
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Close Encounters in Sydney

JC/Perfect.Murder with Robert at Heathrow airport in London, after the trip home from Sydney. (Thanks JC!)

More fan photos and stories posted here.

Update: Added Heron's and Suzie's photos with Simon.


  1. Amazing!!! :) And I'm SO incredibly jealous (but happy for you, too!)

  2. Yay, April! So what did RS have to say? : ) We need full reports!

  3. Where was this? I hope not the airport, otherwise I missed out! :(

  4. What is that they are holding does it say other voices

  5. I see someone is getting bald!

    *duck and cover*

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  7. they are holding the book Rev and fans put together, this was taken at our hotel

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  9. WOW! How amazing is that??!!

    I am so excited for all of you!

    Really wish I could have been there, but sooooo happy for all of you!


  10. And, yes, April and Craig, we need full reports :).

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  12. That book looks stunning what beautiful art i want one

  13. I am so happy for you guys :)

  14. Wow very cool you all got to meet up with Robert, Roger & Lol! Happy Happy for you all! Love the pics! Thanks for sharing!

  15. oh my god. april, when you get back we need to go to a bar and you've got to SPILL.

  16. so happy for them :)

    you guys deserved that!

  17. It is so cool to see the picture with them holding the books!! All that hard work paid off. Fantastic :D

  18. dang, sucks Robert didn't hold one of the books. At least he's happy and enjoying himself.

  19. you were lucky! we waited for 5 hours after the second gig and just saw a white van leaving. we had a pizza party at 3:30am outside the stage door so it wasn't a total loss :D
    now i'm at the airport waiting for my flight back home to helsinki. what an experience this was! it was good to see you all!!

    antti xxx

  20. Oh I think he looks just fine, rumpled as anyone at the age of 52 is allowed to!

  21. and I know it is early days, but Craig do you know if there are any other non reflections announcements coming?

  22. Robert has clearly lost some weight, and it's aging him a bit. That's the only thing that I see.

  23. If I got that close to Robert the first thing out of my mouth would be, "Are we going to see a new album before 2015?"

  24. Sleepy: Haven't heard anything just yet.

  25. Simon also got a book for his birthday, that's the one that Paivi is holding. I also promised Jason that I would bring ones for him and for Porl to Bestival :D

    Still in LAX waiting for my flight home after getting back in the US from Sydney. It might take a while to completely process everything that happened this weekend, but suffice it to say that every ounce of stress, every penny spent and every effort made to get to these shows were completely and totally worth it!!

  26. Aw, so happy to hear that, Heron! What an adventure for all of you! Couldn't be happier for you. Have a safe trip home and get some rest. : )

  27. I think RS looks great, and slim and fit .. and 52.

  28. Heron: Would it be okay if I post a link to the photos of the book on your Flickr account?

  29. Craig yes, you can also post a link to the book page on my site as someone mentioned wanting one. i have them set up for cost only ordering.

  30. Personally I don't think Robert has looked so well in a long long while ...

  31. ah yes, a great week out...funny seeing all those cof people in the flesh...from a for the cure, well...nothing i can say that hasn't been said before...the faith set was absolutely mind blowing...i sat there in silence throughout the set, too stunned to even move...and as for the waiting for the van the second night Antti,I had a feeling my beer and pizza choice was the better option..I saw an opera house van arrive pre gig with around 25 cartons of crown larger and 25 cartons of pure blond (there are types of beers to clarify)...the guy pushing the trolley said to me "they like to drink a lot". I had a feeling the band was going nowhere out of the opera house in a hurry that night!

  32. "..and porl at bestival"

    !!?? :( :( :(

  33. @Antti
    The boys came back to the hotel almost immediately after the show. This is where we saw them for a second time. We drank with some of them until 1am. It was AMAZING!

  34. Thank you, Heron. Will get that posted in just a bit.

    April: What an incredible event for you guys! So happy for all of you!

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  36. I'm not exactly sure what that means, Chris, but okay. : )

    Did you have a good time? Or is that the understatement of the year? : )

  37. Oh you lucky ducks... must have been an amzing show. I'm looking forward to a DVD someday

  38. wonder if it will be a holiday release or come through sooner??

  39. I was very happy to get to meet Lol and Roger and give them their books. I honestly thought that I'd never get the chance to do that.

  40. well i got my chance to meet them at sydney airport! they were actually on the same flight as me! i first talked to roger and then briefly with robert. i also quickly spoke with them in bangkok. what an ending to the trip of a lifetime!

  41. on ya Antti...I was drunk in the domestic terminal watching their flight take off from the international, but on the other side of the tarmac......ah ah...foiled yet again!

  42. Congrats to all of you who were able to meet the band! What a treat.

    Porl at Bestival!? AWESOME if true.

    Is Robert sporting porkchops?

  43. He does look well i think.. And i look like hell!!! ;) They were all very pleasant..i thought twice about asking Robert for a photo( the context: 7am after a 21 hour flight/ i'd be cranky) but he was ever so nice!!!..

  44. did robert had a haircut after the show? his hair looks way shorter and less.

  45. walter and ricardo, I love your photo, the three of you look like brothers... so sweet :)

    coco (from sweden, row P)

  46. @carlos...Robert is the one on the left :)

  47. Robert needs to get that hair back under control tho' someone please back me up on this...LOL its just a mess but not in the way he originally meant it to be..... LMFAO!!!! STILL LOVE YA BOB!!!

  48. mehrlicht craig put it nicely but i'm not going to ..quit being an asshole! Robert is older look in the mirror...we all are and I would say he has lost weight,,, he looked much heavier in more recent some point the ageing process helps in weight loss in a more natural way..keep drinking and eat whatever you want Robert because you are still brilliant and we love you dearly....oh yeah but the hair....yikes! MUCH LOVE THO'

  49. It was not necessary

    I'm not blind and I have eyes (do you want me to upload of my fat ass too?)
    It's a pitty but is't true. Our idol is old. He has been fatter the last decade but in this picture you can see a lot of grey beard...

    I hope we all can still joke about the people we follow...

  50. I actually think Robert's hair looks much better in his picture with JC than it does when he was onstage.

  51. (not all of you. just the obvious ones.)

  52. As much i don't want to get dragged into talking about hair(or lack thereof for me),or anything else beside the music, i'd like to say he really looks very 44 and have as much grey beard as he does..sadly some people are stuck in the WCIBY or Catch video..

  53. Kelly's photo: "beauty and the.... best"

  54. maria find me on facebook if you can! i wanna be friends!:)

  55. Robert looks fabulous.
    More importantly the band produced a magical show.
    I'm still in shock.

  56. Wow I'm a tad bit envious but very happy that quite a few COF fans got to meet up with the band at the shows, hotels & the airport. Must have been so cool to not only see the shows but have a chat & take a photo with the band!

    Robert, Simon, Lol, Roger & Jason look Great! And very Happy too! An all-round great experience! Thanks for sharing!

  57. Robert's starting to look like Neil Young

  58. Beauty and the best.... hmmm, the best yes! me beauty?? not so sure... but thank you.. Our photo is on my desk top.. every time I see it my heart stops... so for the record, Robert's skin is amazing.. I would know.. its my profession.. Im a skin practitioner and he has flawless skin.. I think he might of had some some amazing radio frequency facials that stimulate collagen..
    If Im wrong wich I probly am, its just great jeans and wonderfull UK weather followed with allot of sleep and keeping out of the sun... I think the later part is more Roberts speed... Which ever the case he is still the most attractive man I have ever seen and continues to get better as the years pass.. and His hair is great... it wouldnt be the same with out it.. I love it! PLEASE stop bagging! I wouldnt want to see it shaved.. Porl can pull that off... Rob is perfect the way he is..
