
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Robert picks 'Low' as Greatest Record Ever

Robert picked David Bowie's 'Low' as the Greatest Record Ever Made. From NME:
“David Bowie’s 'Low'. I bought it on cassette and the same day I went to a garden centre with my mum. I’d ordered it from the local record shop, and Paul, who was in the band, and is my brother-in-law, had dropped it through the letterbox. It’s like one of those weird days. I walked home from school, there was the cassette and we had a cassette player in the car. I went with her to a garden centre, and I listened to 'Low' while she went and did whatever mums do in garden centres, and I was like utterly, my whole perception of sound was changed. Just how something could sound completely different, like 'Breaking Glass', everything on there in fact, 'Sound And Vision', everything on there, everything I heard was astonishing, really astonishing. When I put it on now the sound, dunk dunk, everything is just fucking genius! There are other albums that I love much more, like viscerally much more, like 'Axis: Bold As Love', or 'Five Leaves Left', albums that I can cry to, but 'Low' was the album that had a huge impact on me, just how I saw sound. No other album has done that to me.” (Thanks Jorge)


  1. Listening to it now. Interesting. Never heard it before. Contemplating purchase.

  2. I also bought the Jimmy Hendrix one and I'm going on a car trip tomorrow so I'll listen to both probably.

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  4. Fine album & whilst The Cure are made favourite band - Bowie is the greatest artist ever, total genius.

  5. Low is a fantastic album, some amazing sounds and effects on there. Really don't know who I love more The Cure or Bowie. Was so pleased when Reeves joined the band. Would it be fair to say there are many Cure fans that also love Bowie's music? Preparing to see loads of comments from people who hate Bowie now!

  6. I agree with Robert, if you must have only one from Bowie, it's "Low".

  7. Low is incredible. For the uninitiated, also be sure to investigate Bowie's Station to Station, Heroes, Lodger and Scary Monsters. They are all amazing records.

    Nick Drake's Five Leaves Left is another indispensable album. Highly recommended.

  8. Bowie is a pure genius to be put on the same shelf as Robert Smith, Kate Bush, Kurt Cobain and The Beatles.

  9. @ davidaftertherain: Agree on Bowie & Kate Bush 100%.

  10. Love Bowie, and Low is amongst my favourite albums from him. Couldn't agree more with Robert, here.
