
Monday, September 30, 2013

Vote for 'Kiss Me' in Best of 87 poll

Slicing Up Eyeballs' ongoing Best of the 80s project continues with their Best Album of 1987 poll, and 'Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me' is one of the options.

Update (09/30/13): And to no one's surprise, 'Kiss Me' is #1! And again, one hell of a Top 5!


  1. Come on now. How can Kiss Me not win this?

  2. It's up against The Joshua Tree, that's how. KMKMKM is my favorite album of all time, but when I recall how much U2 was crammed in my face everywhere I went back in '87, I have a feeling it's not going to get the top slot. I predict it gets #2. Smiths & REM are probably 3 & 4...

  3. I dunno. Something about how readers of slicingupeyeballs skew, tells me The Joshua Tree won't top the poll. U2 have been pretty dormant for some time now. And w/all the festival shows, and rare gigs in Texas etc? The Cure are really making far more blog headlines of late.

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  6. Damn, that was hard to narrow down to 10! Very good year for great music, had to leave about half a dozen of some of my favorite albums off, could've easily voted for 20!

  7. I'm quite confident that Kiss Me takes it! I have Faith in the Slicing up Eyeballs readers!

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  9. Hello Craig, this is my vote :)
