
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Disintegration Live in Dallas artwork

(Thanks Julien/Figure2Proue)


  1. Thanks for this. I just couldn't get the links posted elsewhere to work for me. This is brilliant.

  2. Julien is working on making some artwork for the back, too.

  3. Wasn't there talk of some Disintegration era film footage found awhile back that might end up on dvd? Maybe I was just having a really great dream! Lol! Somehow I thought maybe it was the Dallas show mentioned?

  4. David: Yes, Robert believes there is full video of the Dallas show somewhere, but hasn't found it yet. But he has told Roger that he still has about 250 boxes left to go through. : )

  5. Thanks Craig - at least I know I wasn't imagining it all! I can be patient - something like that is worth waiting for!

  6. Robert must have some serious storage space in his house.

    Thanks for the artwork. Very nice on both counts.


    here he says he "found" a whole show filmed

  8. He also says he rescued the song lyrics in the fire. : P

    Notice he says it was the Texas Stadium show. That's from the Wish Tour, not Prayer. : )

    Either way, he either found it and lost it again, or he was mistaken about the show he found, because as of a week or two ago, he doesn't have the video.

  9. I know where abouts Robert's house is because I live in the same town (I believe), it's a massive estate full of massive houses so he probably does have a lot of storage space :P

    this is my first comment on here, been following the site for ages now and I love it, and yes I am one of those obsessed fans as I'm sure you all are!

    and the remaster kicks arse!

  10. Man, I WAS at that Texas Stadium show and I would die for a pro shot video.

    From The Edge Of The Deep Green Sea was incredible.

  11. don't worry, i'm perfectly aware that nothing robert says has any sort of truth behind it :P

  12. Anybody here tell me how to stream video from a dvd. I have a full disintegration tour video from the netherlands. Excellant sound !!

  13. Feckdrink - Would that be the coastal village of Pagham?

  14. he's not quite in pagham, it's in a smaller village in Bognor Regis which is next to pagham, just down the road effectively, apparently keith richards lives in west wittering which is just past pagham, it's a small world

  15. I need his EXACT address, FD...otherwise how can I stalk him effectively?

    ps Emma Bunton aka Baby Spice lives in Pagham...and boy oh boy aint she just a superstar d(*_*)b
