
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Disintegration Alternative Rarities

Download the Disintegration Alternative Rarities 1988-1989 (and here) and get the cover here.
(Thanks to AndytheCurefan for the files, to Brad for the cover, and to Robert for the unexpected bonus!)

Also, don't forget that you can get Roger's home demo of The Other Side/Fear of Ghosts here (direct download link).
(Thanks to Roger for sharing that)

And if you want the full version (though the quality isn't the greatest) of Faith from Rome, with Robert's complete intro, get it here.

Note: These are NOT the tracks from the 3 CD set, but the tracks RS posted on the Disintegration website, and are not commercially available.


  1. Thanks Craig and AndytheCurefan!! This is lovely! :D

  2. Make sure you Tweet about this Craig so slicingupeyeballs catches on.

  3. Of course! : ) Thanks again!

  4. Can someone get the cover for this?

    This new site is the best thing that has happened to me for weeks!!!!

  5. Holy Crap! This is the best officially sanctioned site since the Greatest Hits site. Yay!

  6. .... ah, Work In Progress mix... I feel so stupid.

  7. This is FANTASTIC. I don't see how I'm going to enjoy the rarities included on the physical disc any more than I'm enjoying these songs right now. FanTASTIC!

    Now if only they were kicking around in better quality....

  8. Ok, taking bets on who's saying what at the top of "Out of Mind"...

    Somone says; "You know the part... what would help me... you know the part where you play?"


    "Well, it would help if you.. didn't."

    I don't recognize the first voice, but the second is deep, and given what's being said, maybe that second voice is Lol? First voice Porl? Boris? I say those because I don't know very much how their voices sound.

    Then, just before the count-in, there's a really maniacal voice underneath everything... who or what is that? And what the hell are they saying!?

  9. If it's Satan, we'll have to play it backwards to see what he wants us to do. : )

  10. He wants us to play Prayers for Rain backwards so we can hear the piano frontwards... duh.

  11. For those needing the track listing

    01 Closedown [RS Home Instrumental Demo 05/88]
    02 Last Dance [RS Home Instrumental Demo 05/88]
    03 Lullaby [RS Home Instrumental Demo 05/88]
    04 Tuned Out on RTV5 [Band Instrumental Rehearsal 06/88]
    05 FuknNotFunk [Band Instrumental Rehearsal 06/88]
    06 Babble [Band Instrumental Rehearsal 06/88]
    07 Plainsong [Band Instrumental Demo 09/88]
    08 Pictures of You [Band Instrumental Demo 09/88]
    09 Fear of Ghosts [Band Instrumental Demo 09/88]
    10 Fascination Street [Band Instrumental Demo 09/88]
    11 Homesick [Band Instrumental Demo 09/88]
    12 Delirious Night [Band Instrumental Demo 09/88]
    13 Out of Mind [Studio Instrumental Jam 10/88]
    14 2Late [Studio 'WIP' Mix 11/88]
    15 Lovesong [Studio 'WIP' Mix 11/88]
    16 Prayers For Rain [Studio 'WIP' Mix 11/88]
    17 The Same Deep Water As You - LIVE [Dallas Starplex 15/09/89]
    18 Disintegration - LIVE [Dallas Starplex 15/09/89]
    19 Untitled - LIVE [Dallas Starplex 15/09/89]
    20 Faith - LIVE [Rome Palaeur 04/06/89 - Crowd Bootleg]

  12. So the other rarities on the new site (the ones in the middle) are the ones that came out a while ago on the sampler right???

  13. @ Smeggar, yes they are :) the alternative rarities are the ones that are new to us *drools a bit at how amazing they are*

  14. wow ! awesome... I usually am pretty good at figuring things out- but how do I d/l the fear of ghosts song ?? when I press the link it just brings up my wmp. Thanks.

  15. Lisa: Just right click on it and "Save Link As".

  16. I knew it had to be easy- thanks !!

  17. @J. funny i actually did play prayers for rain backwards for fun literally like, two days ago.

  18. So on my end, I see that the file has been downloaded 200 times!

  19. A lot of excited, and happy, Cure fans tonight. : )

  20. Craig,
    tonight has become a great night. I bought 12 tickets for The Curse next Sunday, I have 4 tickets to see Deftones on Jimmy Kimmel Live, and now this?!?

  21. Wow!
    New underwear please!

    Thanks, as always to Craig and andythecurefan..

  22. Ahh 2Late - classic period Cure of the late 80s that reminds me of better days. Always brings a tear to the eye. People wanting proof that the Cure have album quality b-sides need not look further than this track.

  23. So to commemorate today's Disintegration Day, I want to bombard my local radio station. 987, with requests to play The Cure. I wanted to ask if CoF readers can text the number 22987 with the word CURE. (USA only). And if anyone has a Twitter, you can make a request by replying to @kadeshow and ask him to play some Cure. He loves The Cure too but I want him to be overwhelmed with such a huge amount of requests.

  24. Thanks Lindsey.

    ignore the reply text.

  25. Wow, I've not been one for the RS home demos, but Lullaby was fantastic!! Like the WIP mixes, too.

    I trust that WIP means work in progress....

  26. @anythecurefan, doesn't cost anything right? :P

  27. @notdeadyet, just standard text messaging rates. i have unlimited. USA only tho.

    and they will send a reply text if you want to be a Rock-a-holic, you can just ignore that. by you texting CURE to 22987 its the same as a request.

  28. @T Collier

    The cover for "Alternative Rarities" is here:

  29. there's an Listen Live feed if anyone cares to listen. Justin Kade, the DJ, has good taste.

  30. Same Deep Water as You Live. Robert's voice.... Andy, you rock

  31. Brad,

    What's the link for the cover again? In my browser it cuts off after altrar

  32. Thanks andy

    And Brad for the cover! Very awesome...

  33. Why oh why can't Robert take the caps lock off? Now I have to go into iTunes and change every track name manually.

    But thanks for the nice surprise, Robert.

  34. Brad: I feel your pain. Just finished doing that, too. : )

  35. Also posted the cover link on the front page.

  36. Thanks, both of you!! I can't listen to this NEARLY as loud as I want to, the household is sleeping!! Maybe time for a nice long drive...

  37. I haven't posted in so long that I forgot my "Xploding_Boy" password! >:(

  38. I would love to have a copy of the whole Dallas show or even the one in LA @ Doger Stadium .....Particularly the later show because thats the 1st time I met Robert in person...........

  39. Love track 18.............brings back memories..........

  40. Got my password! It's kind of funny that this whole Disintegration thing happened today, I was listening to a Prayer Tour bootleg for the last few hours at work.

  41. Listening to the Dallas show songs bring back so many memories of that show for me.

  42. As an afterthought..

    If anyone rants about the sound quality of this, you seriously need your heads read..

    I feel better now, moving on..

  43. I don't know if there are any RYM (Rate Your Music) users out their in CoF world, but I've added this release under the "unauthorized/bootleg" section...for lack of a better place to put it. So all you RYMers out there go catalog it now!

  44. best. wedding. present. evar.

    cried during sdway.
    heartbroken during disintegration.

    everything else was a hazy dream. thank you SO MUCH, just...everybody!

  45. Thanks, guys! How the heck did you manage to download a stream? Too complicated for me. I've long wanted the "Faith" from that show, though I wish Robert had left the preamble.

  46. Muld: I uploaded the full version last year. Get it here. : )

  47. Very happy, thanks Andy and Brad!

  48. This is so damn cool! Thanks RS!

  49. all this stuff is an indication of how HUGE HUGE HUGE ths re-release truly is- thank you to COF, fans and RSX !!

  50. Thanks to Robert and The Cure and anyone who helped to make this available (nice site and tracks and all)!
    Thanks again to Roger for his memories and track.
    And to you again Craig.

  51. One question for those who have a Mac:
    When I clic on the 'direct download link' for Roger's fear of ghost demo, it opens a page where I can listen to it, (Quicktime), but how do I save it?

    thanks for the help.

  52. @Fabien G

    right click on "direct download link" and click "save link as" (possibly "save target as" or something, i'm on a mac) and then you should be able to save it as an mp3

  53. I think it's a shame Robert didn't keep all his speech at the beginning of Faith in Rome. Why didn't he?

  54. @Lindsey,

    thank you. Although, I don't have left or right clic on my Mac mouse! That said, following you advice, I have tried a few buttons and finally I've made it by keeping the ctrl button when clicking 'direct download link'. It worked fine. thanks! :)

  55. @Fabien G

    yes, holding down control is equivalent to right clicking on a mac :)
    another way, if you have a macbook, is to click the trackpad with two fingers at once.

  56. Thanks very much, Craig. Come to think of it, I could only have heard it from your site!

    Very neat looking Disintegration site by Robert and co. The images are almost dizzying.

  57. The backing vocals (dare I say "harmony") on Lovesong are scary! I'm glad they got dropped back in 1989.

  58. This is so amazing stuff. I love it. Only this extra singing on faith scares me somehow...

    A very nice gift from the band for all of us.

  59. Absolutely fantastic. What a treat!

  60. fuck its so good again...arghh... nothing ever comes forgotten there for a while...RS i love ya...

  61. maybe I'm asking too much, but no one has the live in dallas?

  62. Vikk: The Dallas tracks aren't up yet. That goes up on May 24th. Right now we just have 3 tracks from it.

  63. What an unexpected present! Thanks Robert! Finally he used the possibilities of the internet again to give us free stuff (after 2001 and 2004).

    I don't care if they will ever release a new album or tour (for me the band is dead since 2005) but stuff like this is always welcome! I'm really looking forward to the deluxe edtion of this masterpiece and I hope it won't take long until we get deluxe editions of 'wish', 'WMS' and 'bloodflowers'.

    I love the live versions of "TSDWAY" and "untitled" as well the version of "2late" (lots of memeries!!!).

    I don't want to complain but it should be possible to download the tracks easily for everyone like the pictures (in a higher quality like e.g. NIN).

    Anyway: Thanks again!

  64. Sendspace links seem to be knackered at the moment, don't know if it's terminal or temporary but if anyone can up them to any other host I'd be very grateful :-)

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Ignore that last message, seems sendspace was only temporarily borked all is fine and downloading now....

  67. Yeah - sendspace links aren't working, but I can't seem to listen to them over at the altrarities site either. Damn... been looking forward to hearing these since I read about em.

  68. Uploading it again. Give me 20-30 minutes.

  69. After over 2,500 downloads, my upload has been removed due to not complying with terms of service.

  70. I'd like to know which tool was used to rip the stream to files.

    Can the ripper please enlighten me?

  71. late to the party. the download is no longer there. any chance of a repost?
