
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Original 35mm prints of In Orange & more found

Forgot to post this last month. From Tim Pope's website:
"Great news, look what I just found in the storage place! Original 35mm prints, all... many others, too... I was one of the few directors ever to work on 35mm film through to the end stages. Most people, even then, worked on video. So, all these years later, they cannot show their films as intended, due to changes in format and digital decay. Can you imagine Close To Me on a big screen??? Or Inbetween Days? Or The Cure In Orange? And others? It's possible! !" (Thanks Alan)

Maybe Tim hasn't heard that the Alamo Drafthouse Ritz has shown 'In Orange' in 35mm three times recently. And 92YTribeca has shown it at least once. No need to imagine, Tim. :) But a more widespread release would be very welcome! As would a Blu-ray release.


  1. This NEEDS a Blu-Ray release so badly. And PLEASE DO NOT REMIX IT, ROBERT!!!

  2. Actually I would not mind a new mixing of this. Simon and Porl were a bit flat and low on my VHS copy, or whatever version i find on youtube.


    That's what I tweeted back to him.. :)

  4. Didn't see the "more found" though.. Very CUREious.. :)

  5. Hopefully this is an inter positive he's found. If nothing it should be higher quality than what's been shown publicly. Usually such prints have degraded due to scratches, projector wear, etc. to master for blu-ray from these prints is expensive due to restoration required.

    However, an IP or archival print may be enough to get it done. Here's hoping!

  6. Here's hoping indeed. I bought a used VHS back in 2005 and then lost it. I want this badly. Ditto "Show" (which for over a decade, I had no idea existed as a video)! Come on, Robert. Just hire Tim Pope to rerelease it all, so you can tend to music, and then review his work. We're dying waiting here!

    1. i just brought a set of four vhs think'n i could play these so i wouldn't play my originals not seen for years, then sod, throw out the vcr last year, not quite but near desperately need them on dvd, aaarrrggggghhhhhhh

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. You forgot that you had thrown our your VCR?! That's so tragic. For years, companies have been lowering the quality of technology; a VCR made in 2000 was a lot worse than one made in 1994!

      In 2010, I bought a dual DVD-R/VCR by Toshiba for less than $200. Check your local stores; you should be able to get one.

    4. yeah well, didn't think i'd need one of those and got a blu-ray recorder player freeview thingo around then, so good+ condition vcr (90's)as you say next best, also the 'in orange' is available (now have 3)

  7. It's been 12 YEARS now that I am postponing to watch "ORANGE" and "SHOW" for the first time

    because I've been WAITING for it to be released on a new format (DVD or Blu-ray) !! :)

    I like to make pleasure last
    BUT I would REALLY like it to be RELEASED !!

    So I can finally allow myself to see it :)


  8. I just hope that Robert gives us a link to a high quality download of the audio from these shows. As much as I appreciate the visual aspect of these shows, it's the music that I'd like to have with me when I'm driving or working and listening to my ipod.

    1. Yeah, In Orange contains, for me, the definitive version of A Night Like This, with that wonderful guitar solo replacing the sax, which dates the album version somewhat.

      Of course there are lots of live versions with guitar solo instead of sax, but I think In Orange is the best I've heard.

  9. If he has the original 35mm negatives then you can do so much more these days with HD and modern telicine that you caouldnt have done 10 or 15 years ago. The Cinema prints would be dubs off the negs, or dubs of dubs, either way what Tim has found is going to be vastly better.
