
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cure #74 on VH1 countdown

The Cure came in at #74 on VH1's 100 Greatest Artists of All Time countdown. (Thanks Kristy)


  1. I hate these lists...How is Pink Floyd at 18 and not #2 right behind Zeppelin? I know everyone has their own taste in music, but these lists always amaze me. How is Madonna so far ahead of The Cure? The Cure changed everything about music, just like Pink Floyd and Zeppelin did.

  2. Hey at least they weren't forgotten about like they so often are :D I am very baffled by the fact that Madonna beat The Cure... treason!! D:

  3. Yeah Michael Jackson better not win D:< I understand how influential he is/was but I personally don't think he's one of the top 5....

  4. If MJ were still alive, there's NO WAY he would be in the top 5.. just saying. He was a laughingstock just two years ago.

    The Cure didn't even make this list when VH1 first did it back in 1998, so I'll gladly take #74.

  5. 74? Blasphemy! I agree with Ross... Zeppelin, Floyd, The Cure ...

  6. I hate how the comments are usually the same from these countdowns. "The Cure is goth, wore lots of black, it was pop music".... blah blah blah. I think the best countdown with great guests was MTV Greatest Albums. I have it recorded...somewhere.
