
Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Cure at Southside Festival 2012

Setlist: (Tape), Open, High, The End of the World, Lovesong, Push, Inbetween Days, Doing the Unstuck, Just Like Heaven, From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea, If Only Tonight We Could Sleep, Pictures of You, Lullaby, The Caterpillar, The Walk, Bananafishbones, Play For Today, A Forest, Primary, Shake Dog Shake, The Hungry Ghost, Wrong Number, One Hundred Years, End

Encore: Dressing Up, The Lovecats, Close To Me, Let's Go To Bed, Why Can't I Be You?

Photos: Southside / Robert 1 & 2 (folkbadger) /  Schwarzwälder Bote / Dasding / Robert (kiuto) / The Cure (kiuto)

Audio: SummerCure / scttrbrn (Rapidshare - DIME)

Videos (Webcast): Complete / Open / High / End of the World / Doing the Unstuck / Push / From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea / If Only Tonight We Could Sleep / The Caterpillar

Videos: Open / High / End of the World / Lovesong 1 - 2 - 3 / Push / Doing the Unstuck / Just Like Heaven / If Only Tonight We Could Sleep / Pictures of You / The Walk / Bananafishbones / Play For Today / A Forest 1 - 2 / Primary / Shake Dog Shake 1 - 2 / End / Why Can't I Be You?

Thanks to Marie for the setlist reports.

Dasding will have a live webcast tonight, but as of now, The Cure are not listed on their schedule. I asked them about it on Twitter, here's the reply: "Unfortunately we didn't get the permission so far. Check "
Update: Yes! The Cure have given permission! Live webcast tonight! Only 66 minutes of it, but better than nothing. Thank you, Robert! "Some good news for you. We WILL be broadcasting The Cure tonight! "


  1. Will be interesting to see what the show brings tonight! How about a shake dog shake start and the top end to the main set?!?! ;-)

  2. It's the "standard-excuse" of DASDING! to say they have no permission by the band. In fact, I think they haven't even asked! They will show the concert of "Broilers" instead... DASDING! is a show mainly for teenagers aged 15-18 and so they they go for what they think will work best for mainstream. Broilers are quite big in Germany at moment.

    1. That could be true, but they do need to ask for the rights to broadcast the set. Same thing happened at Pinkpop, they didn't get permission to broadcast until a couple of hours before the show.

      Maybe if they do ask and get permission, they will at least show some highlights later, if they don't show it live.

      Probably wishful thinking on my part, but I really want to see the band live again. :)

  3. Let's hope they start with 'Lost', 'SDS' and ' The Scream' in the middle, end the main set with 'TT' and a little encore with 'Jupiter Crash' and 'Bare'.
    It sucks they can't play longer in Germany gigs.

  4. I agree that they have some many songs and they always stick playing the same...I'm happy that they are trying some different songs like JUST ONE KISS, Bananafishbones, The top,Fight and Mint car...I wish they could open with The Baby Screams, Lost, Out of this World, Underneeth the Stars

  5. And that they say "Best Of" additonaly with Florence & The Machine (Damn I missed that!) (But not with examply The Cure) means they braodcast the whole thing!?

    1. They only have permission to broadcast the first 66 minutes, then they have to cut it off.

    2. ok I was quite sure this party-student-hipster-club won't show anything of bands not played at least 500 times per day at the radio, so I'm glad anyway

  6. Can anyone see anything yet?

  7. I just get transferred with a message saying twittermeldungen

    1. Make sure your Flash player is up to date.

    2. hmm me too. thanks craig i'll try that

    3. :/ updated flash, still no luck

    4. oh i got it! your link was to

      when i cut off the beginning
      and clicked play myself, it worked

  8. open...dedicated to the venue? ;)

  9. I think it's wodka jus instead of beer :-)

  10. i haven't been able to get the live stream to load :(

  11. So weird they brought this song back for the live shows... Im guessing it was Simon. Love it.

  12. I haven't seen him do "you you you" for a long time now.

  13. FTEOTDGS guitar leads seem much for fluid than the first show.

  14. Seemed like they didn't really get untracked until Lovesong, but now they are firing on all cylanders... Reeves... WOW!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Is this the first for IOTWCS on these shows?

  17. Oh boy Robert was/is mad ! Jason percussions did not work during IOTWCS

  18. Was that an abbreviated version of IOTWCS?

  19. Wonder what was so funny... :)

  20. Lyrics at beginning of cat...?

  21. The beginning musically was great... lyrically sounded like the studio demo, I only think this because I just listened to it earlier this week.

  22. I hope someone fucks up and forgets to throw the switch.

  23. Also The Walk sounds terrible...what are they doing?

  24. 70 minutes... Glad to get this.

  25. Another Wodka Jus. Robert's getting drunk.

  26. See you at the next webcast.

  27. At least they waited until a natural endpoint

  28. stunning caterpillar & bananafishbones on broadcast! A sign from god!! ;)

  29. So I guess they're going for the 10-ish minutes of short songs encore this time.

  30. Only 3 Disintegration songs!

    Wonder if that's a record?

    1. We've had lots of 'D' songs since it came out. 3 is enough but they could play 'Untitled' or 'Closedown' instead of 'Lullaby' and 'POY'.

    2. Only played 3 at Hultsfred, too.

    3. Disintegration has such lovely songs like Homesick and Last Dance...songs you never hear live but they are my 2 favorite songs on the album. Maybe they are difficult to play?

      On Wish you have Apart...another great song (the best on Wish) and again never played live.

      It is so cool they finally do some very rare songs live like The top Bananafishbones and Just one great !!!

  31. Good set list, with more 'summer 2012 surprises' but replace "IBD' by 'Maybe someday', 'Open' by 'Out of this world', 'End' by 'The Screan', 'Play for today' by '(IDKWG) On', 'The Walk' by 'Numb' and you remember yourself, Robert, and the whole world that the last 4 albums are wonderful.

    1. Wow, you REALLY have a good taste! (Except of The Scream Which schould Be Babyby Raggedy Doggy Book aka Its Over!)

    2. Honey, it's not me who have a good taste. It's The Cure who have dozens of good songs but forgot they do ;)

    3. Well, It's just I never heard of anyone before who cares so much for the WMS to 4:13 era (especially I never heards of anybody who likes IDKWG On)

      now someone came write that since boris left everthig's crap :)

    4. Read my book and you'll understand. A song is not better because it's old. It's just because you felt in love on it at 15, 20 years ago.
      Charlotte Sometimes will keep a special place in my heart but it can't blind me to recognize that the guys keep writting fantastic music, high above of the vast majority of what's being released.

    5. Your book (in german translation) is SOMEWHERE and I'm pretty much desperate searching for it for reading it again. But since I moved it's SOMEHOW lost (just like my Housten 2008 setlist...) I could cry for that :(

  32. Good set list but once again the last fantastic 4 are under represented. Makes me sad.

  33. Several shows in and my conclusion is Reeves is being massively underused. I think he's constraining himself too much. He's there to help out, but being musically stiff as a board isn't helping anything. Cut loose a bit man! Turn the effects on! Put the distortion up! And plug your guitar in dude! Seriously, was he on a toilet break during High and POY?

  34. How to download the mp3s without DIME ? :-s

  35. I don't have a DIME account either?

  36. please can some kind soul put the audio somewhere other than Dime :)

  37. Sorry, hg, had to delete your post. The link you posted was for an MP3 version and the recorder specifically asked that it not be converted: "Do not encode into MP3 or any other lossy format!"

    I don't know why it's so hard for some to respect the wishes of others. :(

  38. Sorry Craig. I didn't knew about that. I just wanted to help those who were complaining about Dime.

    1. Oh I know. Not your fault at all. Just letting you know why I had to delete the post.

  39. Here's a lossless version for the non-DIMErs:
    Thanks for deleting the lossy one,

  40. Has anyone gotten the .zip download to work. I have tried many times and it says it is going to take 7 hours to download and then at some point never finishes........?
