
Friday, May 6, 2011

Roger interview tonight

Roger O'Donnell on BBC Devon (May 6th, 2011) by CoF

Roger will be on BBC Radio Devon (direct link to the stream here) tonight at 11pm UK time for an interview. Everyone tune in!
Update: Listen on BBC iPlayer, Soundcloud, and/or download it here. (Thanks Matthew and Aaron)


  1. hopefully i can figure out how to stream this on my android phone from work!

  2. @rta - The player uses flash so you can play that on Android right?

    If not there is a direct link to the stream which some media players can play, not sure if it'll work on Android though -

  3. I'll be at work! Transcript!!

  4. As of March this year flash was available on Android. I would presume it was included in the automatic OS update.

  5. Anyone have a suggestion for a free stream recorder so I can record this? I can't get Audacity to work for me.

  6. Craig, do you by chance have two computers? You could always output the headphone from one into the mic of the other. But depending on the set-up it may prevent you from listening while you record.

    I can't vouch for any thing listed at that link.

    When I recorded the interview/live songs on WXPN awhile back I just output from my laptop into my desktop. Worked well.

  7. Thank you, J. I think I see one to try. Only have one computer, so no go with that.

  8. If I were available I'd record it, but alas not tonight. Good luck!

  9. Hummmm the last time Roger did this someone put up an mp3.... :)

  10. Oh are you recording it Matt?

  11. I can rip/record it do not fear. When it goes on iplayer I will do what I did last year. :)

  12. Thanks as always, Aaron!

    How great to just hear them say "Roger O'Donnell of The Cure"? : )

  13. anyone able to hear the stream...I can't

  14. Working fine for me, Mike. Have you tried both links I posted?

  15. yes, they said hes on in ten min.

  16. BTW, just asked if we could ask questions, and was told that the interview is pre-recorded, not live.

  17. I'm getting so excited about the shows just from listening to them play 10:15 Saturday Night. : )

  18. to those going to sydney...make sure you go a bit sooner, the cure heading out some days early

  19. Cure fly to Australia on May 26th, then fly home on June 2nd.

  20. I will have it ready shortly when it finishes... A Forest is on :)

  21. Recording available on CURECONNECTIONS.


  22. Nice little interview. It came across to me that both Roger and Robert are very pleased to be working together again. Who knows where it might lead.

    At least for the minute, welcome home Roger!

  23. Just a few quick notes I made:

    As surprised by this as anyone. Mentioned thinking it was a hoax, and making RS prove it was really him that emailed to ask him to play.

    It will be a 7-8 camera shoot for the film.

    Robert fought to keep prices as low as possible, but it was hard due to all of the production costs.

    Cure fly to Australia on May 26th, then fly home on June 2nd.

    Robert told Roger that he didn't know if he'd say yes. Roger said "are you kidding?"

    Roger was very nervous heading to studio on Wednesday, almost turned around and went home, but didn't, and Simon made it all alright, then saw RS and they hugged, and all was back to normal.

  24. I realize who Robert wants in the band is his choice and I've come to get a greater sense of the subtlety of the situation than I had thought at the time -- that Roger was pushed out, but that Robert had also done this because he felt Roger wasn't "feeling it" as he used to. Robert didn't want an unhappy band with which to work.

    Still, Roger is being very magnanimous. It'll be great to have some keyboards. I just hope -- and I don't mean this as an insult -- that there are no strange surprises like the sitar sound on "Trilogy"'s "Pictures of You" or any over-embellishment. The songs are perfect in their originally simply composed form. However I do LOVE "Homesick".

    Thanks for all your work, Craig and company.

  25. Ohhh I have to listen to this now :D yay Roger!

  26. Mind if I put it on my Soundcloud, Aaron? Full credit to you of course.

  27. Yeah of course, :) It has the Cure songs on it though.... If that is okay?

    I might rip this current bit talking about Lol etc too :)

  28. Yeah, I'll just make it unavailable for downloading if the songs cause a problem.

  29. Should also ask you, Matt, if you and Vic are okay with it?



  31. Thank you, Aaron! Uploading now. : )

  32. Yo,

    It will be here for a week

    on the other question, see no evil hear no evil :)

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Got it, Matthew. : ) Thanks again!

  35. three birthday version (a la 1980) for simon on the 1st I suspect!

  36. ps: thanks for the interview download ... brilliant way to wake up...havent been into the cure this much since, er say mid 80s...

  37. from the statement from roger that was posted a few days ago.. this is the whoel thing, someone posted this on Hispacure, i dont know if you have read it already:

    Hello everyone, by now most of you will probably know the news and if you don't, well you get to hear it from me first hand!

    About a month ago I got an email from Robert asking me if the project he was working on game to fruition would I play with The Cure. I immediately though it was a hoax and sometime was using Robert's email, he of course thought that was hilarious and it turns out it was true.

    The event is to play at the Vivid Festival in Sydney Australia on the 31st of May and 1st of June and it is to be like a Trilogy part 2 or actually Trilogy the sequel as we are going to play TIB, 17 Seconds and Faith consecutively with Lol also playing keys and percussion on Faith. Quite the reunion!!

  38. continued:

    I left the group in May 2005, contrary to popular myth I wasnt fired/sacked by email and if I hadn't been told by Robert that they were continuing as a three piece I would have told him I was leaving...

    There comes a time in your career when you have to make some decisions as hard as they may be about what you want to do, what you want to achieve or try to achieve. If you work in a park at the bottom of a mountain, every day you look up and think I wonder what it would be like to climb that. One day you quit and you try, maybe you succeed maybe you fall but if at the end of your life you retire from the job in the park and you have never tried how would you feel?

    I had to make my own music, to step out from the very comfortable covers of being in a hugely successful band and do it on my own. Thanks to all of you and your support I have spent the last 6 years doing exactly that climbing my own musical mountain. Yes and falling a few times hahaha but it has been amazing and I am so happy that I have done it and will continue to do it...

    Many times over the last few years I wondered and have often been asked "would you play again with The Cure" .. There were times I was sad and some times bitter and said stupid things. When you love somebody/something as much as I have loved The Cure those times will always of course be difficult, breaking up is awful. My love for the band and the music always said yes to the answer though. The last thing Robert and I said on that phone call in 2005 was "never say never"...

  39. When Robert sent me the email I did think about everything, what it would mean, losses, gains. How it would feel emotionally. I had a few sleepless nights over it but in the end I knew it was right. To be asked back to play on this incredibly special occasion is amazing. I don't know about any other plans of the band, what they are doing, where they are playing and I will enjoy this whole project without any preconceptions or doubts...

    The whole thing is going to be filmed by the same team that did Trilogy so you will all be able to see. I have been working on the songs for the past few weeks and was relieved when they all came back like old friends. It was if I had played a show yesterday. In fact the last show I played with The Cure was in Germany, November 2004 and we mimed to Friday Im in Love hahahaha...

    I cant wait to see everyone, I havent played with Lol since 1987! We were boys!....

    Along with all this I have two Moog shows of my own on June 5th and 9th, the first in London on the Ship of Fools night and the second at the Wave Gothic Treffen festival in Leipzig. Then we start work on preparing and rehearsing for the Quieter Trees performance in London on July 2nd with the CYM. Ive said it before this will be incredibly emotional for me and I would love for as many of you who can come to hear the performance. I wont be playing, it will be all young musicians...

    Finally, I just want to say a huge THANK YOU to you all, the support, love, understanding and inspiration you have given me is priceless. I consider you all friends and hope you feel the same way about me...

    love Roger xxx

    I really do like hearing from people so please don't hesitate to email me ok? love Roger

  40. Also the guy from hispacure said that he talked to roger and that:

    - he has been rehearsing with the band the last two days,

    - He intends to collaborate, have a good time and if things go well and if robert invites him to rejoin the band he will accept, it's all up to Robert.

  41. Carlos: All of that has already been posted. Just scroll down and you'll see the statement from Roger and Lol.

  42. that was just a lovely interview. and roger seems like just a really delightful man. i'm so happy this has all come together so peacefully like this. thank you, roger, so much for your contribution to the music that has been the soundtrack to my youth (and beyond). thank you, aaron! you kick much ass, my friend. and of course thank you, craig. you always come through. :)

  43. Must say, Roger comes across as a much nicer person in reality than he does on twitter. It's great to have him back, I just hope they don't feel the need to squeeze key parts into songs that don't have/need them.

  44. This is really Great

    though I miss the PORL FASHION on DVD !!!!

    (Will he play at Bestival)

    Encores wishlist:

    ENCORE 1
    Killing Another
    Charlotte Sometimes
    Doing The Hansa

    ENCORE 2
    Birdmad Girl :)
    Play With Me

    (The Cocktail Party & Boys Don't Cry could do antoher encore)

    As for Porl, I hope to hear his "WhyCantIBeMe" & "YourGodIsFear" style solos on a next downbeat album :)

  45. Great interview.

    So they started rehearsals this week.

    Do they always do rehearsals in a studio ?? or does it mean they could be working on some new songs

  46. Roger thought it was a hoax.. :p
    God bless him haha!!

    I guess they would rehearse in a studio where sound and production equipment is handy so they can get a sound they want.. Then by the time they get to Sydney they pretty much have it down as to how they want everything to go..

  47. Great segment and interview! Liked what the guys said about The Cure a lot, very cool :)
