
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Tim Pope update: Home Again; Can't Wait

Tim has posted a new update. Asks for fans to "PLEASE BE PATIENT" on the LatAm tour film, but assures that "there will be something...eventually".


  1. Eventually. Right after The Cure in Orange dvd?

  2. I'll give it a year and a half... If we are lucky. But I wouldnt be surprised if it never saw the light of day.

  3. Is his plea a joke? I know he will inherit grief by fans from RSx's failure to deliver, but if anyone can light a fire under his ass it is Tim Pope.

  4. How long did festival 2005 take to come out? Did we even want that? At least with Pope, we should get a lot of interesting tidbits. Let's hope for no neon glowing socks.

    1. Ditto 2005 - add Bestival! Great setlist, band not as well rehearsed as they shouldve been. Agreed - Pope will pull brilliant backstage tidbits. And Agreed x2 on the socks! but? it's a bit of a trademark, isnt it?

    2. Hey, watch your mouth man! We do want the glowing socks!!!!

  5. I'm hoping for a 5 disc box set...

    Paris 2008
    LatAm 2013

    And the unreleased album from 4:13

    What's the chances do you think..?? :)

  6. Lets not forget that the updated cure bio from the official website claims that the summer festivals tour of 2012 was filmed with a possible dvd release in mind... Yeah right.

    Lately all i've been remembering all thenthings that robert promises but never delivers. Back in 08 during an interview he was asked about the orange dvd and if there will ever be a dvd release of the prayer tour and he said that "it will all come out eventually".

    Not to mention the AskRobert thing were back in 09 i think we all emailed millions of questions and that robert would answer some of them... Never happened.

    or the supposed 30 year anniversary dvd that tim pope was working on...

    The list could go on... Wish remaster.... BBC boxset or something like that... Solo album... And all the other things mentioned in above comment.

  7. I bet all this stuff will come out once the cure is retired

  8. Oh yes, i almost forgot... Robert himself annouced on the website a few years back the future release of show on dvd.. He also announced mixed up 2...

    I may sound like a broken record but roberts lives on broken promises

    1. i find it shocking, that people (such as Carlos for an example)are so personally offended by Robert's "broken promises".
      What does Robert really owe you? Nothing.
      Its his band, his music, his creativity.
      He has also countless times threatened to break up the band. And yet? when they announce shows - we all do what we can to buy tickets.
      So where is your bullet point list of the times he broke his promise and booked another tour? or another series of festival gigs?

      If you need some help - you can start with the Wish Tour. Cause "The Cure" was not supposed to exist once the Prayer Tour ended.

  9. Hi I'm sure a lot of you were in the Latam tour, but if it makes you feel any better I personally asked Tim Pope (while I was camping at Lima's national stadium) if he was going to record this on a DVD and he said YES, basically because of the expectation of Latam fans I guess. Of course you never know with The Cure, but one thing is for sure, this tour filled stadiums and they were sold out spectacular shows, unlike the last tours people actually filled stadiums to see the band and not just festivals. In Lima,Peru there was a great deal in camera production involved, like no other recent tour of the cure, and I know this also happened in cities like Buenos Aires or Santiago. Tim was supervising everything all the time taking care of every detail. So I am 100% sure that this one will definitely come out. Keep your expectations high on this one because it will happen! This tour was above a lot others, the production and the professionalism of the band and the crew were really noticed and it captured the attention of everyone around. If they don't release a dvd of this tour then they really wasted a looooot of money, I don't think they'll let this one pass by. It was just like the Wish tour (if not better, it was THAT good).

    Jp Baidal

  10. Oh and of course I forgot to mention that they played the longest show ever in the Cure's history: Over 4 hours before 60.000 fans... no DVD??? I don't think so.

  11. I find it amazing how few educated comments there are. There is only one reason why these dvd's haven't been released - no record label. Robert is not prepared to do anything that doesn't make the band money. Very obvious. His comment about why the Reflections dvd hasn't been released is hypocritical with regards going so far back in time - so why do the gigs then?...oh wait...offered lots of money! At the end of the day everything is about money. Unfortunately we are at a complete disadvantage. We will always go to the gigs whenever they happen even though we rightfully are pissed off about the non-releases. Like sport - even if your side is crap, people fill the stands week in and week out. So as long as the odd tour sells out and keeps the coffers full, he is not gonna change his mind about caring what the fans want.
