
Monday, September 20, 2010

Roger update

rogerodonnell - YES, very excited and happy this morning "Quieter Trees" will be performed in London by the CYM part of the Guildhall School of Music!! If you want to hear "Quieter Trees" you can download the demos here. It describes Hockneys Bigger Trees Near Warter.

Also, Roger is on a new track by Secrets For September: "
Ages ago Roger worked on a track of mine, and to cut a long story short we put it out as a single today. You can hear it here. He does a fantastic Pink Floyd esque solo on the moog." (Thanks Matt)


  1. He is going to be thrilled someone used the term Pink Floyd -esque to describe his work. That's the last time he'll work with that guy.

  2. No offense, but that is a terrible font used on the cover for this single. It screams "I am a third grade teacher and I made my own DVD cover for my class Christmas performance." Sorry, I have a thing about fonts.

  3. Reminds me more of Newcleus than Pink Floyd.
