
Friday, June 10, 2011

Roger at WGT Festival tonight

Roger O'Donnell, mega-goth that he is : ), plays the Wave Gotik Treffen festival in Leipzig, Germany tonight at 6pm in the Central Theater.

From Roger on Twitter: "Best show of my solo career tonight in Leipzig incredible venue amazing audience. Finally I played like I know I can Danke!"

Update: Here's an interview (English translation here) Roger did while at the festival. (Thanks Schneeflocke)

And a bit of clarification from Roger: "Well if you can make any sense of that you are a better man than I! It wasnt an interview it was a conversation but his pass did say PRESS so I should have known better... and nobody fell asleep. Im not sure how a secret album would work? and no its nonsense!"

Update 2: Some photos from the show.


  1. I take it you saw his FB post about shaving his head and piercings..
    Haha! Funny stuff!! :D

  2. well i did start that lol ..very funny stuff . imagine roger with a shaved head covered in tatts and 2 horn piercings !!!!!!!!!!!! would robert welcome him back lol

  3. uncle fester's look was tolerated so go ahead roger;)

  4. funny as it all is,nothing about that is Goth......just goes to show that the Cure fans aren't goth either, yikes

  5. well i think alot of us cure fans who grew up with em , my 1st lp was the top when it came out , b4 then i was stealing my brothers tapes lol, listened to other groups like sisters of mercy , mission, fields ,the cult, siouxsie, killing joke , to name a few , but the cure seem to have a whole style of there own, which i dont think is goth ......

  6. The Cure was a gateway to "Goth", I am semi Goth I guess, but all my harcore goth friends state The Cure as the group that got them started down that path... at least for us older Goth fans, I do not like much of the newer stuff after 2000.

  7. oi speak fr yerself

  8. Here's an English translation of that German interview with Roger:

    "„I had never heard about the Wave Gotik Treffen before my invitation to it”, tells The Cure keyboard player Roger O’Donnell with a smile to L-IZ. It is clear cause with The Cure it is just not possible to perform for the WGT. “We are simply too big”, adds O’Donnell and asks how the audience liked his gig in the Centraltheater.

    With a relieved laugh he notes that someone fell asleep and a couple of people left the hall. But he points to his Soundcloud site where people can download his music for free. To the question if he wants to make it big with it and sell albums, he laughs heartily and says that it is just fun. He doesn’t need money.

    He can’t tell anything about The Cure, but the secret project new album has already started and even by now the friendly keyboard player feels that it is the best since his entry 25 years ago.

    If this comment should be British humour or seriousness, you can’t find out by the laugh of the keys man.

    But he likes to learn the German language and knows already how to say various salutations and phrases. Then he spends again time on his female security and listens to Lacrimas Profundere at the Parkbühne."

    Thanks to Schneeflocke for the article and translation.

  9. And a bit of clarification from Roger about the interview and the "secret album": "Well if you can make any sense of that you are a better man than I! It wasnt an interview it was a conversation but his pass did say PRESS so I should have known better... and nobody fell asleep. Im not sure how a secret album would work? and no its nonsense!"
