
Thursday, August 9, 2012

More Cure at Vieilles Charrues videos

Arte Live Web has finally posted the 6 videos that Robert picked for broadcast. Happy that he picked 6 that weren't included in the original webcast.
(Thanks Olivier, Joy, and @guillaumegrivaz)

Update (Aug. 9th, 2012): Posted on The Cure's Facebook last night (I assume this was written by Robert?): ""EXPERIENCE THE WONDER THAT IS JASON AND THE CUREONAUTS - SIX LIVE SONGS FROM THE 120720 VIEILLES CHARRUES FESTIVAL - - WOW!!!" (Thanks @HaloCure13)


  1. There are LOTS of close ups to Jason! but they all reveal he has to practice more. He is doing just OK but must do better!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Always the same. Please! Stop bashing Jason! It's not fair and I am sick of this endless discussion.
    IMO he is the best drummer Cure ever had!

    If someone really needs more practice it's Reeves!!! His "playing" in FTEOTDGS and WN hurts in my ears!!!

    1. I actually love the sound...I don't know about you but I really like it...This is now the right time we adapt to changes and Reeves is bringing that to the band (in terms of live music)

  4. I'm not sure what the first poster was watching, but I just watched Push and thought 'bloody hell-Jason sounds great!'. Robert seems happy! Love these videos. The boys are sounding better than ever. Counting the days til Reading now!!

  5. Agree, Jason is doing great. Same applies to Reeves. Just amazing his sound...this recording is very special as his guitar is louder than normal. I love it...but this might be a question of taste. To be honest, at the end I couldn't stand the dominating sound of Porl anymore. Just listen to "inbetween days" of other 2012 webcasts. Acoustic guitar and keyboards brought back the beauty of the guitar...

    1. I just can't place Reeves's really unique, but it just seems to 'fit'. Like all those wonderfully unique musicians who've contributed something special to the band, he's got that magical Cure sound to his playing. An absolute master of the guitar!

  6. Jason fucking kills it. The man just gets better and bad they don't play more from 4:13, b/c Jason's drums absolutely crush that record. What's up with the tatoos/permanent marker on his arm in the video's. Also, as the tour progresses, Reeves gets better and it sounds like the sound guy starts to turn him up finally...must be a bitch to learn those songs in a few weeks a d then perform them with the greatest band in the world infront of massive audiences...just saying, who else could have pulled that off!

  7. Jason fucking kills it. The man just gets better and bad they don't play more from 4:13, b/c Jason's drums absolutely crush that record. What's up with the tatoos/permanent marker on his arm in the video's. Also, as the tour progresses, Reeves gets better and it sounds like the sound guy starts to turn him up finally...must be a bitch to learn those songs in a few weeks a d then perform them with the greatest band in the world infront of massive audiences...just saying, who else could have pulled that off!

  8. Fantastic.....BUT wish they would drop Wrong Number from the set....cant stand it!

    1. Yeah I kind of agree with that. So many songs I would replace it with. It was a single though, so I guess it's right for a festival set.

    2. Wrong Number is the only studio song where Reeves played as guest guitarist - and thus knew well. It would have been at least rude not to play it live.

  9. It seems nobody notices the backing tracks... he might have improved (and he did!), but he's far from being "the best" despite being the drummer for 15 years.

  10. So, I haven't read the comments above but there will be at least 3 saying Jason's cymbals aren't right and Reeves is too old and Roger should go and Perry come back ... I'll get back to you with my findings!!!!

  11. Ha .... I was wrong. There were only two Jason bashers, plus and one Reeves detractor ... so that makes three!!! Kinda. Still, it's early in the day!!!

    Can we finally accept that The Cure are the people on stage at any one time and if you don't like it well then I hear the original Back Street Boys are reforming.

  12. Jason nails Inbetween Days ... as good as Boris in The Cure in Orange. Apple Music on 2nd St in Portland have the Robert signature acoustic dropped to $600 right now. In case you're interested. I played it, and it's a fine guitar.

  13. It seems that Robert is trying by all means to make us love his drummer but here is my "Analysis of Jason's playing in this new video":

    00:22 Jason plays a new drum fill intro for Push (Totally different and never heard before) and that makes Bob smile at Jason.
    00:40 / 00:54 Jason plays a hi-hop drum beat in the snare drum with a horrible (ab)use of the china cymbal
    02:28 the same drum fill as in 00:22 that makes Bob and Simon smile.
    02:40 / 02:53 the hip-hop beat with (ab)use of the china cymbal
    03:04 This same drum fill will be repeated in other songs... (like IBD)
    03:17 again the same drum fill
    03:25 same fill
    03:30 same fill
    03:43 same fill
    03:50 same fill
    03:57 same fill
    05:33 same fill...
    05:54 / 06:47/ 07:06 / 07:20 same fill!!!!!!!
    09:53 Jason missed the two hits in the china cymbal
    10:48 same fill
    12:31 this fill using the toms and cymbals is his 'new' drumfill and uses it in songs like Shake dog Shake, Want and others too.

    During FTEOTDGS Jason repeats the drufills again and again and again!

    Jason has changed the drum pattern of The Hungry Ghost and has added A LOT of hits in the snare drum. Almost the same hip-hop/R&B drum pattern at 00:40 & 02:40.

    25:02 the hip-hop things begins...
    OK, it's his song but why repeat the same pattern again and again and again????

    I thought Jason was improving but now I can confirm he is playing as bad and adding more notes and playing busy as before.

    1. Yawn....
      Here's a thought...spend less time analysing and more time just listening, and you might actually enjoy it! :-)

    2. I agree with the analysis 100%...the repetitive playing is annonying making it impossible to enjoy the songs.

      @neilp: great work!

    3. The repetitive Jason bashing is annoying. I still enjoy the songs though.

    4. Jason bashing the cymbals is annoying and doesn't let enjoy any song.

    5. I have a very simple solution to your predicament...DON'T LISTEN! Familiarise yourself with the 'off' switch on your stereo. Use it. Don't waste any more precious hours feeling annoyed, and instead listen to something you actually enjoy.

    6. NeilP. I hope you get the help you need.

  14. 2.55, Robert sings too high, i have never heard that"Go go go" like this before !He's definitely the wrong singer for The Cure, let's replacee him!Ah zzzzzzz.

    1. For just one error? you are too severe.

    2. Lol :-)

      Why not just replace them all? Just stick a c.d on instead?!

    3. why not just replace jason and let the backing tape do his job?

    4. Robert used the D major chord in Push, Inbetween Days and Just Like Heaven - so repetitive!

  15. neilp ... aren't Rush on tour right now? What are you doing on the Internet when you should be doing a drum solo while revolving?

    1. My style wouldn't fit The Cure. I know that and I accept it.

      This is something Jason doesn't notice or doesn't care about and continues spoiling concerts again and again with his limited creativity and lack of musicianship.

      (and no, no I'm not Neil P!)

    2. If you don't like the band with Jason, why bother? Why waste your time and energy griping about it? I just don't get it. What do you expect to achieve? If I don't like a band, I just don't listen. Simple.

  16. perfect.murder ... love it!!!

  17. Why must we continuously deal with these people?? Jason has been in the band for umpteen years now and you have the audacity to criticize him? Are you even a fan of The Cure? If Jason is good enough for Robert and Simon then why is he not good enough for you? This is a site for fans. Get it? FANS!? GO AWAY! The same goes for all the Porl and Perry pushers out there too.

  18. Yes, this is a site/blog for fans and for GROUPIES.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. .. and you apparently have neither. Otherwise, you'd have your own fan blog and world tours to keep you busy. Keep on practicing buddy.

  21. .. and you keep up the groupie job ;)

  22. And I am in no way putting Pearl or Perry down. Or Boris for that matter. I just think that we need to embrace the current lineup just as Robert has done. Every member of The Cure, past and present, has contributed something special over the years. Why complain? Just sit back and enjoy. I find it too hard not to.

  23. Okay, enough! This is going to turn ugly, and I'm not having any of that here.

    Anti-Jason people: You've made your opinion known, nothing is going to change. Accept it or move on. Plenty of pre-Jason albums/bootlegs to listen to and enjoy.

    Pro-Jason people: After 17 years, do you really think Robert or Jason care one bit about a handful of people who bleat on about this, over and over again? I would think Robert knows more about what's right for HIS band, than fans do. If Jason really was a problem, do you honestly think he wouldn't have made a change? He's done it for much less than this.

  24. Very true and well put, Craig.

  25. I couldn´t have said it better myself, thanks Craig:) And for me(a true cure-fan) All members in Cure are important. Thanks Craig for a great job/Lasse from Sweden

  26. I cant say for sure but i kind of doubt Robert would write the date as 120720, that's more American i would say...

    1. So an imposter using the RS ALL CAPS style of writing to fool us! :)

      Then again, as an American, I would write it as 072012. And Arte has it as 120720, and they're French, so I guess that is a European way of writing it.

      I'm over-thinking this, aren't I? :)

    2. He probably just copied it from them. We write it 20/7/12

  27. Lime green, lime green and tangerine... I especially love Reeves' guitar.

  28. ??

    Did I log on to by mistake??

    Oh. Hi Craig! Our moderator..

  29. @Craig: I think Robert wanted to create controversy and pick on the people who doesn't like Jason's playing. Even in the Facebook messages you can find a bunch of comments regarding how Jason is not as good as Boris or Andy. Others don't even know who Jason is..
    Roberts wants to leave a wick on fire for the upcoming shows.

    1. How can anyone not know who Jason is?

    2. For most people, The Cure is Robert and don't care about the other guys.

      Also remember there are fans who just:

      a) hear the vocals
      b) hear the vocals and lead guitar or keyboard parts
      c) hear the music as a whole
      d) hear the music as a whole and at the same time can distinguish what each of the musicians are playing.

      Probably people in "c" and "d" are the ones who complain about how jason plays.

    3. That's a croc..

      I classify myself as a "d" person and have no issues with Jason..

  30. I think NeilPs opinions are poor and he should move someplace where grumpy and bitter people go.

  31. I think the problem with all this Jason bashing is that people only focus on the negative. Yes, Jason's playing style is considerably different from Boris', Andy's and Lol's. Sometimes it's worse, but there are also plenty of times where it's better. If everyone could just focus on the positive sides, we would all be having a lot more fun.

  32. Well, I am not having any problems with Jason now...He's getting better and better...but Boris is still the best drummer they ever have (I was also having problems with Boris before) when he was playing the circa' 79-82 Cure songs in the late 80s...i don't like how he played Killing An Arab in their Orange concert...just saying that Lol played better in that song.

  33. This isn't mean to be neither pro- or against- Jason, but perhaps fans overlook that personality is as important as musicianship in a band like the Cure. At the end of the day it's not just about going onstage and playing some songs. I presume having a good vibe withing the band matters as much, and I am sure that Jason gets along quite well with all band members.

  34. D, there's something to that. Robert recently said how much he enjoys this lineup of The Cure. One reason being that they all get along with each other. I remember watching one of this Summer's festival shows and as they got on stage Simon and Roger hugged before taking their spots. How great is that!? You also see Robert smiling at the other band members a lot these days and doing numerous (and immensely entertaining) interviews. Long live Robert Smith and The Cure!

  35. Robert always says that this or that is the best Cure lineup ever and that he feels happy, etc :)

  36. The anti-Jason minority displaying how little they know about drumming once again. Pitiful. I'm glad I experienced The Cure at their peak in the mid-to-late Eighties, quintessentially a British/European affair, and most importantly pre-internet. We weren't aware of these pathetic, bullying/bullied, geek-cliques back then because, basically, they were NOT INVITED.
    A darkly romantic pop band who were always about LIFE (dressing up, drinking, laughing/crying, dancing and falling over). LIFE!
    Jason seems to be really enjoying his, how about you?

    (BTW I actually saw Boris and Andy play several times and you didn't so SSHHHHHH!)

    1. "I actually saw Boris and Andy play several times and you didn't so SSHHHHHH!"

      btw, attending to several concerts doesn't make you a drummer or musician.

    2. I am a musician, though. I'm also an adult.

      I am NOT a geek.

    3. not a good musician for sure.

    4. why a geek? for pointing out that Jason plays the same fills? please!
      I wanted non-musicians people confirm for themselves what me and other people have noticed about J long ago.

  37. Somebody should make some JASON AND THE CUREONAUTS T-shirts. I'd buy one.

    1. I seriously might get one made for Reading!!

  38. That might be the best description of The Cure I've ever read:
    "A darkly romantic pop band who were always about LIFE (dressing up, drinking, laughing/crying, dancing and falling over). LIFE!"

    1. I agree! I read it and thought - yeah that's it...that's exactly why I love them so much! Beautiful description!! Thanks towerblock :-)

  39. Robert has said millions of times he does NOT use facebook at all. Any messages from him will only appear on ever. So I doubt that saying is from him.

  40. No one said he actually posted it, just that that those might be his words. Notice that they are in quotation marks? And if not from him, pretty lame of someone to use .the ALL CAPS to make it seem like it was him

  41. Gabrels is an excellent Robert's decision for the band. I concur in that is the only one able to replace Porl.

    ANALOGY: Wouldnt you be dissapointed if Robert changes the lyrics in 90% of the songs?
    well, its the same with Jason. He changes the drums parts and that annoys some of the fans.

    1. Boris drum patters are real compositions in their own right and should be played with all their distinctive parts for that reason.
      Imagine JLH without the guitar riff, inbetween days without the keyboard part, etc. that is exactly what Jason does with the songs and personally I find it annoying.
      You are a musician, but I'm totally sure you're not a drummer. If you were a drummer or percussionist you'd be able to feel how bad a butchered drum pattern sounds.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.
