
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Win a signed copy of 'Take Forever' single

From Record Store: "Order the new Japanese Popstars single 'Take Forever' ft Robert Smith and you could win a signed copy by Robert Smith (The Cure)*"

Update: Robert has posted about this on the official site.

Update 2: Slicing Up Eyeballs is running a contest to win a signed copy.


  1. ordered a copy! i love the song and it's 12" so had no choice :D

  2. me too;-)
    finally got also a ticket for rah!

  3. bah! humbug! still tickets

  4. anyone got a standing ticket at reasonable price please o let me know! thank you

  5. Here in France late tonight I saw another play of 'Judge Dredd' on NRJ12, while I was booking my hotel for London, and now it's 02:30 am and one hour of 'Live In Paris 2008' is being aired again here in France on Directstar. nice week-end.

  6. from japanese popstars fb: "Our new Video for Take Forever was shot at the weekend in LA by legendary director Stephane Sednaoui. He did stuff for Bjork, U2 and The Red Hot Chilli Peppers so we are looking forward to seeing how this turned out ! Fingers Crossed !!"

    robert is not in the video.

  7. Got my copy in the mail last week...was super stoked, because the email that was sent to me had the inventory as "Take Forever (signed)", which lead me to believe that I actually got an autographed copy, but to no avail. The record showed up sealed with nada, nothing, jack squat....not complaining, just saying. Curious if anyone out there was lucky enough to get an autographed copy.
