
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Cure pub in Seoul, South Korea

"Have you ever heard about this? It's a huge pub in Seoul (Hongdae) called "The Cure" with pictures and posters of the band (and of a few other British bands) all over the place and on TV screens. The place looks insane! Look at the Gallery here, more pictures here." (Thanks Olivier)


  1. That is so cool! I might visit Seoul in a couple of years and if I do I really hope this pub is still around because if it is I will most certainly pay it a visit :)

  2. Hi, I'm bartender of The Cure pub and also big fan of the Cure. After reading this, I told The boss about this and he was so appreciate this post was featured on CoF that every Cure fans could read! haha anyway... I uploaded more pictures of the pub. And today is Chris's birthday so please visit our Facebook or Twitter and congratulate to him :)

  3. This is literally the coolest bar I've ever been to in my life. I love it. I would go there every night if I could lol!
