
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Roger Update

From Roger's newsletter: "I had a meeting with Gill Tarlton who is head of strings at the Centre For Young Musicians. We discussed the performance of my suite "Quieter Trees" and how it would progress. I met the arranger John Kirby on that Saturday and we now have a tentative date of Juy 2nd 2011. I personally believe this will be a career topping moment for me and I would so love for as many of you to come as possible. I wont be performing so I can enjoy it with you. I would just love to share this amazing special day in my career with everyone that has supported me for so long. I will let you have more details when I know. I am going to be filming the whole process for possible DVD release.

In the midst of all this I agreed to two more shows, one on the boat in London again which is called Ship of Fools on Sunday June 5th and the second at the WGT festival in Leipzi Germany. The show in Leipzig will also have Jo Quail my friend and an amazing cellist performing also Alan Wilder from DM with his Recoil project.

Lastly I have finally made the Synthesist T shirt that I have been talking about for ages!"

And from Twitter today: "Quieter Trees debut performance by the CYM String Orchestra confirmed for July 2nd in London at the Morley College!"

Congratulations, Roger! Could not be happier about this for you!