums, yet he did on 4:13 and this latest news is genuinely for me the saddest thing I ever heard in relation to the Cure. I could accept their retirement easier than this news.

      I'll keep the posts in check. I genuinely was in two minds with the first one, but I think a counter-view is needed. I can't give up COF either mate so will still be here everyday, but point taken...don't worry, I have no aspirations at being English Eric!

    4. If there's some demo laying around that can be made into a good new release why would we have anything against that?

      I, too, am wondering if Roger will add to the album or if Reeves parts will replace Porl parts (I kind of hope not... nothing against Reeves), but am mainly just wanting that darn album to get released. And if it has Reeves/Roger added to it I hope we still get Porl artwork.

  9. No announcement of the Wish that dead in the water now? Seems a shame...

    1. Yeah, don't know what happened there. And the Mixed Up 2 plans, too.

    2. Yeah I need that Wish re-release to complete my vinyl collection.

    3. I'm POSITIVE "Wish" WILL BE RERELASED. It's just a matter of time. It was The Cure's biggest album sales-wise, right? I'll take SOMETHING released. I don't want Robert overwhelmed because he might delay it ALL further. Wish'll come out. Maybe he doesn't want to glut the market too much. Very happy about all this!

  10. I'd rather have a release of new material from the new lineup... but the "Dark Album" is fine, as long as they follow it up with new material for 2015! Keep the ball rolling!!

    And these Trilogy shows are going to be amazing!!!!!

    Happy Days for a Cure fan, if you ask me :)

  11. Official press release or not, I'll believe these things when they actually happen, because as we all know, Robert is prone to changing his mind. I really don't think that I need to rehash all of the times that's happened. ;)

    1. One thing that makes me believe this, is it's in a press release, not just an interview where we know he likes to just make things up. So I'm thinking he's got these DVDs and album ready to go. We'll see.

    2. There's something fishy about this whole thing. Why issue a press release about non news ? It goes against everything Robert has said before. Its a very vague press release. Its more like website news update

  12. In fact the band will keep on announcing new things until Craig can't keep up the pace updating COF :)

  13. i have little interest in the dvds (unless they come with an audio cd like nick cave did with his live releases) – the 2nd part of 4:13 does tick my box, though hope it’s been worked on as I wasn’t that keen on the production of 4:13 pt.1

    any new material is good news in my book.

    1. Well said on the bad production of "4:13". I think Nitsuh Abebe criticized that aspect well in his Pitchfork Media review. Robert has to stop trying so hard to "sound like himself" and snarling at the end (as on "The Real Snow White"), and just relax his voice like he did until after "Wish". Also the instruments were murky and some of those "catchy percussion" ideas are awful and ruin the songs, as with "The Hungry Ghost".

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. lets hope that phil and andy come back for the top trilogy! I just think that the cure history is rich in heritage and why not let those that were part of it celebrate as well. :)

  16. oh, i am so happy to hear this.
    but i dont believe robert anymore since 1989 ;)

    dvd? is this tim pope´s video of latam ?
    "new" album, is pearl still a part of it?
    what about a really new album with the line-up of 2012/2013. is this actually the line up ?

  17. From Roberts quotes around the time of Bestival it seemed like the band was stuck for ideas with what to do with the dark album.

    My feeling is that they can't really progress until it comes out, as I get the impression Robert hates to constantly release old material without some current content too. ...Which leads me to two conclusions. This is the Dark Album but re-recorded with the current line-up, or... This album is being released while the current line-up record new material.

    1. If it is "4":14 Scream, doesn't that suggest the same line up as 4:13 Dream? If it was re-recorded with Reeves, wouldn't it be 5:14 Scream?

    2. Possibly. The 4 for 4:13 was supposed to represent the 4 members of the band, this time it could mean anything.

      Just throwing it out there but how about 4:14 being the release date. April 2014 to coincide with Roberts birthday?

    3. I think that's a very good thought, Andrew. The date works, as it's a Monday. So UK release April 14th, US release April 15th. But that makes too much sense, so forget it. :)

    4. Also, the RAH shows could be used as a sort of release party and play a few songs? Probably not, but worth a thought.

    5. I would hope so. I would imagine it to be very strange for them to announce an imminent album with a release "in the next few months", with no announcement of a supporting tour, to not use these shows as an opportunity to debut a few new songs.

    6. Haha. I think I need new glasses. It looked like Blog, not Biog. I agree, who writes "biog"?

  18. i hope reeves has had some input as he helped bowie become good again

  19. Hopefully Tim Pope`s LatAm 2013 stuff comes out on DVD.

  20. New album is GREAT news, but it's the idea of the tour that has me hot and bothered!!! COME BACK TO CALI, boys!

  21. At least it will be a dark album! I'm happy today!

  22. My tired old tattered heart is now full of enchantment!

  23. Finally a reason to come here every day, and post again! :D

    Great News!

  24. H h h h h h Happy the man ! Its good to be a cure fan again, and finally hear the entire The top record . .Thank You Mr Smith !

  25. In the year of the 30th anniversary of my first The Cure concert, this is all good news. The four tracks from The Walk 12" would make a nice opening for those three albums.

    1. I know Pornography has already been played in its entirety, but the three albums they mention as preparing to tour with would be too long to play with all the b-sides and everything. The next "Reflections" tour should be:

      * Pornography w/ Robert, Laurence, Simon
      * Japanese Whispers w/ Robert, Laurence, Andy and I guess Simon on bass
      * The Top w/ Robert, Laurence, Phil or Simon on bass, Andy, and, yeah, Paul/Porl/Pearl on guitar/keyboard/saxophone

      It'd be much easier that way to get all the supporting material in. Then do THOTD and KMKMKM on their own tour with all their supporting material (including stuff from Half an Octopuss, To the Sky, etc.)

  26. I wish I was right when talking about a sort of package with several albums and/or DVDs but the Cure logo is not the last one... The information does not appear on the official site (yet?). Rumor or leak??!
    But the logo on the official site is not the last one neither... let's hope it's true anyway.

    1. The only one thing that sows any doubt in my mind is that Robert usually announces stuff via Weird he hasn't, weird a press release has been WHO? No record label named on it, no PR company named on it. Weird it links to Facebook and Twitter...which they never post on.

      Given NME and others have run the story, I don't doubt it, but it is a bit curious.

    2. Huh? They post all the time to Facebook and they've been very active on Twitter lately. Almost always post on Facebook before the website.

    3. Well, no, they don't have a record company, so there wouldn't be a name. But that's a good point. Who's releasing the album?

    4. Also surely in Cure world this is way bigger than 2 shows at RAH....Robert himself posted a bland promoters statement about tickets on just 4 days ago but isn't interested enough to post about a new album?

      Starting to think more that this release wasn't supposed to be released, or it's a fake...

    5. Craig, sorry I'm mixing the Facebook page with Roberts own, my bad.

      My one hope is that this is a joke by someone, I would love my tirade above to be proven wrong. Robert let me believe in you again!

    6. Given the source of the press release, I can't see how it could be a fake. Maybe released earlier than intended, as that happened with the RAH show announcement, but not a fake.

      And if it were a fake, they would put out a release to deny it. They wouldn't let it spread like this. Why isn't it posted at the official site yet? No clue.

    7. I also think this could be a hoax.....why would he release a press release to inform us of stuff that would normally done on and social networks ? Why the need for a press release ?its not like the album is coming out next w

    8. I too am holding out the possibility this might be fake. Of course, if it were real it'd be pretty much the news we would expect. As though what we expect means much...

  27. What a great way to start the week!! Awesome news, and I sure hope it turns out to be true.

  28. I'm looking forward to the fan-made tracklistings of the "ultimate" 4:13 album after the dark half comes out :)

  29. That's cool !! I'm sure Porl will get better credits with the Scream part (well, not "The Scream", but the Dark album) because he did great stuff with "Why Can't I Be Me" and "Your God Is Fear".
    I'm also super happy with the new air and thightness that Reeves is blowing into live material and I'm sure they'll record a cool and melodic new album.
    Olé Olé !!!! 8)

  30. I hope also we'll get a dvdray show with Porl's great outfits (cause now all we have in our official dvd collection is the 2005 Disney lumberjack wool jumper) and then another with Reeves' recent takes. Ganja

    (DON'T Forget to include one of Porl's last interpretations of How Beautiful You Are !! I'd like to have a good version of that !! :) Thanks a lot in advance)

  31. I do not believe myself anything, when it has anything in my hands I will believe myself it

    1. Why not ? I understand your disapointment, but if you see things from theior perspective, they might look differently this time around. RS has said many times that they've been feeling very good about the whole band currently. They all seem to be comfortable and inspired to play together. They fill any venues around the world, why would they not record new material or even put it out as an official release ? Let's hope so!!!

  32. I only hope the mixing will be better than 4:13 dream

    1. Was it even mixed at all? I so much prefer any dirty recordings of Underneath The Stars live versions rather than what was found on the CD. I thought my CD was faulty, but apparently we got the same?

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Here are my predictions:

    1) DVD/BLURAY of IN ORANGE - way too much information from Tim about finding the original tapes
    2) DVD/BLURAY of 2012 - 13 Latin America Tour - again, with the Tim Pope connection and the fact that they put some attention towards it during the tour
    3) 4:14 Scream - with a deluxe edition coupled with the 4:13 Dream DVD/CD (and how nice a vinyl version of 4:13 Dream Live would be)
    4) RAH shows will have The Cure playing 4:14 Scream live in its entirety (or recorded/video for a future combo super deluxe edition of both records live) - Robert seems keen to document every record in its entirety played live...which I think is great!
    5) The Cure hitting the studio from now until the summer tour recording their next record to be released next year (or in 2019 if they keep the same trend going).

    What we won't see...

    1) The Reflections tour released on DVD, CD or Vinyl (probably storing that for The Vault)
    2) Porl back in the band for the 4:14 Scream tour
    3) Robert rapping with Kanye over songs for Mixed Up 2

    This is really the best news ever! God damn is it rewarding to be a life long Cure fan...couldn't be happier right now!

    ALL HATERS STAY OFF THIS POST need to kick the happy people with this announcement! Save that for when the record comes out!

    1. Wouldn't go for the same yes and nos but love the tone of your post !
      I don't think a duet with Elton John or Michael Georges would happen neither...

  35. Oh my God, not a second part of 4:13 Dream, please

  36. This press release is phrased in such an unusual way that I was curious to look into where it came from. If you download it (Ctrl-S), open it with Word and look a the document properties, you will find these:

    File Name: THECURE2014.docx
    Title: A year of unique “I was there” moments
    Author: conker conkers
    Company: conk
    Last Modified By: ROBERT SMITH
    Created: 01-Feb-2014

    Not much to go on but "A year of unique “I was there” moments" comes straight from the TCT press release:
    Same PR, whoever that may be?

  37. you people are 'crazy' ;) re the hoax rumors. seriously. anyway, HURRAY! let's get in orange and staring at the sea on blu ray, along with the wish reissue. couldn't give a toss about mixed up 2 or whatever, but TRILOGY is a big yes. la/ny/??? Anyway, 2014 is the year of the triumphant CURE return. here's hoping they re-record some guitar parts, add a ton of synths and keyboards, and robert writes some newer, more personal lyrics that reflect where he is now instead of 2008. CANNOT WAIT.

  38. This is incredible news. I can't wait! Not only a new album, but a string of DVDs, too?! And a tour? I'll be there!

  39. I thought 4:13 was brilliant and can't wait to hear its dark counterpart!

  40. I've been waiting for this for SO LONG. Here's to hoping a studio version of 'A Boy I Never Knew' makes the cut, as it was written during those sessions, correct?

    Oh man, I'm so happy!

    1. Yeah, ABINK was first recorded during The Cure session, not used, then redone during the 4:13 sessions. Hopefully it will make it onto this album.

    2. Can A Boy I Never Knew be found anywhere right now?

  41. i don't even care wtf it is ~ crappy Cure is better than no Cure... esp for us (NON) belieBERS!

  42. I so want this to be true, but there is something very fishy (banana fishy?) about this. A press release posted on Google docs of a Word document file with some very odd properties in it is raising alarm bells.

    1. It's on Google because I posted it there. It was sent out to the media, and I got a copy via email after requesting a copy, and I posted it there. Nothing fishy about that.

  43. I think 4:13 dream is massively underrated by long time Cure fans. Cure fans I know who have gotten heavily into the band recently (after all albums were released) feel this is nowhere near the bottom of the list, and I agree.

  44. Kris, I agree too. There are some great songs on there. Personally I can't wait to hear its darker counterpart. It's way overdue!!

  45. jeez, so many conspiracy theorists on here today!

    1. Hah! This press release killed Kennedy! I saw it hiding on the grassy knoll! :)

    2. i think it was posted by bigfoot and the loch ness monster working in conjunction. :D

  46. in Les Inrockuptibles, in France

  47. I hope 4:14 scream álbum includes "A boy a never knew" and "Please come home".

  48. I think it is very likely that it will be released on april, since its the 4th month of 2014. However, with the release date so close, and with the press release made in such a hurry and no record company and no sales campaign and all that, I think It will most likely be an online release. Think a bout it. Time is too short for the songs to have been re-recorded, picked out, approved by some record company, have the artwork made, the press conferences and all that. Theres no time for any of that! I think Robert is aiming for quick and simple, not much of a show, just an online release.

  49. I think it is very likely that it will be released on april, since its the 4th month of 2014. However, with the release date so close, and with the press release made in such a hurry and no record company and no sales campaign and all that, I think It will most likely be an online release. Think a bout it. Time is too short for the songs to have been re-recorded, picked out, approved by some record company, have the artwork made, the press conferences and all that. Theres no time for any of that! I think Robert is aiming for quick and simple, not much of a show, just an online release.

    1. It has become increasingly popular for albums to be 'shock released' so as to speak. Bowie did it last year and it was a great success.

  50. Still nothing on Or official Facebook or Twitter. Gotta be a hoax

  51. This press release has missing commas in various places, a missing period at the end of a sentence and the misuse of the word 'entitled.' Does this mean that it is a hoax? No, but it could lead me to believe it might be.

    1. Unfortunately, at this stage in the game even official press releases do not undergo very good proofreading.

    2. I do hope this press release is a hoax. The typographical quality of the presentation is unacceptable even for school children. At the very end there is this "Full Blog of the Cure" phrase. What the hell is that?

    3. Full Blog of the Cure sounds like Robert doesn't know the difference between a blog, a tweet, or a Facebook post. He seems like a bit of a luddite, so if he wrote this, I wouldn't be surprised that he would use such an awkward phrase. Who would care enough to make a Cure hoax? There is not much of an audience for such a hoax, and probably never was.

    4. It's not blog, it says biog, as in biography, and then has the link to the bio page at

    5. Mr_Alphabet was correct in pointing out that if this were written by Robert himself it would be in ALL CAPS.

    6. Do any of you understand anything about press releases? PR companies? Of course this wasn't written by Robert. This is really getting stupid now.

    7. That was just a joke, Craig, about RSX penning the press release himself. I am actually starting to suspect Boy George may be behind this. ;)

    8. I come to this blog (almost daily) since 1996 and it has has always been a place where Cure fans could express themselves freely about the band. Hope it stays this way, without people getting oversensitive about one another's posts.

  52. Ill believe it when i see it ACTUALLY happen!

  53. I'm going to start saving my pennies RIGHT FUCKING NOW! Another trilogy weekend in New York in the fall would be AMAZING.! Just putting that out there guys, if any of the decision makers are listening. ;)

  54. I did just realize that if you go to, it doesn't have the front page of 4:13 Dream anymore, but rather, it goes directly to the news. Could this be because they are about to promote something new or did this happen some time ago?

    1. I realized that too Mike.

      Days ago you can see the Home page.

      Maybe we´ll have the answers for this change and for the other recent news soon.

      I´m still waiting for Robert´s announcement.

  55. So everyone was saying that this show would be really long due to KMKMKM being a double album practically, but after adding all the albums together it's only 2 hours 33 minutes and 16 seconds. Now with the b-sides, I think it probably be around the length of the last set of shows.

    1. KMKMKM is only a double album because it was targeted at LPs, which were relatively short in length. In reality, it's only a few minutes longer than Disintegration, which is a single album that was targeted at CDs.

    2. KMKMKM is also considered a double album because each piece of vinyl in the vinyl set could conceptually be its own full-length album (i.e., at least 8 songs). This is not like the subsequent vinyl releases of albums such as Wish and the Disintegration re-release where there were two pieces of vinyl, but with each piece of vinyl being more like an EP (e.g., 4 - 7 songs).

  56. First, if it were a hoax, RS would have denied it, it's real.

    Now, the DVDs I could care less about, never watch music DVDs....

    4:14 Scream is an awful album name, and it does seems strange to put out 6 year old music at this point. But again, we don't know if it will include newer songs from the current lineup.

    Trilogy shows sound great but we won't get all the bsides. Also sounds like it will be a large, global tour instead of a few cities.

    Head and KM are two of thier most popular albums so demand for the shows will be large. They could do a larger tour this time.

    1. "4:14 Scream" is an awfully chosen name, whether is as a working title or not. That's why I thought this could be a huge hoax, even after fans above rightly justified that this is highly improbable.

    2. A while back somebody suggested that Smith/Gallup/Cooper/O'Donnell/Gabrels finish off the album and call it 5:14 Nightmare. That actually kind of makes sense.

    3. I found the 5:15N name but it was a fucking joke.

  57. I'm calling that we'll get a "first the puff, then the hit" witticism from RSX before the end of the month.. :)

    And if the album does end up being called "4.14 Scream", there won't be enough tea in China that will make me buy it!! O_o

  58. Robert read my post...

  59. I must say the whole thing doesnt make sense. RS has never released news to us this way. He only deliver news on need to know basis.

    First, by now reveal the new trilogy tour makes the new album look like a "small" thing. Record companys want to promote the new album not a tour of old songs. A record company would never release news like this. First a tour to promote the new album then the new triologyshows.

    Second. Hasnt RS said before that if he was obligated to respond to every false rumour that was around he wouldnt have time for anything else. So by keeping his mouth shut right now proves that this is false.

    1. What record company should promote it? The Cure doesn't even have a record company at the moment.

    2. Probably the new record would be an internet record (downloadable) and not a CD record. The note is clear and honest: "recorded at the same time as 2008's 4:13 Dream"
      As others have said, probably Robert feels the need to get out of this job to be able to go on ...

    3. True @fmjews.
      The second part on the dreamsessions has been like a wet blanket for the group. They have to get it out before they can record something new.

      So it might be like you say... They just want it out so the can do something else like the show. Probobly just an Internet release then. Anyway im excited.

  60. But if its true..... Im as happy as can be! Cant wait for the new album! 4:13 Dream was great!

  61. To all the conspiracy theorists surely we have to give Craig some credit here. Do you think he would post this if he wasn't sure of his sources and that it was genuine?! And yeah 4:14 Scream is a horrible name for the album, but its what it sounds like rather than what its called that matters :)

    1. I'm very happy, and hesitant only b/c I want this so badly. RSx, who has broken promises before, really should post this on the website. You can't blame all of us who can't 100% believe this - RSx created that monster.

      Here's hoping!!! I'll be one of the first in line for all of this.

    2. I don't get why the title is fueling conspiracy theories...4:13 Dream was a terrible title and it actually exists, so how is 4:14 Scream any different?

    3. In retrospect i dont think 4:13 Dream is such a bad name. I remember having more problem with "Join The Dots" mostly because i didnt have a clue what it meant. ( English is not my native language)

    4. I know Robert has been a little 'vague' about projects in the past, and mentioned things that have never seen the light of day but not sure there has ever been a press release mentioning these projects before. That's got to be a positive sign surely?! And the delay with updating the main site could be because of the details of who will/how/where these projects will be released.

    5. Thanks Smudge. I'm also very careful to label something a rumor or to say to take it with a grain of salt, if the info isn't from someone reliable or in the know. Didn't need to post such disclaimers on this, given the source.

    6. No problem Craig! Yeah, noticed there was no mention from you of this being a rumour :) Exciting isn't it! On a side note the Greatest Hits (is it really only 50p at tesco's!) slipped slightly to number 45 in the Uk album charts this week.

  62. LOL can you imagine :)

  63. Sorry to break it to the "It's a hoax" crowd, but Rolling Stone has confirmed it.

  64. I was going to point out that a lot of other sites/papers/magazines have reported it as well, so they must have been taken in by the hoax as well!
    Any ideas when we'll see an official announcement on the site Craig, or when more details will be announced?

  65. For all the intelligence on this site - you'd be hard pressed to think anyone has heard of, or knows what a fucking Publicist is!!!! The Cure may not have a record label at the moment, but call me crazy - I think they may have hired a new Publicist. And a fucking sharp one at that!!!

  66. have a look at what i found at the gigsandtours- site
    doesnt it look like sth you might have seen before?...

  67. I´m sure its not a hoax because of the large number of press announcements. They (at least most of them) dont write an article without verification of the source.

  68. IT'S NOT A TOOMAH! I mean, it's not a hoax.

  69. That was true!

  70. Simply amazing! Such wonderful news. Can't wait to close my eyes and listen to some new stuff, it's so freaking exciting. Asking for a visit to Argentina again would be maybe a faraway dream but... you nevet know :)
