
Friday, December 7, 2012

The Cure officially on Twitter!

Finally! Just announced on the band's Facebook, The Cure are officially on Twitter now, though not verified as of this posting. Follow them @thecure.


  1. Ohh this is goog but i can´t see Robert posting any tweet, reading the TL o making ht´s.

    Maybe Roger will take command of this account.

    Can´t wait for the 1st one.

    How would it be?

    Lol, i can imagine some ht´s made by RJS.



  2. Yeah it's a bit annoying all these accounts we're supposed to follow. Is that so complicated to post a simple comment on the official site? But if it helps us have anything (even just a 'hi') at least every week like we've got 'news' here on COF every few days, that'll be nice.

  3. Great news! I'm always on twitter. I just hope Robert posts a tweet or two every once in a while.

  4. I thought Robert said over and over this summer that he hates social media in all forms and the band does not use them, he said no facebooks, no tweeters :P, so is the facebook account even actually the band?

    1. I think his exact words were "I don't have Facespace or Tweeter". Haha!

    2. It's the official Cure Facebook. They've had it for 4 years now and confirmed it on The back then.

      Robert said HE doesn't post to Facebook or Twitter, not that they aren't used for promotion by others.

    3. Just went back through this year's interviews.. It was 'Spacebook' and 'Tweeter'.. :)

  5. Yeah, baby. Maybe something shall be released in the next year if they've finally caved in to twitter.

  6. Robert.will never post himself but it sounds that an announcement will occur soon. Release(s) ? Latin America ?
    Happy Xmas, Cure fans, it's time to write your letter to Santa Claus...

  7. Hope the first post will be South America 2013 confirmation ;-)

  8. What do you want from Wrong Number? It's a great song!

  9. Oh, and as long as creating an account, I know follow craigatcof as well, obviously. Thanks for the good work, Craig.

  10. Great, a new way for Robert Smith to spew lies to the fans about their plans, lol.

  11. I find it stupid to have so many accounts to "update" us with when there really isn't anything of an update. No In Orange DVD/Blu-Ray, who knows what's going on with Reflections Sydney. No 30th Anniversary DVD. What's with all the promotion of a Wish remaster when there is no plans to release one? I'm sorry but I'm becoming a very bitter Cure fan. I wish he would just shut his mouth until he has something solid for us.

    1. Not saying the points you've brought up aren't valid, but don't lose faith, Andy..
      There could be any number of circumstances we don't know about that could explain why things have not come out when he said or "hinted"..
      At the end of the day, he is a human, just like us..

    2. I'm not saying the points you made aren't valid, but don't lose faith, Andy..
      There could be any number of circumstances that could explain why things haven't come out when he said or "hinted".. At the end of the day, he's human just like us..

    3. andythecurefan, I feel your pain.

      In the 4Play interviews RSx said he felt he was the only qualified person to oversee the remasters b/c no one in the current lineup was in the studio for the early records. Agree, sir!

      However, now that we are getting further along he can certainly bring Simon or Roger in.

      Granted, I think the Cure remasters (except for Join the Dots [to muddy]) are some of the best sounding remasters (Duran's are horrible), but it's been FOREVER.

  12. does he owe anything to us?...we should just shut up and wait...if u want to wait.

  13. i mean... seriously ... people... he is a person believe it or not and he will only move his ass when he feels like... when he feels he got the need to sing or whatever. i respect that. stop being like scary please please... going on about like lepers!

  14. twitter's for twats

  15. I really don't understand all these comments full of anger and hatred towards Robert. I only know that for all that his music and his words have brought into my life, I am eternally grateful ...
    Shut up and let me breathe!

  16. And still no tweet yet. But I guess he saves his first to announce the South American tour.

    I don't really understand why you are so angry jess, personnaly i don't feel like he owes anything to me, but I check COF 5 times a day to say the least just in case there is a news. I take whatever comes, Simple as that. That said, i thus understand the frustration, regret when there is nothing, always want more.

  17. Hello Craig.This is our last cover.My best The cure song.Anyway, their best song, Bare.

  18. no tweets is exactly how one would know it is definitely the official address ;) Don't need the Cure to tweet anyway with Craig around :)

  19. Well, they haven't tweeted yet but they started following somebody new apart from Robert:

    I feel like the Daily Mail and I dislike that position. Anyway, too late.
