
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Porl at Tool show

Mike saw Porl at the Tool show in San Diego on July 15th. Check the comments for the details. (Thanks Mike/Grindinghalt)


  1. From Mike/Grinding Halt:
    "Last night I attended the Tool show in San Diego. As I was leaving and starting to walk across the bridge to the parking structure I see a person walking hand in hand with a lady. As I got closer, I told my friend I'm almost a 100% sure that that is Porl Thompson of The Cure. As we pass I get a really good look at him and his tattoos. Not to make the foolish mistake of it not being him I waited until we passed and then called over my shoulder, "Hey Porl." He immediately turned around with the lady (wife ?) and looked right at me with a smile. I said, "Ah, I knew it was you." He preceded to smile and we both gave a wave. I wished I had the chance to say more to him or get a picture, but I didn't want to be that guy. It was funny to watch them pass hundreds of oblivious people without any notice. I turned to my friend and said, "I can't believe that I just ran into one of my all time Cure guitar heroes at of all places, a Tool concert." I immediately began wishing it was a Cure show instead. :)"

  2. Good for you Mike, and good eye, then again how can anyone miss Porl, easier than "Where's Waldo?"

  3. I wouldn't have been able resist asking him about what's holding up the next Cure album and how Robert should change his production methods and not force his singing style so self-consciously. He should sing like he did on "Catch" and "Pictures of You" and "Trust", etc, with a relaxed voice.

  4. I am going to keep my eye out again for the Tool show on Monday in Los Angeles...if I get another Porl sighting...I will have a conversation for sure this time :)

  5. Way cool! I totally get not wanting to take a picture or something, it feels forced and awkward sometimes :)

  6. Isn't his wife Janet? Robert's youngest sister?

  7. ok - I'll admit, to start off with I was wondering why Porl was interested in hardware and powertools - lol.

  8. @thecure4burton: yes, last I heard :) kinda cute, huh? x]

  9. altr2elise - Porl probably needed some tools for his boat.. :p

  10. I met Porl at a 65daysofstatic gig in Brighton in 2008 about a month after the Wembley show, I remember saying to my mate "I swear that's The Cure guitarist" and managed to get to him and tap him on the back before he went backstage, I'm afraid I did go for a photo though!

  11. Next time you see Porl ask him why he has left his wife and four children and run off with the flusie you saw him with.He's old enough to be her grand father.

  12. Andy ... I don't think that's a very nice or mature comment ... agree with his actions or not (and I doubt you even know if that's a true comment), how would you like it if people started commenting on/criticizing your personal life on the internet or any other public arena?

  13. If there is any truth to Andy's comments above, it would explain the lack of activity from the band - a very uncomfortable situation for all involved I'm sure, and I'll leave it at that

  14. lol little flusie? What if it was his daughter that he took to the show? Idk, i haven't seen any pictures :) I love Porl and I know he's too awesome to leave his wife and 4 kids Robert would beat his @$$ if he ever did haha.

  15. I would have to say false to Andy's comment. I have credible sources in and around The Cure, they have told me of how much of a family man Porl is. At the Xmas show in Holly Wood 08 I was able to hang out with 3/4 of the band after the show. Porl was the 1/4 that was not present at the after party, I was told he took his kids back to their room at the hotel, to keep them from that environment. in 09 at the Vegas, and Coachella shows, both Porl, and Simon brought their kids(young adults)along, if you can find a good picture of Porl playing at the pearl you might see them in the wings stage left.

    This could have changed in a year but...I would say more than likely that was Porl's daughter with him at the Tool show. As for Porl leaving the band, and lack of production, that is business within the band and I will leave it as that. When Robert wants us to know he will let us know. I will just be patient and wait as always.

  16. I think that the dust has settled with the re-issued Disintegration and we should (hopefully) be getting some sort of update.


  17. Wake up you lot,his daughter is only 14,the only one making any sesnsible comment here is theseashallnothavethem.

  18. Good God ... lack of activity from the band?

    Wish - 1992
    WMS - 1996
    Bloodflowers - 2000
    The Cure - 2004
    4.13 - 2008
    Projected next LP - 2012

    Come on people. Go to Perez Hilton if you want gossip about people's personal lives.

    How's the view from your ivory tower Andy?

  19. I agree with Ronan, the four year trend works, I'm down with that. I never understood why people feel Robert owes it to us, plus he is under contract, who knows what Universal holds him to. Remember TMU stopped 4:13 from being a double.

  20. Thanks Andy,

    Now, I'm not saying that what you are claiming is not true (though as you are completely anonymous why should we believe a word)... what I'm saying is that just cos the guy is a public figure doesn't mean that his personal affairs should be discussed here ... or any where else for that matter.

    If you know the guy, and are pissed off or hurt by his (supposed) actions, tell it to his face instead of hiding behind an anonymous profile online and sticking the knife in.

    If I'm a jerk for that viewpoint then being a jerk is a good enough way to be as far as I'm concerned.

    Let he who is without sin ...

  21. Totally unrelated ... but I'm listening to The Cure (album) for the first time in years. Not half bad ... not half bad at all.

  22. People are pissed about the four year thing this time because apparently there is a complete album just sitting on a shelf somewhere. It shouldn't take several years to release a completely finished piece of work.

    As for Andy's comments, firstly I do not know where you are getting this information from. The report from Mike states little to no information about the lady he was with. Therefore you are either fabricating claims or you have additional sources. In which case would you please elaborate? Secondly, if what Andy is saying is true, then I can completely understand why Porl is not in the band anymore.

  23. what happened to the cure love man?

  24. Jeez, guys - why is it when the word 'lady' was mentioned, it turns into a front page scandal?!??
    If it hadn't entered the story, it would have been a run of the mill Curespotting..
    I hold hands with my mum sometimes, what does that make me, then?!

    The words "Chill pill" spring to mind.. :p

  25. Once or twice a year i visit www,the's forum....and it reads like this....Awful, uninstructive, and really none of our business

  26. love ya work, notherbob.

    my question is 'why can't the lady be his wife'?

    nothing like quiet time in Cure-land to bring the wild speculators out of the woodwork.

  27. JC, I hear ya. There's a good reason I only go on CoF. Hugs to all the peeps! *waves to Lisey*

    I wonder if the rest of the Cure are in Southern California too hmm? My interest is definitely piqued.

  28. Hey Rev..been hiding??
    Unrelated to this thrilling thread,and kind of old news,BUT if any of you has the money,why not buy yourself a bit of Cure history?..A bargain at £5.5 million!

  29. It's not really appropriate to discuss his private life or speculate, is it?

  30. mmm...not one to gossip, but Wiki says "Thompson was married to Janet Smith, the younger sister of Cure bandmate Robert Smith, and together they have three sons and a daughter. "...note use of past tense...and wiki never ever lies does it....

  31. Ronan...yeah, The Cure isn't bad, but the second half of the album left me a little dissapointed. They should've swapped some of the ones that "made it" with would've been a pretty solid record...just like "Mood Swings"...I think Wish should've included some of the b-sides too. Wish could've been as perfect as Disintegration with Twilight Garden, Scared as You and Play.
