
Friday, July 26, 2013

The Cure at Valley Rock Festival (07/26/13)

Setlist: Tape/Open, High, The End of the World, Lovesong, Inbetween Days, Just Like Heaven, From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea, Pictures of You, Lullaby, Fascination Street, Play For Today, A Forest, Bananafishbones, The Walk, Mint Car, Friday I'm In Love, Doing the Unstuck, Trust, Want, Hungry Ghost, Wrong Number, One Hundred Years, End

1st encore: Plainsong, Prayers For Rain, Disintegration
2nd encore: Dressing Up, The Lovecats, The Caterpillar, Close To Me, Hot Hot Hot, Let's Go To Bed, Why Can't I Be You?, Boys Don't Cry, 10:15 Saturday Night, Killing An Arab.

Show started at 9:19. Main set ended at 11:15. 1st encore started at 11:20, ended at 11:38. 2nd encore started at 11:41, ended at 12:15. Length of show: 2 hours & 56 minutes.
(Thanks to Mike for confirming the setlist and for the times)

Videos: Tape & Open / Open / High / The End of the World 1 - 2 / Lovesong 1 - 2 / Inbetween Days / Just Like Heaven 1 - 2 - 3 / Pictures of You / Lullaby / Mint Car / Friday I'm In Love 1 - 2 - 3 / Plainsong / Close To Me / Killing An Arab

Photos: Mike / The Cure Pub / Robert backstage (via @JeremyWulc) / 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 

Live stream here! Well that didn't last long. But you can now watch the 1st hour of the show. Or maybe not, as now that has disappeared as well. If you're on that page and watching it, don't refresh!

Spoiler Alert! Don't look if you're at the show! Here's most of The Cure's setlist for tonight (missing the end of the set and 1st encore) - via
First time ever in Korea. And a 3 hour show. Will we get the same type of setlists from SummerCure and LatAm? Some slight variations of them? Or will they mix it up and add some new surprises? We'll know soon enough. Keep those fingers crossed for surprises.

The Cure are scheduled to play from 9PM - Midnight. In the US, that's a start time of 8AM eastern, 7AM central, 6AM mountain, 5AM pacific. If you're not sure of the start time in your area, just use the clock over on the right or check here.

As far as I know, there are no webcasts from today's show. If that changes, I will let you know.

If anyone is going to the show and wouldn't mind helping me with the live setlist reports (via Twitter, email, WhatsApp, Facebook, etc.), please let me know. I've only had 1 offer of help so far, so chances of live coverage today is pretty slim. Here's hoping someone will come through at the last minute. If not, I'll have the setlist posted as soon as I can get it from someone.


  1. Kyoto Song will make an appearance ... they played that live first time I saw them. Dublin, July 15th, 1989. Crikey, it's been 24 years.


  3. a gig at a decent time for this side of the world, yeah for a change!

  4. Finally, I can get the live updates from twitter :-) Damn you, jet lag!

  5. Your making me feel old Ronan. That was the first time I saw them live also. I was at both nights in the Rds. Travelled up from Galway with 3 of my mates and slept rough because a friend of ours was supposed to put us up but she went to a house party and didn't turn up at her flat to let us in. Hard to believe that's 24 years ago.

  6. News sites report that the organizers expect 110,000 attendees, that would reprendent a record in the Jisan:Ansan history.

  7. in this page close encounters in Korea,

  8. The world always feels so much better when The Cure is playing live somewhere :)

    Enjoy SK

    1. i was just getting ready to type just about the same thing :)

      it warms my heart!

    2. Totally warms my heart, too, Morris *hug*

    3. I woke up very unreasonably happy for a Friday morning, all because the Cure played and there were new photos / videos to see!! <3 you lisey!!

  9. The RDS was my first ever gig on the 15th. Good times drinking on the bus on the way down from Belfast. Eyes were stinging with all the hairspray in the crowd. Still listen to the bootleg, not great quality compared to other Prayer Tour gigs, but nicely brings back memories of that hot summer. Had got a tape of the Lorelei gig a few weeks before and played it to death.

    1. Maccatori..I was on that same bus :)

    2. I was on the bus from Enniskillen the night before. We laughed the whole way with excitement and anticipation of seeing the fucking cure.

      We stayed in Dublin with my buddy's cousins, got the babyliss straighteners out and the cheap hairspray and basically went nuts on it before we went to the gig.

      I hid my ticket in my Hi-Tech Leagues for fear it'd be swiped. Chatting cute girls in line, smoking cigarettes and trying to look like 17-year-olds who knew anything about anything.

      After the concert, we were soaked to the skin from sweat and didn't have change of clothes for whatever reason. Next morning, the cousins turfed us out to mass and we had to dress in their son's clothes. I wore a red wife beater with white jeans. Classy.

      I couldn't breathe properly for a week after that show. It hurt too much. Dancing, pogoing, singing. Christ that summer was the best.

      Maccatori, I'd love to hear that bootleg sometime. IS that you had Faith on YouTube? Have you it digitised?

    3. I've pretty sure I've got an MP3 copy of it. I'll check and get back to you.

    4. I had the same babyliss straighteners.
      The only Faith I put up was a bit from Paris the other year. I think I have the full mo3 if you would like. It isn't great quality, but great to have. They put all the prayer tour shows up on the cure connections site a few years ago.
      I've never again been more excited about a gig than that. I never believed it would really happen.

  10. I hope Robert will take some "risk" with the setlist during this tour...let's see.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I want to thank Craig of course for the updates and also thank the audience member who provided the live stream of the first hour of the show. It was truly awesome!

  13. It certainly sounds like it was a very seoulful performance.

  14. Craig, thanks ever so much for your tireless updates. All of us CURE fans REALLY REALLY love and appreciate you!!!!!! So glad you never seen to sleep. I hope you see the cure soon and not just a festival.... and thanks to the person streaming.. What a wonderful thing to wake up to... looks like it is really going to be a great trip around the world... Getting so excited.... xoxo

    1. Aw, thank you, Autumn. I very confident that I will be seeing them this year. If nothing better gets announced, then at least I've got ACL plans. :)

  15. Indeed a big thank you for the updates.Another country ticked off the map, and i am sure, very happy Korean fans...

  16. Is this the pinnacle of The Cure's magnificent korea?

  17. You're all very welcome. Sorry it wasn't better. Already have 2 reporters for Japan, so here's hoping things run a bit smoother there.


  19. I hope that a few translated reviews will be available. I wonder how was the crowd and the overall experience like.

    1. From the stream that was up for a little while, the audience looked like they were asleep. No energy at all. At least in the part of the crowd that was in camera view.

      But maybe that's how Korean audiences are? Sort of polite and reserved? I have no clue.

    2. I guess we'll have to watch the NIN set on Sunday to find out.

    3. Craig, I thought that too, but then guessed that that was some kind of enclosure. The crowd noise that went up when Plainsong kicked in was intense was what made me think that it was a sealed off area away from the main crowd.

  20. i love the cure, and craig you are the best for everything you do. that said, god they have SO many songs, i wish they would play something different!

  21. I believe, and this I'm sure, that for the band these summer shows in the East, and especially in South Korea, is Honolulu, where they have never been before, is a very interesting experience and rich, for them and for public, by do not forget.

  22. So no Kyoto Song ... ha ha.

    1. They are saving up Kyoto song for Fuji Rock!! :D

  23. Fed up of the same setlists over and over

  24. @ Ronan. You really hit a memory chord when you mentioned coming out of the gig saturated. I recall now being drenched wet aswell. My mates and I had to buy these poxy bootleg prayer tour T shirts to change into after the gig. Wouldn't change any of it. Have to agree with merlicht's last comment. Cure fan since before 1989 and still to this day. The set list needs to be freshened and could really do with some new sounds before the horse is flogged to death

  25. Same setlist over and over again. This is ridiculous.

  26. Same setlist.. but for people in areas that have not seen them in YEARS. These are new setlists to those fans.

    Stop being spoiled brats.

  27. Yeah, unfortunately for frequent Cure concert goers, the setlist may seem a bit redundant. However, we have to keep in mind that for The Cure to play the first time ever, in places like Seoul, and Honolulu, we have to expect the setlist to be a bit HIT HEAVY. They are playing to a majority of fans in these locations who have never had the chance to see them live. Just my opinion. And trust me, I wish for the deeper album cuts!

  28. Tropical storm is heading to Hawaii and will hit Tuesday AM, the day of the Honolulu concert!

    1. Well that's not good news. Hope the band and all of the fans traveling there make it to the island safely.

      Darrell, what are they saying locally? Just some heavy rain and wind or is it expected to be bad?

    2. The news tonight is saying just heavy rain with chances of flooding, some strong gusts possible, but it is expected to hit the Big Island, and pass just south of Oahu and the other islands, so I think all will be good. Just have to keep our eyes on it!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Here its the latest update, just look for the Flossie news story. Won't link directly to the article: id=124279&storyId=2292699

    5. And here is the latest update, looks like things are looking better today for us:

    6. Thanks for the updates, Darrell. So it looks like as long as the band can fly in, the show should be okay. Huge relief for everyone.

  29. Start: 21:19
    End of the world
    Inbetween days
    Just like heaven
    From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea
    Pictures of You
    Fascination Street
    Play for today
    A forest
    Thewalk (I saw you look like a korean baby )
    Friday im in love ("its the right day" is how Robert announced this song)
    Doing the unstuck
    The holy ghost
    Wrong number
    100 years
    1st set ended ar 23:15

    1st Encore started at 23:20
    Prayers for rain
    1st encore ends at 23:38

    2nd encore stareds at 23:41
    Dressing up
    Close to me
    Lets go to bed
    Why cant i be you?
    Boys dont cry
    1015 saturdaynight
    Killing an arab

    Show ends at 24:15

    Total 2 hrs and 56 minutes

  30. The Care was ina really good mood, lots of laughing at eachother. Some little technical problems. Between the songs some static, Robert broke a string during TheCaterpillar

  31. Robert sang in TheWalk " I saw you look, like a Korean baby".
    Simons bass went quite for a little while, seemed that there was something wrong with a plug connection.

  32. Thank you so much for confirming the setlist and for those notes. Really appreciate it!

  33. The CURE played 36 songs!!!!! 3 hours worth of amazing LIVE music. Why all the complaints? as cure fans we have nothing to complain about

    Just take a moment to look at the comparison between.. lets say a few other bands - the cure and Depeche Mode this week. If the cure ONLY played 23 songs they would have ended with well END.

    and that b*tch Morrissey he only .. sit down cure fans you may not believe this... only yes ONLY played 19 songs!!!

    The cure have many wonderful "HITS/singles" that not all fans have heard LIVE in concert.... This is an amazing set of concerts. I am super excited to hear even the hits (esp WCIBY?, JLH and POY) as this point in my life. It will be a ton of fans FIRST and maybe only CURE concert ever! The cure throw in a few of the rarities and let's be honest, songs like Play For Today, 100years and Plainsong are so amazing to hear live over and over again they never get old... . We are all so so lucky our band is still playing and playing so well.

    I for one have not see the CURE in concert since Reflections... I am looking forward to hearing the singles and the rarities... :) Happy to see just how many CURE fans all around the world might have gotten to see THE song that might have really made them fall in love with the cure so many years ago. I did last time, it was the Caterpillar... I never imagined that would ever happen.

    Looking so so so forward to Hawaii.. singles and all.... and everything inbetween.....

    1. I was expecting set lists packed with hits for this shows but thus is almost the same set list they are playing since 2005.

  34. Maybe it's a bit "hardcore" point of view, but what Vikk writes it's true: since 2005 the setlists are a little static...too many hits. Anyway, I think all of us are insanely happy everytime they play...but maybe it's time for another dark tour like the dream tour just to please the cure people and not only festival people...

    1. Would most "longtime Cure fans" that check COF often prefer a darker/bside heavy concert? HELL YES!!!! Myself included... But so far 2012/2013 are world/festival tours.

      My only point is, I think when we look at the quantity and quality of 36songs at 3 hours we really do not have much to complain about. 15 of the songs played are not really hits/singles.... that is a large percentage... Comparing this tour to a Trilogy/Reflections tour or even a tour promoting an album is indeed something different. My big point is compared to other bands similar to the cure who have been around a very long time we are so so lucky to get as many rarities as we do....

      If the cure asked most of us here on COF we would say we want mostly b-sides and darker songs even if that meant only a 2 hour show. But well this tour is to please the masses not the few. But who can complain when you see 36 songs/ 3 hours? :)

      I am WISHing like most of us, that the next round of shows will be the third round of Trilogy/Reflections type gigs or darker/b-sdides non single gigs. But i am thankful to have the cure play so well and for so long. I am not a festival fan.

      I mean really did any of us who got into the CURE in the 80's ever think they would still be touring this many years later? and not playing a 1 1/2hour hits only concert at the fair grounds? We are very very fortunate.....

    2. Hi Autumn. Your point is good. We are incredibly lucky, I know. For example, I was at DM concert in Milan few days ago and I was disappointed and I told myself how lucky I am to be a cure fan, really. My point is an hope...a proper tour with darker album and many beautiful songs are forgotten...but it's just an hope and not a blind and stupid critic to the band.

  35. Replies
    1. Mike said they had 3 Cure shirts, but he didn't get a photo of them. Will ask the fans in Japan to try and get photos.

  36. What are the basses Simon is playing on this tour?
