
Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Cure at Roskilde Festival 2012

Setlist: (Tape), Open, High, The End of the World, Lovesong, Push, Inbetween Days, Just Like Heaven, From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea, Trust, Want, Pictures of You, Lullaby, The Walk, Doing the Unstuck, Bananafishbones, Play For Today, A Forest, Primary, Shake Dog Shake, The Hungry Ghost, Wrong Number, One Hundred Years, End

1st encore: The Kiss, If Only Tonight We Could Sleep, Fight
2nd encore: Dressing Up, The Lovecats, The Caterpillar, Close To Me, Just One Kiss, Let's Go To Bed, Sleep When I'm Dead, Friday I'm in Love, Why Can't I Be You?
3rd encore: Boys Don't Cry.

Reviews: Copenhagen Post / Berlingske (English) / Proud! (English) / Jyllands-Posten (English) / SoundVenue (English) / Undertoner (English) / BT / Ekstra Bladet (English) / Politiken (English) / Gaffa (English) / Countdown to Extinction (English) / Musik Express (English) / St. Paul's Lifestyle (audio) / Perfect.Murder / BillOddity

Photos: Robocod / Roskilde / Robert (Tom Spray) / Politiken / Miriam / Reeves & Robert (Robin Ball) / Roger Skauen

Videos: Medley - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 / Push / Just Like Heaven / Trust / Trust & Want / Want / Pictures of You / Bananafishbones & Play For Today & A Forest / A Forest / Shake Dog Shake / One Hundred Years / The Kiss / Dressing Up / Just One Kiss / Interview with "drunkest, biggest Cure fan"

Huge thank you to JC/Perfect.Murder and Jonatan () for the updates tonight. Excellent job, guys!

00:00 - Perfect.Murder: Robert says "have an excellent Roskilde Festival".
23:58 - Perfect.Murder: Gonna try to catch Roger's tambourine after BDC...didn't throw it.
23:56 - Perfect.Murder: Robert says Simon has been rehearsing Born in the USA jokes
23:45 - Perfect.Murder: Stage is quite high, can see 1/3 of Reeves and 1/2 of Robert... Full view of roger and simon. Thankfully the upper parts. :)
23:40 - Perfect.Murder: Guitar string breaks...Robert unperturbed
23:26 - Perfect.Murder: Festival crowd loves Lovecats. Shock.
23:09 - Perfect.Murder: Robert says this is the Kiss Me interlude part of the set.
22:54 - Perfect.Murder: Powerful drumming from Jason on End. And fuck all of his detractors.
22:28 - Perfect.Murder: Great version of Primary Simon Gallup rocks
22:25 - Perfect.Murder: Great final bass slammin by Simon on A Forest
22:16 - Perfect.Murder: Robert forgetting the words in the first verse of PFT.
21:33 - Perfect.Murder: Smiling Robert & Simon at start of Deep Green Sea.
21:19 - Perfect.Murder: Lovesong
20:07 - Perfect.Murder has a great spot for tonight. Maybe catch another tambourine from Roger? :)
18:30 - Perfect.Murder has made it safely to Roskilde, bought a program, borrowed his girlfriend's phone, and is ready for reporting duties tonight. Saving battery power until then. As you know, it's going to be a long one tonight. : )

While Roskilde will have some live streaming, The Cure are not currently on the schedule.


  1. Replies
    1. I completly agree with you, Kate: Thank you, Craig and reporter(s)! ;-)

    2. I always agree with Kate!

    3. *grin* at lapsang and Tom

  2. Checking in for the live show thread!! How fun!! JC got a great spot!

  3. Hope they start with Underneath The Stars!

  4. Shame they didn't seem to get livestream rights..

    1. True, but we have been spoiled this summer with live streams :D

  5. Yay, another evening of Cure goodness has started!

  6. live report and setlist here

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Yes, I am posting it on the front page. Do you not see it?

    2. sorry craig! enjoy these 3hrs!!

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  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I'm listening to Southside and so far it's song for song.

  11. Haha...started listening to southside bootleg again as an alternative to a webcast from roskilde. Every song fits to now ;)

    1. Ahhh... Now it differs with JLH instead of Doing the Unstuck! Perfect Illusion ended. :(

  12. Little does Reeves know that with these 3 hour sets, he's slowly but surely being assimilated into the Cure! By the end of the summer there will be no other alternative but to enter the recording studio!!! :)

  13. It's still perfect if you just skip DTU

  14. Moe, did you watch the long video interview? They have already written a new song!! Robert says it's ridiculously catchy. :D

    1. such a good new! they creta new songs! just one for the moment, but it's all good!!!

  15. Counter Girl at McDonalds:

    --TWEETS--: "Slow night tonight, saved only by be able to Super Size Robert Smith's order!" #Cure #CoF #JLH

    1. LOL!! I wonder if he ordered it himself! Wouldn't that be an experience, if the counter person knew who they were serving!

    2. I think Morris is joking. In reference to Robert's McDonald's comments in that interview. : )

      I think. : )

    3. I thought he was serious for a minute. :)

  16. Trust and Want from the Pinkpop set :D

  17. greats songs again tonight!!! i'm sure the encores give us surprises....

    1. pictures of you in the middle of the main set!! never seen it!!

    2. Pictures was in the middle of the set at Hultsfred too, actually later than tonight I think.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I love the new live version of Bananafishbones SO MUCH!!!

  20. Me too Heron! It's just awesome.

  21. Yes, and it seems to be getting better with each show. So nice to see them rediscovering and enjoying the older near-forgotten songs.

  22. Just want it known that JC first said they were playing Pornography, nearly causing me a heart attack. Of course it was really just One Hundred Years. : )

    1. A clear case of fat fingers on my Iphone of course! :)

    2. I hope you know I'm only joking with you. Though I do think my jaw dropped to the floor when I read it. :)

  23. The time before the first encore is always fraught with anticipation!!

  24. Robert seems to prefer playing The Kiss with Reeves than...They're doing it much more often than in Porl era, and indeed, its staggering now.

  25. Replies
    1. You took the words right out of my mouth! Amazing stuff!

  26. KMKMKM encore, great stuff. Let's see what's up for the second encore. They've still got 45 minutes left, more than enough for a few surprises.

  27. That's four songs from The Top so far. Maybe they'll top it off with The Top?

  28. This is shaping up to be a long second encore.

  29. Come on come on, leave a bit of time for a third encore, please?

  30. My bet is on the 3rd encore being 'Boys Don't Cry'.

  31. They'll more than likely end the show with BDC again for sure, but maybe one more song before that?

  32. If I reflect the shows so far, this has been my favorite setlist beside Russia. Can't await next 8 days that brings us 4 times more of this.

  33. that's an amazing setlist!!! I hope for the heineken jammin festival, just with Plainsong/Disintegration instead Open/End...

    1. I'd prefer O/E as I had P/D twice this tour ! Great set list anyway.

    2. O/E is good to. The songs played until now that leave me indifferent are Mint Car, Sleep When I'm Dead and Let's go to Bed, but if they play The Same Deep Water As You ...

  34. this was my first cure show outside of the USA. 12th Cure show overall. a great time. I elected for front row main area rather than wait in line for the PIT. was a bit far back but the sound was great. holy shit, roger's solo on TRUST is the highlight of this tour. and my god, how lucky I feel to hear THE KISS. rocked it!

  35. We (me & my son) just came home from the show.Happy and exhausted, discussing the setlist. It was SO good tonight, slightly better than Hultsfred. My son's number one: if only tonight. My choice: primary.

  36. Oh, my God. Trust. I'd LOVE to see that live. Next time in Toronto, Robert! Promise Cure fans here we'll get a more varied setlist! Please!

  37. Muldfeld, I saw 'Trust' performed with both Roger AND Perry on keyboards at the same time in Toronto during the Dream Tour. :)

    1. Good to know. I couldn't go for that concert because I didn't live long-term in Toronto; I hope I'm that lucky!

  38. Robert watches Danish tv-series :) He said something like: "I should speak "forbrydelsen" (The Killing) and "Broen" (The Bridge)"

    Hightligt for me was "Just One Kiss". Excellent.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.


  41. hmmm...looks like this will be the setlist for their upcoming Reading and Leeds festival...I hope there can be few changes... :)

  42. Great show...The band was in really good spirit, smilling through the set, and sounding really good in my opinion....From comments about Robert's voice at last week's show in France(could be Belgium, can't remember),i understand his voice wasn't as good as usual..NOT so tonight,he sang really well...Not a personal favourite, but Sleep when I'm dead,Doing the Unstuck amongst other stuck out for me, and Primary and The Walk have been given a new lease of life lately(at least to my ears) which is great...Couple of things on the Festival itself, the organisation is tip top....The train literally arrives at the Festival which is very convinient.Stewards are really helpfull and you're being provided with water throughout the waiting in line and the show....I guess the casualties the festival has suffered in the last few years means extra care is given to crowd safety and that's a good thing.You feel safe and looked after but not in an overbearing way.Finally,it was one of the nicest day of the summer weatherwise yesterday, around 20c at 10pm last night..........this morning... torrential rain in Copenhagen...not sure i'd want to go back to the Festival today :).

  43. Just woke up from a short nights sleep. My twitter did collapse, but luckily, there were others who did an excellent job with sending the setlists. The show itself was out of this world IMO. An excellent performance with great songs, many I really wished for like Trust, Just one kiss, Fight...the list goes on and on. Roskilde is a superb festival and I agree with PM that the organisation is superb, it always feels safe and enjoyable being there. Robert was seen smiling a lot more than any other concert I've been to. Overall, I memory for life!

  44. Don't know how to do that translation thingy but here are some reviews of the concert:

    The perfect Roskilde-band:

    The Cure showed the way to eteranl youth:

  45. Sigh, such great setlist coming from this tour and such great stories. Makes me feel slightly bad for being jealous that they are getting all these great shows and I have to live vicariously through them while living in the states! Only slightly though and i'm crossing my finger for a US tour here sooner rather than later!!!!!

  46. Perfect.Murder sent in that clip I've added of the Danish interview with the drunken Cure fan. Here's a translation (courtesy of P.M's girlfriend):

    "Roughly the presenter say he's found the drunkest, biggest Cure fan at Roskilde....,and asks him if he's happy with the set so far(you can hear End playing in the background)...he says yes he is, but it's a shame the band took so long to play the good songs...."
