
Monday, May 3, 2010

Roger update

Update 3: From Roger on Twitter - "Finished my orchestral project based on a painting by David Hockney, Bigger Trees. His office have sent it for him to hear, Im not worthy! If anyone would like to download the sketches of the songs you can here. These are performed using samples not the orch."

Update 2: Another new song from the Hockney project posted - Small Buildings.

Roger has posted another track from his David Hockney project, this one is called 'Charlie's Song', named after Charlie, the crow in Roger's garden. : ) (Thanks V)

From rogerodonnell - "Sneak preview of one of the orchestral pieces I am working on about David Hockneys painting, Bigger Trees"
Check Roger's website for more info on his latest project, the new release dates for the Two/Three and Erin Lang albums, an unused track from his Silver Box album, and more.


  1. I think I'm definitely getting Two/Three... It's REALLY good from what we can hear so far!!

  2. I'm so bummed that the only Cure thing we have to look forward to this year is a remastered disc. I don't think we'll see a new Cure album until 2013. I wish they'd put out a new tune or two.

  3. Let's not forget, JPX, that the Disintegration remaster is only the 'puff' that we've been given..
    More often than not, in the world that is The Cure, long periods without any real news usually means that something big is brewing..
    I think our good friend Robert has finally learned not to open his mouth until whatever the information is is ready for the big wide world..
    So let's sit tight and wait for the 'hit'!

  4. The 65 daysofstatic album - with the track Come to Me - which Robert participated on, is being released in Europe in just over a week (26th April).

    Not really the news you were looking for JPX, but still exciting.

  5. There will be more than just Disintegration released this year. We just don't know all of the details yet. There's that iTunes exclusive album, possibly a dvd or two, and some other stuff that I'm probably forgetting about right now.

    And I'll bet the new album is out in 2011. 2012 at the latest, if they want to keep to the every 4 years schedule. : )

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  8. Craig, I know I shouldn't really be asking this question but do you know something we don't?
    Are there other things definately coming out this year? Is there any rumours of release dates? etc
    The trouble is, we've heard about the Dvds being out for almost two years, but nothings come of it.
    Like with this Disintegration Remaster, its pretty much 4 years late.

  9. beau, craig always knows something we don't.

    anyway, i think 2011 is a bit too optimistic. 2012 seems reasonable though.

  10. the head on the door comes in at number 53 on spin's 125 best albums of the past 25 years
    (via Charlotte_Cured at cureconnections)

  11. never believe roberts words talking about new releases. but have faith in craig

  12. Beau: I don't really have any inside knowledge about any future releases right now. We have to take Robert at his word that there will be more releases this year. I would guess that the iTunes album will be next, but no idea when.

  13. Craig: How close am I at guessing that the iTunes exclusive is the next installment to the "4Play" idea after the Deluxe Edition of Disintegration is released?!??

    I know Iknow.. "Wait for the official news" :)

  14. I wouldn't be surprised if there was at least one more Cure release this year. Of course I'll be be hoping for many more. But considering the band is in a state of limbo, Rob must have had some free time to dig through the attic and come up with some buried treasure.

    Haha. Pirate Robert.

  15. Well, the most important thing is: PIRATE SHIPS will be released. I would wait another year for that...

  16. The best news would be the return of a certain former keyboard player.

  17. .I'm sorry, but this just doesn't do it. The Cure could use him and he could definitely use The Cure, this is so boring to me, on the verge of Yanni and the like

  18. Then delete it and don't listen to it. I think it's a beautiful piece of work and love it. Though I wouldn't mind hearing him do more projects like this AND rejoining The Cure. That would be the best of both worlds. : )

  19. I realize that this is my opinion, but it just seems that this is improvised stuff that is a one off, I play guitar and synths and this doesn't sound any different than when I am messing around, it sounds very lazy, I like Roger, but this just isn't for me, I am not trying to piss anyone off or start debates. people dont seem to excited about Robert Smiths solo work either, I was just saying they are better as a group

  20. Well I think everyone has to remember that Roger likes and has been influenced by jazz artists so that will obviously be a part of his music. I love his solo stuff and I like the fact that its completely different than the stuff he did with the band(s). At least give him credit for staying busy and continuing to make/produce music on his own terms. Ive bought every one of his cds and will continue to do so.
