
Friday, March 22, 2013

Cure article in La Segunda

From DG Medios Facebook: "The Cure request Chilean dishes: Fans wait anxiously"

Anything important in this article? Can anyone give a summation of it? Thanks!


  1. I speak and read Spanish. In short, the article talks about how fans of the Cure are awaiting the concert anxiously. A fan talked about wanting to meet Robert Smith after the show, and how she is hoping for more of a "connection" than when she met Depeche Mode. There was mention in the article that the Cure are planning 3+ hour shows. Fans expressed that the Cure's music is actually full of hope in addition to its darker content. There was also mention of Tim Pope coming to these Latin American shows to film a documentary.

  2. Very neat to hear about the doc. Thanks, M.C.

  3. yes. He is very inteligent doctor......

  4. You are welcome Craig and Muldfeld. My pleasure. I just hope I captured the main points in my summary.

  5. You are welcome Craig and Muldfeld. My pleasure. I just hope I captured the main points in my summary.
