
Monday, December 14, 2009

Memories of Disintegration update

From Roger's website: "This has turned into a bit of a dialogue with myself and I'm sorry for that but the good news is I have decided to publish the Disintegration memories page and it will go live on December 28th. I've written, re written, edited and revised and I'm happy with it now. I've also let a few friends whose opinions I respect read it and it they have all encourgaged me to publish."


  1. Yes! Can't wait :o) I would like to read about Disintegration's moments that happened. Including silly facts like Robert's floral button down shirt from The Gap.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. As Craig said before, you are in for a treat! :p

  4. Forget Santa Day, bring on December 28th!

  5. Hopefully there are some positive memories in this, as it seems most of his memories of the Cure seem to have been jaded as of late

  6. Sounds great, Mr. O'Donnell. Can't wait!

  7. Rob: They are very positive! And funny! : )

  8. Wohoo! For a moment there I thought these wouldn't see the light of day.

  9. Wow, great news!
    Thankyou for deciding to go ahead with it, Roger. It's good to see you're still 'supporting' the group in some way, shape or form.
    I'm sure Robert and Co have their reasons behind why they have chosen not to celebrate their milestone album and we have to respect that. But it is nice that someone has stepped up to acknowledge it, past member or present..

  10. "There will be elements that don't like it, but then they take pleasure is disliking anything I do"

    Interesting comment from he going to dish the dirt I wonder ?

  11. No, not really. But there are the sensitive types out there who can't tolerate anything but blind devotion to the band, and any sort of criticism of anything they did (or do) will be traitorous. But I really think those expecting a hatchet job, or some bitter, angry diatribe, are in for a surprise. It's a wonderful collection of info, stories, and anecdotes. And a surprise or two. : )

  12. Great, look forward to reading it.

  13. Let's not overlook another good piece of news in that post... Charlie Crow is getting some play on Echoes! Which makes sifting through the hours of rain stick and Native American wind flute worth it. (How much thorazine does John Diliberto take before he records?!) All kidding aside, Echoes has a big audience and that's great news for Roger.

  14. I'm just so glad to see that the 20th anniversary of Disintegration is getting some acknowledgment.

    "Disintegration is the best album ever!"

    I'm with Elise, bring on Dec. 28th!

  15. Am I mistaken or is the 3 CD Remaster 21st Anniversary edition not The Cure recognizing this milestone?
    From what Craig says Roger will have some good stuff in his memories so this makes me happy. I don't expect him not to have any criticisms, however there's three sides to every story. This will just be one of those.

  16. This is going to be a great appetiser, preceding the main dish served up in mid feb. AND I totally agree with Craig that anything less than total blind devotion to the band is traitorous and should be treated with utter contempt.

  17. i'll be honest, i wasn't expecting it to be too positive, so now i'm even more excited :)

  18. YES !!!! I guess Roger must 've read my questions :)

    So I'm eager to read those "crossed T's" and "dotted I's" !!!!

    YaY :) Hope it didn't get restrained or anything

    And it seems it'll be,
    hmmmm, illustrated
