
Monday, November 28, 2011

Thank You!

Just wanted to say thank you to Robert, Simon, Jason, Roger and Lol, for giving us these extraordinary shows. As I said after Friday night, The Cure's professionalism, their dedication to perfection, and their hard work in getting this show to such a high level, was so evident! I have no idea how you managed to play 6 of these shows in 7 days, and not be completely exhausted, but if you were, it certainly didn't show. We can't thank you enough for bringing the shows to more fans, and not just limiting them to Australia. That made so many people happy. So once again, thank you! Now get some rest, have a very happy holiday season, and let's do it all again next year! : )


  1. Wise words - I’d also like to say the thoroughness of everything The Cure do is 100%, be it a show like Reflections or a CD reissue, spot on & thank you.

  2. And thank you so much to everyone who helped with the coverage of the shows. Can't thank you enough for sharing your thoughts, photos, videos, audio, reviews, and experiences with all of us.

    I will eventually catch up on the stuff I haven't posted yet! I promise! Just didn't want to waste too much time on that while in NYC. I had to get up, get out, and get living. : )

    And to the person who made this all possible, like I've already told you...without you, I am not here this week, I do not go to any of these shows, nor do I have any of these magical experiences. I will never be able to thank you enough for the gift you have given me. You don't even know. Your absence here is the only negative to one of the most wonderful weeks of my life. I would have given anything to have you here with me. You never left my thoughts. Especially at the shows. One day we will see them together. We have to. I'm already working on schemes and plans for next year. : )

    So I leave NYC, kicking & screaming, not wanting to go home, at 8:30 tonight. Have to check out by noon, so will check my bags and go do a little more exploring before heading to the airport.

    Thank you all for being the best extended family any one has ever had. You're all wonderful!

  3. My only disappointment was that RS did not call you up on stage Craig, to personally thank you for all the work you have done for this band over the years.

    RS owes you a debt of gratitude, The Cure community would not be the same without COF.

    I thank YOU Craig, for keeping COF alive and keeping the fans together!

  4. I've been checking this place for nearly 10 years, personally. I stay a while then wander off, caught up in real life. But I always come back when I want to know whats going on. There are other great Cure fan sites too, btw... CCC is pretty good as well. All Cure fans I've gotten to know have been great, where ever they are from. I've thoroughly enjoyed living out the US reflection shows via other fans. It's been great!!

  5. @Craig - *running hug* there are no words

  6. this is probably as close to a collective thank you card as we're going to get, so craig if you don't mind i'm going to repost my 'thank you note to robert' comment from after NYC night two:


    craig, thanks again for making all of this possible for us!

  7. Yes - thank you Craig.... You've continued to maintain excellent cure service throughout the year... Here's to a busy 2012!!!!

  8. Did you make any of the Tavern meet-ups Craig?

  9. This was the most amazing Cure experience I have EVER had. Not only was the music amazing, getting the correct answer to Robert's little Cure trivia and fun meet-ups, but I would like to thank my new friend Rubin.

    Without her, I KNOW I would not have had the same experience, I will never forget it.

  10. now the new album dark with 2 guitar and keybord !

  11. Amen to that Craig! Thank you The Cure indeed! Unbelievably generous as artists and performers... I have attended numerous shows in my life and The Cure are by far the most dedicated and generous with their shows. I hope someday I get to shake Robert Smith's hand, look him in the eyes and simply say "thank you for everything". If I have one wish to fulfill in my life when it comes to The Cure, it's that...

  12. It's been more or less 28 years I'm a Cure fan. When I decided to write a book, the main purpose was to thank the guys for what they brought and still bring to art and not only to music. I insist on the fact that they still do bring a lot, with fantastic albums and shows those last years. Of course hard core fans like I am would sometines complain about the lack of keyboards or too much of keyboard or too many pop songs or Ross Robinson producing or whatever. But I always keep in mind that it's fair to compare The Cure's work to what's coming out and they have no reason to be ashamed, no reason at all, even if we can't be as surprised as we were when the very first albums were released and even if we'll always be more into early songs because they were the soundtrack of our teenage years.

    I dedicated a copy of my book to Robert telling him 'You're one of the most important artist of the past 30 years. Don't let anyone tell you it's not true'. The magical thing is that The Cure managed to surprise us, once again and again and again. I really hope that the whole world will give them the place they should have in rock music history, along with The Beatles, The Doors or Nirvana. Ironically I'm a bit afraid it couldn't be the case only because The Cure never released an enormous hit like 'Smells like teen spirit'. I've always feel that The Cure play a special music for a kind of special audience but it's a bit pretentious and we should share our passion and explain to other people how inspiring they've been during their entire carreer. Thousands of musicians would agree with me but I'd really love The Cure to get the public respect they deserve. In a way I know it's a bit complicate when you decide not to be mainstream so... Anyway thanks to The Cure, thanks to Craig and to other Cure sites, forums, blogs, encounters, concert attendees... for sharing the kind of thing I experienced in London last week. We will never forget.

  13. What is there left to say? Beyond words, really.

    Just like being in a whole different world.

    Thank you Craig for everything you've done over the years. You've been the glue for all of us to stay connected and then explode in these experiences.

    In deep gratitude...

    peace love & light


  14. Haha! I defintely left kicking and screaming from LA too Craig! I HATE going home after Cureyness. :( So glad you finally got to experience a show after so many years. And what a show to see! Cheers!

  15. I frequented COF since the beginnig (Swing Tour) and have never posted anything as life always seems to be too busy and I'm thankful just for the time I have to have a look at what is going on with the Cure. I have to Thank Craig for his dedication to COF and for all he does to keep us Cure-Nuts in the know. In fact the way I heard about relections was checking into COF thru my phone while stuck in traffic in August-unaware of what happened in Sydney and was was going to happen over the past few weeks.
    I was lucky enough to buy tix to the Saturday NYC show via Ticketmaster (what a debacle that was--like Craig I was nervous until I had the Tix in my hands). It was such an unbelieveable experience--to many highlights to recall. It all kicked off at 8:15 Saturday Night with "8:15 Saturday Night" (I don't think anyone posted that). All Cats was a peak as was "Do The Hansa" to which Robert said it was the only time they ever played that Live--to which I imagine that is true. I kept telling myself I should be shooting videos but I couldn't bring myself to watch the show thru a 2" x 3" screen (my apologies for those who could not make these shows). Hopefully there is a Killer DVD/Blue Ray in the works.
    Craig, I'm sure I'm not alone in saying thank you for all you do for the Cure Fan Base. If we are ever in the same City at ta shoe again, I'd be honored to buy a drink for a good Friend I have never met. And a heartfelt thank you to all the other fans out there for all the Updates/Comments/Thoughts over the past few weeks--it was a hell of a ride to which I hope we all get to do it again soon (Top/Head on the Door/ Kiss Me x3)???
    I'd like to see a new album and tour next year--perhaps with shows that have 3 sets with the middle set comprised of an album in its entirety that would change nightly to what the band wanted to play that night. It'd require a ton of prep on the band's part but I think they could pull it off. Like Robert once said about taking obscure requests--they pretty much "know" all the songs, just a matter of how refined the performance would be.
    Anyhow thanks again Craig, travel safe and have a great holiday season

  16. Felt so privileged and fortunate to get a ticket for the RAH show. It was an unforgettable evening. Hearing songs played live you thought you'd never hear, and will never hear again, seeing Lol back on stage playing as part of The Cure again, seeing a band that has meant so much to so many people still performing with such heart, grace, finesse and power after all these years.
    Am so pleased that you got to see them Craig, would like to add my thanks to all the work you put into this site.
    The Cure are a quite unique, wondrous band, and whatever the line-up, the lack of keys or 2nd guitarist, or the make of guitars or choice of producer etc. etc., we should just cherish every performance they give, and every new release. How we'll miss them when they're gone.

  17. I don't want to "complain" but I don't know how else to express that I wish they had changed up the setlist on the 3rd night in LA. I wish we had got "Do The Hansa", or "The Caterpillar", or "In Between Days". Boy do I wish. Wish I could have hopped on a plane.

    Surely I thought Robert would have switched it up Wednesday night in LA to show that he's better than the Morrissey show across the street...not that I needed convincing.

  18. After all of your hard work Craig, great to see you got to experience Reflections. Reading through the comments about the latest shows brought back many happy memories of Sydney (now if only the DVD would surface!). Interesting to see what 2012 brings...

  19. Huge thanks to the band for being so awesome to their fans, and to you Craig for not quitting when the going got a bit rough. No complaints will issue from me about any of it, I'm grateful to have seen these shows at all! Love to all the peeps out there!!

  20. Now the question begets; How will they fit in all the b-sides from 1983 - 1987 in the next trilogy?

    If they did a Pornography/Top/Head they could do 2 encores with the 'Japanese Whispers' songs and then the Top/Head b-sides.

    Then do KM/Disin/Wish and 2 encores with those b-sides... However I'm not sure how they will be able to keep up the b-side thing in future shows unless they limit it to just a handful of favorites.

    RS should do a fan vote on the website for the top 6 b-sides from each period and play those.

  21. I still can't get over how good Saturday night's show was. I've been to countless concerts and I can't recall in recent history an audience roaring with applause like they were during the encores. It was quite powerful.

    And getting the extra 2 Late lyrics on Faith just doesn't feel like Faith to me without something extra like that.

  22. I will never, ever forget seeing night II in LA last Tuesday...Thank you to Robert from the bottom of my heart!

  23. Thank you very much, Craig. If it were not for COF, I would not have heard about the Reflections gigs soon enough to arrange my trip from Brazil to London especially to watch that unforgettable (can't find the words to describe) RAH concert on Nov. 15. And of course, viva the Cure!!

  24. Thank you Craig, The Cure, and all the lovely lovely fans from all over the world! what a great fandom to be a part of, I am so happy for all those who got the chance to see those once in a lifetime shows!! I hope someday I'll get to experience the Cure live, and I know they will live up to expectations :)

  25. Thank you Craig for all the hard work you do for the Cure Fans! I may not post all the time but I do check as often as I can for the latest news! I am glad you had a killer week in NYC and a Awesome Time at your 2 Reflections shows! Thanks for posting on twitter, it was fun following your tweets!

    And I want to Thank The Cure for bringing the Reflections shows to more fans this past week! I didn't get to go but I loved keeping up with all the shows through all of the fans who posted Pics & videos, tweeted etc! I thank you too!

    The Cure Rocks I hope we get to see more of them next year! It's going to be exciting to see what happens!

  26. My best cure show to date... Thanks a million Robert, Simon, Roger, Jason and Lol

  27. What a ride!!!! Biggest thanks to the musical masters that performed those shows. Thank you Craig for all your work in the lean times, and during this time of feasting. Thank you to the texters, tapers, and videographers, who break away from just absorbing the show, in order to share with the rest of us. Lastly to all the other fans who make it so easy to travel to unknown places, alone, and yet gather with and feel welcomed by an (odd) extended family from all over the world. And that's just the people who are virtual strangers at that time. If you're lucky, some of those people become treasured friends : )

  28. becoming increasingly jealous! watching 11/27 in between days - oh my god, the band is so full of energy!

    if only these shows hadn't been so inconveniently timed in my lifee

  29. Thank you! Thank you!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! I couldn't agree more with what Craig wrote. EVERYTHING you do is to the utmost perfection and give so many people such unbelievable happiness. If I could see a Cure show every single day, there is absolutely no doubt that I would! We need you more then every 4 years! I can't wait for next year!

    -Kate (Chicago)

  30. I'm with all of you. I feel like the two nights I got to see Reflections in LA was a true privilege. I feel like they give everything they have and more while they are up on that stage, and you can see and hear the care that goes into their shows. I'm sure it is not easy doing so many consecutive shows and traveling from place to place. I have to thank The Cure for everything that they do!! They constantly leave me floored. These shows were full of emotion for so many of us. Thanks guys!!!
    Thank you Craig for all that you do, and thank you to all the fans. I travelled to LA alone, but I met some really awesome people and by the end of the night, they felt like close friends and family. I guess we bonded over our mutual love. It was an amazing week, all around!

  31. thank you craig! without your daily updates my cure obsession would have maybe dried out over the years;-)

  32. @antti: great to hear from you. good that you enjoyed it. how was your day at work afterwards;-)

  33. i arrived in helsinki 8:30am this morning and i was at work 10:30am :D

  34. @antti: you are still young;-)))) hope to see you soon! g*

  35. Fishbones,
    they won't do Pornography/Top/Head on door. Why because they already did Pornography in a different trilogy that's passe. It will be Top/Head on door/Kiss Me Kiss Me. Which will be killer because the headlining act will be Kiss Me, a long album. Then, because there are too many B sides from that era they will play them all but on different nights, forcing nutjobs to go to all the shows. They will play A Chain Of Flowers and dedicate it to Craig. I haven't decided what the show will be called yet, but I have decided they will do two of the shows in San Francisco and two in LA. And I don't care about the rest of the world, k?

  36. @antti - (Roger here) That's a tight window! It was fun dancing with/near you during Hansa. We all cut quite a rug!

  37. Here here Craig!!! I wholeheartedly agree with you. I've never felt so alive with utter anticipation before the shows and during the concerts. I almost feel bad for the band to see this lunatic in the front row singing, dancing, and playing air guitar with RS or the drums with JC for two straight nights. I am grateful and honored to have been able to witness such a monumental and historic event. We as Cure fans should soak in every second from the shows. I know I am!!! Thank you Robert, Simon, Jason, Roger, and Lol for flying over to Los Angeles just for the fans here on the West Coast as well as the people who flew from as far as Germany and Spain.

    A BIG thank you to Craig. For if it weren't for me going to the Chainofflowers site, I probably wouldn't have known about the concerts the day the shows were being announced. If I would've known you haven't been to a Cure show in over 7 years, I would have gratiously bought you a front row seat to the LA shows. You've done so very much for us Cure fans. It would have been the least I could do to show my gratitude to you. I'm making a Cure Collage with the monday's setlist and the limited edition Reflections poster. I'm using the photos from the links you provided for monday's show. I will send you a photo of it as soon as it's finished. Thanks again Craig for ALL you do. You have my admiration as well as my respect.

  38. I wanted to thank everyone who came to the gatherings at the Tavern. I met some of you, but not all you, but your presence made for some of the best times I've had. We owned that Tavern! We took over that lounge in Cure style.


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  41. And Thank you Craig! Great site!
