
Friday, June 22, 2012

The Cure at Hurricane Festival 2012

Setlist: Plainsong, Pictures of You, High, The End of the World, Lovesong, Sleep When I'm Dead, Inbetween Days, Just Like Heaven, From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea, The Hungry Ghost, Play For Today, A Forest, Bananafishbones, Lullaby, The Walk, Mint Car, Friday I'm In Love, Doing the Unstuck, Trust, Want, Wrong Number, One Hundred Years, Disintegration

Encore: The Same Deep Water As You, Boys Don't Cry.

Note: Short(er) show tonight due to the band only being given 2 hours to play. Still, they went over by 15 and gave us SDWAY. I'm good with that. : )

Photos: Lars Wendlant / Ursula / Musikexpress / Robert / RadioBremen

Reviews: Weser Kurier (English) / Musikexpress (English)

Audio: SummerCure (webcast)
Video: DIME (HD webcast)

Videos: Webcast / bits of Plainsong, High, Bananafishbones, Lullaby, Same Deep Water As You / Plainsong / Pictures of You / The End of the World / A Forest / Lullaby 1 - 2 / Friday I'm In Love 1 - 2 - 3 / Disintegration / Boys Don't Cry 1 - 2 

Thanks to Peter for the setlist reports.


  1. no setlist reports this time? :(

  2. Yes,,setlist report:)

  3. wonder if they play the top they did in Hultsfred.

  4. A bit fed up with 'Plainsong' opening every single set. 'Out of this world', 'Underneath the stars', 'Shake dog shake', 'One hundred years', 'Lost'... Robert, come on. Take some risks, change some more songs, play the last 4 album songs. Cone on !!

    1. You don't know how long reeves is with them...and how many songs he's able to play yet. Also these are festival setlists, and for that fact they are increbibly great and also slightly risky with all that forgotten stuff they do again. But I'm also longing for more of the Bloodflowers- 4:13 Era, especially UTS, Lost, Bloodflowers (imagine the last two with reeves! OMG)

    2. Yes, I really don't know why they don't play "Underneath The Stars" anymore. It is such a great opening song. And "Out Of This World" too.

    3. UTS is booooring but OOTW is an excellent song!

      And please, no BF! I'm sure that would be another great song ruined by RG.

  5. Shake Dog Shake would be a good opener...but credit where credit is due, these setlists are AMAZING. Cold, Top, Banana, Same Deep Water, Unstuck, Mint Car, Fight, Just One Kiss...the surprises are never ending. Dreams are coming true on this festival tour.

  6. sleep when i´m dead after Lovesong was a little surprise.

  7. I recognize he played some stuff we hadn't heard for years but their catalogue is so huge. I don't understand why he sticks to some songs when he could use a wider range of songs. The most interesting series of set lists is when they did 3 concerts in Mexico.

    1. Don't forget: It's just a festival and not a Cure gig!

      The last time they played at Hurricane they played 7 new songs and even Robert noticed afterwards that this wasn't a good decision.

    2. He listens too much to what people say.

  8. davidaftertherain, wait to the encores:)

  9. Curefan, I love too many songs to be satisfied by one or two surprises. Reeves would easily learn 90% of The Cure catalogue and it would be more exciting to have a tour with 25-30 changes.

  10. For me, it´s enough to see Cure Live, then i´m satisfied:)

  11. I think this could be the first tour they dont't play "Fascination Street" since its release...

  12. Also No A Night Like This up to now...but these two will certainly occure this or that time this year, I guess

  13. And 10.15 saturday night...These festival setlists are focused on 1983-1992 songs. I think that the next surprises could be wailing wall and maybe a gorgeous bside (chain of flowers, 2 late, this twilight garden)

  14. Yes, these b-sides or.... BURN!! ;)

  15. first time no Push in the main set, supposingly...and first time no real suprises...before the encore

  16. Ok only two songs in the encore... But it's so great from them that they playing TSDWAY instead of a pure pop encore!!

  17. Germany, you're killing Cure art. I love this country, deeply, but this discipline is useless.I was sure this would happen (remember that Robert told they wouldn't get so much time everywhere) and that's why they should have changed the main set.

  18. BBK 3 day passes sold out. Probably 3 more shows will sold out : BBK, Vieilles Charrues and Optimus (new 2 day passes added and selling fast).

  19. TEOTW should really be out of any setlist. It just doesn't work live (and in studio...). There are better songs from that album to replace it, if they must play X songs of a specific album. B-Side that is missing? The Big Hand, period. In festivals, it seems that they prefer to play shorter songs so more songs can be played and then they can please more people. Just a thought.

    1. TEOTW HAS to stay! Except if they play F..F..F...Freakshow instead...Now everyone hates me. ;)

      But for me, indeed, TEOTW works pretty good this summer.

    2. Nooooooo Get rid of TEOTW and Mint Car...replace with Club America And Shake Dog Shake....still wishing for Burn but I won't keep my hopes up!!!!!!

  20. I really don´t understand why people get so mad about songs they play or not.

    Maybe because i am from Brazil and get less chance to sse them live.

    That´s why i am going to europe to see them.

    For me, thay can play the same song the whole concert. I realy don´t mind.

    I am happy to be able to see them, even if i am getting bankrupt!!!

    Anyway, i respect any point of view.

    Take care.

  21. Well I'm from Brazil too and I saw them play - here - not so common songs (nowadays at least) like 6 different ways, charlotte sometimes, strange day (twice!) and even faith... so I can't complain. Of course I'd like to listen to a few more obscure songs but that's how it goes... got to respect Robert's moods on each tour, I guess.

    1. "Anyway, i respect any point of view."

      "got to respect Robert's moods on each tour, I guess."

      brazilians, you really seem to be wiser than us people from stupid industrial countries. (even your governments are same shit as everywehere, sacrifice nature to profit and so on)

  22. You will never hear "Burn" played live. The Cure doesnt own the rights to the song.

    1. You don't need to own the rights to play a song live.

  23. Asuato, they do but they won't play it anyway. And it's because you don't own the rights of a song that you can't play it.

  24. Hurricane and Southside have the same Promoter...
    this two Festivals are the German "first time Teenager out of Home for the Weekend and have Party" locations - I was there in 2004, most of the audience between 16 and 20 Years old. And they only wait for their Charts Band...
    The location is terrible...
    You saw, that The Cure fellt very unconfortabble at this gigs.
    I don't understand why they play this Festivals again...We have better ones...
    I will go to Eurockeennes in france, hope for a better audience and spirit...
    -do not expect to much of Southside tonight...

  25. I think the range of songs they've played so far is quite broad considering there is a freshly new guitarist on board. They have also picked up some songs which haven't been played in ages, such as Just One Kiss, Fight and Bananafishbones and some dark tunes like Cold and The Same Deep Water As You, which are not conventional choices for summer festivals.

    I'm not a big fan of the most recent albums (the last one I loved entirely is Wish), so I kinda like they are not playing much stuff from the latest albums. I would personally drop The End of The World as well.

    In any case, I think their setlist are very good, I only hope they won't be restricted time-wise when they come to the festival I'm going to attend.

  26. That's not accurate about rights/live performances. How would anyone (including The Cure many times) play covers live?

  27. I heard there was some Drama onstage with Robert even breaking into tears. Any truth to that?

    Doesn't sound like a good thing.

    1. Where on earth did you hear this from? I literally would love to know your source on this.

  28. It seens that Robert cried during 'OHY'. Some attendees reported it on But we don't necessary have to know why.

  29. I hope they don.t play freak show at any of the gigs I go to & I wouldn't lose Any sleep if they didn't play Underneath the stars . if they were to play a different song from $.13 I hope its the Scream i really like it & think it would be great live .I was at the Barcelona Gig & was blown away when they did the 3 kiss me.kiss me kiss me songs for the 1st encore & I was laughing like like the Joker ( from batman at his most hysterical when they started playing just one kiss I was completely stunned I nearly fell over .
    I would love to here Burn live but it sounds like its not going to happen from what people are saying .I would also like to hear some bloodflowers material
    but i guess i would be happy with whatever they play .They are Just like nothing else and although its a couple of weeks till I get to see them play again its so good to read of other peoples experiences and thoughts
    & i hope all the people who are going to the shows have an absolute ball & get as many of your favorite songs as possible
