
Friday, January 13, 2012

Schecter 2012 Cure models

Schecter just posted their 2012 catalog. Here are the new Robert and Simon models.

Schecter just posted this on their Facebook page.


  1. If Brian gets one, I will try it out, otherwise I do not see this replacing my Fender VI. Dont get me wrong, I have the Ultra Cure, and I love it, it has a great sound, great quality... but I am a Fender lover. I eaven tried Gibson, and most of the rest, but I always come back to fender.

    Fender just feel right in my hands, I been with them since 89, and I just cant switch over.

  2. Schecter are putting up a 2012 lineup PDF file form the website tomorrow (friday)

  3. How many times must it be said to you, Eric? Porl is not a current member of The Cure, and his guitar has been discontinued.

  4. robert dont said nothing about this !porl is still in the band , you dont about nothing of this!

  5. Right, Eric. You just hold your breath until Porl plays with them again, okay?

  6. Anybody willing to make me a nice Xmas present? Anyone?

  7. i am getting an ultra vi, it is one of the original seven made. it is believed robert has the other six! this will complete my collection in the cure signature range. i love them, yes they are big but they have beautiful sound, feel favourite is the corsair, but i guess porl has finished ?? as i have his ultra 12 its a one off and beautiful, you can see porl playing it in pictures of you at madison sq garden in 2008. anyway i cant wait to start playing the ultra vi!

  8. Does anyone know how much the Gallup model costs?

  9. Does anyone know how much the Gallup Ultra costs?

  10. the ultra iv is here! its a beauty
