
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pop Matters examines Kiss Me & HotD

Pop Matters' Masters of the Form examines the 'Kiss Me' and 'Head on the Door' albums. (Thanks Kate)


  1. haha everyone who talks about Close To Me calls it Close To You x] good articles though!

  2. While I do not completely agree with these two reviews, they have made me exceedingly happy.

    It reminds me that a good friend once said to me "John, you are the most upbeat guy I know, how can you listen to the cure as much as you do?"

    Simple - They make me happy, look past all the "Goth" labels and listen to the music/words. It is tough to be sad.

  3. These are so badly written, haha.

  4. criticizing kiss me for its long intros? the best part!

  5. and

    i don't understand why it's so hard for people to remember, haha. i mean, listen to the song.. he's clearly singing "close to me".. "close to you" wouldn't rhyme right :P

  6. That would be bacause they probably DIDN'T listen to the song...Lazy journalism is so common these days and this is a perfect example..Badly written,no shape, no depth...

  7. Ack, that Kiss Me review made me cringe. The writer bashes just about everything I like about the album (the long intros, the experimental songs that eschew common structures), while he praises all the songs that I normally skip. But I suppose that is to be expected from a magazine called "Pop Matters".

  8. yeah he criticized the percyssion experimentation in Like Cocateaus also, which I believe really makes the song, but you're right, it is called Pop Matters.... :P
