
Friday, December 21, 2012

That Dec. 21st announcement...

Three things on this:

1. The Cure never said there would be an announcement today. That came from the South America media & the promoters. And as a friend said last time we went through this, never trust anything a SA promoter says. :) So if nothing happens today, blame promoter hype, not the band.

2. There might have been a misunderstanding in the media on just what was to be announced today. The Biggest Festival In The World did have a countdown clock to their big (and very underwhelming for a festival with that name) announcement, and did reveal part of their lineup today. However, their servers crashed, there was much confusion & disappointment, but so far, nothing about The Cure playing there or anywhere else in SA. But they HAVE added a 2nd day for the festival, with no bands listed as of yet.

3. Don't get all worked up or worried about this. If there's any official, confirmed news to be posted, it will be at the official site, official Facebook, or official Twitter. And I'll let you know within 5-10 minutes of that happening. Also, if nothing happens today, it doesn't mean they're not coming. No need to get upset. The world will not end. :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. After all the hype, it seems like it's not quite the end of the world (yet)... Fab G

  3. "never trust anything a SA promoter says." Robert learned that lesson in Argentina 1987

  4. Shame on those desperate journalists in an outgoing meaningless 'PREVIEWED' situation.
    But they need their pennies...

    1. Sometimes the journalist are fans also and get caught in the fever!

  5. Come on, it's still 5PM in South America.

  6. Even Roger doesnt know when it will b confirmed...

    1. Silly, Roger. He just has to ask the promoters. :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Maybe The Cure should use their official twitter for clarify everything that journalists and news say...

    1. Not their job to correct others misinformation. Robert has been very clear on that. Unless info comes straight from the band, it's not official or confirmed.

      We all know this, but it never stops us from getting excited with every new rumor. :)

    2. yeah you're right.. I guess I was really excited with the news, with the idea of see them live for first time...

    3. Well please don't give up hope! Just because the announcement didn't come today, doesn't mean it couldn't come tomorrow, or next week or next month.

  8. Well I was told that it would be announced this week "the most", then that it would be announced today (no time given or where it would be announced though)... my lips are sealed for the rest of it...

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you, Jo. And how was the Church show? Hope you enjoyed it!

  10. It basically says "because of adjustments, the tour announcement was delayed to next week(s).

    1. Yeah, just posted that. :)

      I think/hope that the "adjustments" had to do with them trying to figure out if they want to play North America before or after South America. :)

      Either way is good for us, Robert. :)
