
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Guitarz looks at Robert's Jazzmaster

There's an article at Guitarz that talks a bit about Robert's Fender Jazzmaster. (Thanks Hal)


  1. Thanks for the post. The Jazzmaster's such a gorgeous guitar..

  2. my White Japanese jazz looks similar to his early one except mine has a pepperoni pickguard and no add pickup. I recently bought the green thurston jazz through my company and it kicks serious ass. Jazzmasters can go with any style

  3. The jazzmaster and the jaguar are my favorite guitars, but i have always thought that they have a limited sound, thats just perfect for me, i have one, and for that reason it keeps me very creative. What do you guys think? I dont know if im making sense, my english its not very good...

  4. I have a blonde Japanese Jazzmaster that I got in '94. I have done a bunch of mods on it but I have settled on a pair of Seymour Duncan Antiquity II Jazzmaster pickups. I would say that anyone that has one of the Japanese reissues would benefit from those pickups.

  5. I love it when you all geek out about your instruments. It is inspiring. I am being serious! :)

  6. He also has a brass buzzstop installed...looks simply like a brass tube that presses the strings down increasing the string tension and decreasing the BUZZ. There are commercial ones available, this his looks home made.

  7. I love theJazzmaster, Jaguar and Fender VI as well. I am curious about buying a Jag HH with the two humbuckers. Does anyone here have one? What do you think?

  8. I think The Cure sounded better before the Shecter era. Plug a Shecter to a Peavey and have a plastic sound...Robert´s plastic passion really sucks. Where are the fenders, semi-hollow gibsons, etc? Do they still use them in studio?

  9. @guitarmutt - I have not played the Jaguar HH but to me the single coils are what makes the sounds of the Jaguar, Jazzmaster, and Fender VI. I am sort of biased towards the single coils though. I have the Jazzmaster that I mentioned before but my favorite pickups are P-90s. For that fix I have a '68 Gibson ES-330 and a 70's Epiphone Casino. I also own two Fender VI basses. One from the Japanese Custom Shop that is black and an original white one from 1962. I have one guitar with Humbuckers and the only reason I still keep it is because it was my first guitar.

    Humbuckers sound more compressed and less dynamic to my ear.

    I guess my point is try the Jaguar HH and if you like it buy it but I wouldn't expect it to be much like a real Jaguar. Maybe someone else that has one can chime in though

    Also, I have to say I agree with HERÓI DO MAL. I much prefer the Fenders and I even miss the Gibsons.
