
Friday, May 14, 2010

Roger answers the Out of Mind question

In answer to the question about who's talking at the beginning of the "Out of Mind" studio jam, Roger has sent this in: "The question re the talking at the start of Out of Mind , its Boris... He was always the biggest joker in the band and when I heard him say that I laughed out loud. This is such an amazing collection of memories... and a few I had no recollections of at all including one I wrote! Just wrote to Robert to tell him how amazing it is... I am truly excited for the re release. The live stuff from Dallas is amazing. Same Deep Water is truly a classic epic song.... Im getting a little weepy over here! Roger" (Thanks Roger)

Some more comments from Roger on Twitter:
"The live version of Same Deep Water from Dallas in 1989 is incredible, what a song, truly a classic dare I say it Goth classic?"
Contrary to popular belief some of which I have helped to propagate I am very proud of my time,most of it,with The Cure"
apparently Tuned Out on RTV5 was one of my demos and the Funk one was Paul and Boris but dont quote me hahah as if ? I had no idea of either"
"I just have to say The Cure in 1989.. A massive massive band at the height of its creative and performing powers, incredible.. Im very proud"


  1. The Same Deep Water as You is my favorite song, ever. That live version is so stunning, with how the tempo is slowed down even more than normal.

    You definitely should be proud to be a part of that magical period of The Cure, Roger.

  2. Thanks for the insights Roger, I'm happy to hear that you are proud of your work with the cure.

  3. It is truly a most beautiful song. My fav along with Prayers for Rain and Picture of You - all on this amazing amazing album. Roger is too cool.

  4. Same Deep Water as You is one of my all time faves too. I wish they would play it out more even though it would be weird without the keyboards. I'm sure Porl could do it justice on guitar. That is, of course, assuming the line up is still intact.

    Plus, Roger is so gracious. I always look forward to whatever project he has down the line.

    I am looking forward to this re-release, and when is that Dark Album coming? I really want "The Boy I Never Knew".

    OK, I'm done. Have a nice weekend everyone.

  5. Roger is always a class act! Cheers to him, and to those involved in getting the extra rarities to the fans!

  6. Also, I'm pretty sure there's a video of the rehearsal sessions for Disintegration on Youtube. It's incorrectly labeled as 1986, and the band are playing Hot, Hot, Hot for the cameras, but I'm thinking it's post-Kissing Tour, pre-Disintegration era. (e.g. Robert has the Coral Sitar-Guitar next to him on the stand, I believe Disintegration -Fascination St for example- was the first album he used that on.)

    But you guys tell me:

  7. J: I'm pretty sure this comment posted there has it right: "This is from "That was then, This is now" a BBC tv show recorded in August of 1988... the same time Robert and Mary were married. The show included Robert talking about the history of the band."

  8. Again, Robert made Boris snare drum sound dull in the tracks from the Starplex concert! and also the glorious hi-hat patterns is buried in the mix in TSDWAY.. annoying!

  9. The real annoying thing is people that have nothing more than complains about the present we just got from the band....

  10. Nice to hear this from Roger!

    I also like the slower player live versions of TSDWAY (but IMO disintegration was always played too fast during the prayer tour.)

    And I hope: Porl will NEVER try to play the keyboard part of TSDWAY on the guitar!!!!! He already ruined enough songs...

  11. OMG... Cure doing an all guitar version of Same Deep Water... this would be too good to even imagine.^^

  12. I have that documemtary - That Was Then ... - on a grainy old VHS cassette somewhere. I should get it onto YouTube some time. R.

  13. boris was the best drummer ever in the history of anything. he was a big part of why i loved the cure so much as a kid

  14. him and roger! ;)

  15. I actually liked the faster-paced Prayer Tour Disintegration tracks. It's amazing to hear how the songs evolve from what they started from on the album to how they change it up on tour.
    I think it would be cool to see how Porl could pull off TSDWAY on his guitar.
    I am a fan of keys and no keys, so anything will work for me!

  16. Yes the faster paced tracks are great! Ive loved these since they first appeared with the Integration cd set. Its a shame there wasnt a proper video made of one the shows in this tour.
