
Sunday, December 12, 2010

CC & RS - 'Not In Love' update

There will be a new Robert Smith mix of 'Not In Love' released Dec. 12th. You can hear a sample of it at Amazon UK. There will also be a 12" vinyl version released in January, though I'm not sure if both versions of the song will be included. The regular radio version is available now at Amazon US and iTunes US.

Update: The tracks are now available at Amazon UK and iTunes UK, but the RS remix is not available outside of the UK right now. Hope the other stores get it added soon.

Update 2: If you are buying from outside of the UK, you can get it at the War Child Music Store. If that link doesn't work, try this and then search for the track. (Thanks BH)


  1. I don't hear much difference between the Robert Smith Mix and the 'normal' version. I think the samples are the same...

  2. No, listen again. There are subtle differences.

  3. They're definitely different samples, but yes they do sound quite similar - at least in that clip. It's hard to juge much of anything by that little 30 second snippet.

    Robert could remix the sounds of a public restroom and I'd listen, though.

  4. does anyone know about a 7" release of that song ??? I just love that song!

  5. Will this be available on US iTunes? I've tried purchasing things from UK iTunes and always get denied.

  6. someone have : not in love ( radio edit) ? or
    not in love ( radio mix) i dont know if this the same

  7. Kent - I'm not sure. But if they don't make it available legally here, I'm sure it will be available through other means.

    Exploding Cure - I believe they are the same version, though I'm not 100% positive.

  8. i think its different check the time of boths:
    not in love (radio edit) (3:31)
    not in love (3:46)

    im interested in listen the edit version

  9. Oh, I'm sorry about that. I was looking at the wrong thing. Yes, I'd like to hear the edit, too. And since that isn't a commercially available version, it should be okay to post it.

  10. I want to buy it, but not in the UK yet eh

  11. According to FMQB's Available For Airplay list Not in Love will be available for radio play early next year. Hope it does well. I'm really excited to start hearing new Robert on the radio again.

  12. It will be £1.19 for both versions on amazon UK

  13. random
    hey craig do you want scans of the entreat plus records .. or is the official vid enough fr you?

  14. Craig, if you go through the Warchild Music Store (7digital), you should be able to buy it from just about anywhere.

  15. BH - Great! I'll try that.

    DBC - If it isn't too much of a hassle, I'd like to have the scans.

  16. Thanks again, BH. Just bought it, so I can confirm that it works in the US.

  17. Thanks for non-UK purchase info! The remix is subtle at the beginning but it did turn out quite nice. :)


  18. The page wont open for me :(
    Will try it later, love that song.

    Zap, I got your request for the Greek Theatre Dream tour show up.

    Greek Theatre Dream Tour, Night 2, FLAC & MP3 Download

  19. Thank you, DBC!

    jL - Maybe try going to the War Child front page and do a search.

  20. im not hearing any difference, maybe i need to use headphones or play it though non computer speakers

  21. jL - Are you listening to the sample clip or the actual download? The changes are pretty subtle in that section of the clip. You need headphones to really hear it. The bigger changes come towards the end of the song, though it really isn't a radical change from the original mix.

  22. Just heard Not In Love on the radio :) Still pretty impressed with it!

  23. Thanks JL!
    love the memories of shows i've seen.

  24. someone have the not in love (radio edit)?

  25. a little off topic, but Pitchfork has "Not in Love" as #15 in the top 100 tracks of 2010.

  26. Craig, was just listening to the sample.

    Zap, youre welcome, the second night at the greek was one of the best dream tour shows, I know what you mean, great memories :)

    Lot of updates in the past 2 days, both audio and video:
    The Cure Live

    Mexico 04 video, Vegas 96 video, Glastonbury 86 prefm, Glastonbury 90 soundboard, Wembley 87 night 3 audio.
