
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Robert on new Crystal Castles single

Update 2: Just brought to my attention that this is a cover of an old Platinum Blonde song from 1983. (Thanks Greg)

Update: It's up on Youtube! Loving it so far. (Thanks Aaron)

From NME: "The Cure's Robert Smith has lent his vocals to the new single by Crystal Castles. The Toronto digi-dance duo are releasing a new version of 'Not In Love' on December 6, with Smith on singing duties. The original version of the song features on the band's self-titled second album, released in May."
(Thanks Aaron)

Prefix and Gigwise also have articles about this. (Thanks Kate)

Update: You can read the lyrics to the song here and watch a video for the original version here.


  1. Thank you, Kate. Just added them.

  2. i kind of agree. please.. just, go on tour or something.

  3. Fiction Records is a UK formerly indie label, now wholly owned by Polydor a subsidiary of Universal Music Group. Fiction Records was originally started by Chris Parry in 1978 that is best known as being the home of The Cure for over 20 years. The label’s first #1 record was Wish by The Cure in 1992, going #1 in the United Kingdom.

    After a dormant period of several years, the label was then re-started in January 2004, with the first release being the UK #5 single Run by Snow Patrol.

    The current Fiction stable includes Ian Brown, The Maccabees, Kate Nash, Elbow, White Lies, Yuksek, Filthy Dukes, Detroit Social Club, Athlete and Matthew P., and Crystal Castles

  4. fine. i don't mind crystal castles. i'll take this for now.

  5. Personally, I would prefer it if Robert Smith remained missing, rather than this. CC really hurt my ears at the Big Gig ;)

  6. i think cc were excellant at the big gig and cant wait to hear what rs vocals will sound like on this track.
    then again i do like to listen to music that is not traditional guitar, bass,drums.
    i'm not sure the average cure fan has broad music taste to appreciate cc's leftfield approach to music.


    enjoy, cure world!

  8. WTF?

    The Cure back on Fiction Records?

    A gig scheduled for 10 June 2011?

  9. That page is linked to it could mean anything :)

  10. They aren't really "back" on Fiction, just a sub-label of Universal. Just like they were on Suretone, a sub-label of Geffen, in the US. I can't remember all of the details right now, but 4:13, and I think The Cure, were released with the Fiction label in the UK/Europe.

    As for that gig, don't get your hopes up. That's simply a listing, which anyone can create, and I've had to debunk quite a few this year.

  11. What Aaron said. : ) I think there were 5 or 6 festival listings for them on there this year, all of which were false. Don't ever trust a listing. Especially from Spain, Mexico or anywhere in South America. : )

  12. Ok, didn't realise fiction / polydor was now under universal.

    Also links to lastfm don't work on iPhone, so it all looked like the real deal to me...

    I thought it was weird cos they're supposed to be touring Australia at that time ;)

  13. Here's the Robert version:

    I really dig it.

  14. I like this song now that Robert saved it =)

  15. I like Robert Smith. I like Crystal Castles. This is one of his better collaborations, in my opinion. His voice fits this style of electronic music well, I think. Still... I wish he wasn't taking the lyrics to Gone! so seriously right now. ;)

  16. ..bit surprised but i think this is fucking top.fucking lovin it . his vocals are great on this ,, so nicely understated..

    regarding fiction.. whered you get that from ,, no mention of fiction on any recent records on any uk releases at all...well apart from the fact it says nowhere about them bein back on..or am i missing something??

  17. cept fr the reissues...:)

  18. i don't dislike it, but don't really love it either. i think i liked the 65daysofstatic track better.

  19. This is by far my favorite of the post 4:13 Dream releases. It's not brilliant, but it works. Robert really needs to start relaxing his voice more though.

    Fingers crossed for the John Martyn cover. I love the original so uncle Bob better not screw it up :)

  20. Robert's vocals are actually quite good. He still slightly over-enunciates the way people expect him to and doesn't sing quite as naturally as he should. However, this is a massive improvement over his singing since after "Bloodflowers". The last 2 albums would have been much better with this more restrained singing.

    And to think Platinum Blonde might have actually been a good band! My brother has an LP collecting dust of theirs, and I assumed they sucked with all that cheesy hair and make-up like so many hair bands.

  21. I like this. It is nothing like what I had imagined (thank goodness).

  22. "i'm not sure the average cure fan has broad music taste to appreciate cc's leftfield approach to music."

    i think you're sorely mistaken. i know plenty of cure fans with ridiculously diverse taste in music.

    stereogum and pitchfork both have blurbs saying crazy things like "the best thing the cure has done in ages!"

    give me a break. robert sounds great on this track- i enjoy it, but this isn't the direction i'd like to see the cure go in. good collab though.

  23. Cracking tune, but I thought Crystal Castles were awful at the O2

  24. It's starting to buzz a lot on Twitter/FB which is a good thing, imho. Good to hear Robert's voice again

  25. wow... that's the way i expect Robert's solo album to sound like!

  26. Crawling through the cobwebs to say "LOVES IT!!!"

  27. Crystal Castles trending worldwide on twitter.

  28. @sunny

    i agree with with sofia.

    even if someone doesn't like crystal castles, that doesn't mean they don't have broad music tastes.
    even if electronic music was my absolute favorite genre, i'm sure there would still be many electronic artists i disliked.

    that said, i'm not familiar with the band, and this is my only exposure to them.

  29. There are so many blurbs online about this, I decided not to send any more in. Wow, big response.

  30. The good news is, that it will reignite some interest in the band. A lot of younger people love Crystal Castles however horrific they sound with Roberts angelic voice haha..

  31. Best new track for Pitchfork.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. BBC 6 music had it on for the first time today. It completely took me by surprise. Love it. Glad to hear him doing something new. Hoping might mean more activity...

  34. @sunny

    check my site

    nuff said

  35. Crystal Castles were so awful at the Big Gig my mum threw up...

    That said against all odds I really like this song...

    It's nice to know Robert exists....

  36. Amazing track. I love both bands, so this wasn't too surprising, but I really am blown away by this one.

  37. I think it's great, the collaboration took a rather cheesy 80's track and made it really cool, I like the dance side of Smith just as much as the Dark, I would like to here him do Whole of the moon by the Waterboys, I think it would be a perfect fit

  38. Really loving this song! I know it's not the dark album but at least it's something.

    CURECONNECTIONS has started a poll to get more opinions on the song. Feel free to cast your vote here.


  39. here is a remix video for Not In Love

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Sounds good - is this being released on iTunes??

  42. WOW! I really like this actually!! Robert's vocals sound REALLY good! Thanks for posting Craig!

  43. On twitter:

    'this crystal castles song with robert smith is so good it makes me hate me from five minutes ago when i hadn't heard it.'

    Thats a member of blink 182 should you not know :P


    Love it.

    Craig, is there a COF app for blackberry, no more iphone here...

  45. It can be downloaded here:

  46. "...stereogum and pitchfork both have blurbs saying crazy things like "the best thing the cure has done in ages!"......"

    i like this song a lot. but cmon it doesn't compare with the cure's BEST work or crytal castles' best work.
