
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Volcano ash travel worries

Update: The BBC are posting live updates here.

Icelandic volcano causing trouble again and some flights being delayed or canceled in the UK. Nothing to be too concerned with at the moment, but something fans should monitor over the next couple of days, and adjust flight plans if needed.
As Roger tweeted, "Please dear god of Icelandic volcanoes hold off for another week... I've got somewhere I really need to go!" : )


  1. i'm sure we'll be fine! i'm off to the airport now. hope to see some of you in sydney!

  2. OMG what a bad time for that volcano to blow it's top and spew that ash! I sure hope this does not mess up the plane flights for The Cure and for all of the fans who are going to Sydney. Fingers Crossed for everyone! Looks like it's going to be an awesome show, I really wish I could go. Hopefully I'll get to see it on DVD, so to the damn volcano gods, do not fuck up these shows!

  3. Safe travels to you Antti! Have a great time!

  4. Best of luck everyone!

    I think Roger should direct his appeals to both Thor and Loki and maybe a shout out to Njord just to keep his bases covered.

    Norse gods... without whom there would be no Lord of the Rings.

  5. found this news snippet so this seems pretty positive if you are flying in via qantas.

  6. From the BBC: Dutch airline KLM has suspended six flights to northern Britain due to shifting plume of ash from Iceland, AFP reports.

  7. Looking more and more like this could be a problem!

  8. The Cure need to get on a plane NOW and fly to Sydney. They are taking a big risk if they wait until this weekend.

  9. It's not going to affect fans flying from the US, it will affect The Cure flying from London.

  10. And affect fans flying from Europe, as well. Hopefully it won't be as bad as last year's event.

  11. And if The Cure would like to fly out early, they are more than welcome to stay in the US for a few days, and maybe do a warm-up show or 2. : )

  12. The problem is they need to get their gears, lighting etc... unless they go all acoustic unplugged style (in which I will not mind at all). I bet the band is stressing right now or thinking of plan B. Got my flight leaving from Denver to Sydney this Saturday. CU all there!

  13. From your mouth to Robert's ears Craig. A warm-up show in the U.S. would be awesome!

  14. I am choosing to ignore this because what you focus on - expands!! So please - everyone - think good thoughts for us please! Lets keep all the good vibes we can!! :)

  15. The heavy gear would have probably gone on a ship weeks ago anyway... though they only had a few weeks to organise things so maybe they'll rent most of the lighting and stuff from aus.

    It shouldn't be too much of a problem really, it's a different type of ash and new regulations have been put in place since last year's event (when I got stuck in China) - basically ash isn't as dangerous as they first thought. It's looking like it should be ok, here in London we're not hearing much about it so it's not looking like a massive problem right now.

  16. Thanks for those reassuring words, Daniel. :)

  17. Center Staging is always a good place to invite a couple close friends for a dress rehearsal. They'll even provide the backline.

  18. I hate being french, I hate volcanos, hope the band will not cancel or delay the event like they did last time for the american tour, terrible memories!
    See you soon in Sydney hopefully!

  19. Thanks for the reassurance Daniel. I was worried that the end of the world will come last Saturday before I get to see the show, now the volcano. I'll stop panicking for now.

  20. Daniel is ruining my plan to scare Robert in to leaving early, stopping in the US, and doing a warm-up show in Denver. Faith at Red Rocks, anyone? I'm sure Xuan, Hannah, and myself wouldn't mind. : )

  21. BA have canceled flights to Scotland and they are saying the cloud is now heading towards the rest of the UK and expected to impact europe during the week.
    Luckily I am in Sydney now just hope the band and the fans travelling from over in Europe can get here.
    Best of luck guys.

  22. *Sticks fingers in ears*

    Lalalalalalalalala!!! Not listening!

  23. Glad you made it to Sydney, Tony. Hope you have a great time!

  24. Thanks Craig although now I think the band may be in trouble to get out. Maybe Lol will have to play on his own as he will be travelling from the US....

  25. ash is coming closer... Swedish tabloids are doing everything they can to scare me and yes, I'm worried....please, Grimsvötn, please!

  26. i got to sydney fine! now robert and boys get here fast!

  27. Cloud is above my head but I don't care anymore.
    Grimsvötn, I'm not afraid of you!!
    I'm going to sydney!

  28. the volcano is calming down!

  29. Yes Antti !

    Its looking very good form Oslo too, traveling on friday from oslo/bangkok/sydney .
    Finnaly i can get some sleep ! !
    but never say never . .
    hope for everybody a safe trip to down under :)

    see you in sidney Antti !


  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Great news the volcano has stopped spewing Ash at least for now so fingers crossed everyone it doesn't start up again.
    See you all at the gig.
